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Levi Johnston

A member registered Jul 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah, but it's slowed down my game for some reason.

It gave me a 404 error.

Yeah! The NES version of Mario is Missing! does that, and it's pretty easy to do in the sprite editor.

Just be aware that only ten 8x16 sprites can be displayed in one horizontal row.

(3 edits)

If you make a game in color-only mode, you should put a scene in your game that keeps the game from moving forward unless color mode is detected.

And I've found that scenes with automatic palettes should have a monochrome override if sprites are going to be displayed behind the background layer.

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Now it's time for update 4.0.

I guess there's nothing the current update can't do in GB Studio 4.0 as far as I'm aware...

Never mind, I got it fixed. I just disabled automatic fade-in for that scene and added a manual fade-in event. It may have also helped that I cleared the build cache.

No, that's due to the limitations of the Game Boy Color. You'll just have to either deal with them or work around them.

Another thing you could do is add a loop like this:

Just replace 69 with the number of frames you wish to pass until the next part of the script runs (1 second is around 60 frames; you may need to do this more than once for values above 255).

There's a bug in my game I can't seem to fix. I've got a bunch of actors in one scene that are supposed to be hidden when the scene is entered, but they don't disappear until after the screen fades in. Also, one of the actors doesn't appear when it should.

It says it's for Windows, Linux, macOS, and Android, but the .zip file only has the Windows version.

I've noticed that too. It won't have that problem if you attach a timer script instead, but you can only have four timers running at once.

Personally, I find the fade-in effect to be a little odd, but I guess you had no way around that, did you?

I'm working on one, but it'll be a while before it's done.

I'd also be happy to give you suggestions for improving gameplay.

(5 edits)

The newest version of GB Studio supports more features such as sloped collisions.

I'm also making a Mario fangame in GB Studio, and I'd be happy to share some of my assets with you as long as you give me credit in return.

You can use the Platformer Plus plugin to make it possible to stand on actors. As for picking them up, that's completely beyond me.

The Platformer Plus plugin has a feature that lets you add gravity to NPCs.

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I'm hoping for a new update that lets me have moving platforms and slopes in the same scene—something I need for my Mario fangame.

I love that I can attach scripts to platformer states. I've used that to play a sound when the player jumps.

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My game has a problem where some of the projectiles either use the wrong spritesheet or are part of the wrong collision group or both. Is there a way to fix this, or will I have to wait until the next update?

Yeah, but you have to pay for it, and it's a bit harder to learn.

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The adventure mode is pretty similar to point-and-click, but it allows collisions. I've used it to make a balloon-popping minigame.

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I'm not exactly sure what you're after, but I'll try to explain it the best I can.

The Game Boy Camera shows pictures using the background layer; it's too big to be made of sprites. The emulator I'm using lets me see what tiles are being rendered in each graphical layer.

The tilemap in the VRAM viewer looks different than it does in the emulator window because... technical reasons.

Oh, and as of right now, the objects in my platformer game have physics similar to Super Mario Land.

I was just thinking that since the newest version supports background tile priority, maybe you could alter the sample project to showcase that feature by applying tile priority to the arch over the bridge in Sample Town.

Just a suggestion, take it or leave it.

(5 edits)

GB Studio has an event that runs a script conditionally if you're playing on a GBA as opposed to a regular Game Boy or Game Boy Color. If you put that in the first scene of your game, you can set it to not move on to the next scene unless the game is being run on a Game Boy Advance.

I haven't used the event, but I'm guessing you'll need to download an emulator to test your game if you do that. I have used the "If Color Mode Is Available" event, and that lets my game display this screen if the game is being run on a DMG or Super Game Boy.

Although that's probably not what you're after.

Edit: I've used the "If GBA Mode Is Available" event to put an Easter egg in my game. Depending on which system or emulator the game is being played on, it will show one of these objects:

GBC:     GBA: 

The emulator built into GB Studio does not use GBA mode.

You could try using GBVM to swap out the tiles.

This article will explain how.

What's keeping you?

In my game, I have a dialogue window pop up when you press the START button. Would that work for you?

(3 edits)

The sample project comes with basic platformer enemy collision scripts. You can modify those to subtract health or kill the player when they touch an enemy.

You could also set the player to fire a projectile when a certain button is pressed, and you can make the enemy take damage when being hit by said projectile.

Here's an example from the game that I'm making:

By the way, to get the smoke effect, I had the enemy fire a projectile with the speed set to None.

I suppose you could set up a scene where you have two or more screens, and you can use the "Camera Move To" function to jump from one screen to the next.

Just be aware that only so many unique tiles can be loaded in one scene.

For typical 8-bit sound effects, use FX Hammer. This tutorial will help you learn how to use it.

For more advanced sound effects, i.e. sample sounds, follow this tutorial. This is the sole reason I downloaded Audacity on my laptop.

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That's okay. I sort of figured out a way to do it.

The sprite editor lets you change the order in which the individual sprites in one animation frame are displayed. The further back ones will be dropped if too many are in one row. If you make an animation where the sprite order changes every frame, it will almost be like it's flickering.

Now, each actor has its own priority level, and it's hard to tell what order actors will be displayed in until you run the game, but the player sprite has priority over all other actors, and projectiles will be displayed behind all other actors.

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A few of these files need to be updated. GB Studio reads the dark green from sprite files as black, so that needs to be changed to light green.

Users can then use GB Studio's sprite editor and change the palette to OBP1 to change the light green to dark green.

Would this by any chance work well with GB Studio?

How do I play on macOS?

Here's a quick explanation of the OBJ palette feature in the sprite editor.

The Game Boy supports two sprite palettes at once: OBJ0 and OBJ1. The default sprite palette is OBJ0. In GB Studio, OBJ1 replaces the light green with dark green. This has no effect in color mode.

Perhaps you can set different variables for items in your inventory.

You added voices? Awesome! I should totally do that in my game!

If anyone wants to know which sound channels the basic sound effects use, beeps and crashes use the noise channel, and tones use the Duty 1 channel.

Finding this out helped me troubleshoot a sound not playing. I had to mute the noise channel in my music in order to get a beep to play.

The hotdog? Are you sure that's what you mean?

Hey, just out of curiosity, would it be possible to get sprites to flicker instead of vanishing if there are too many in a row?