That is actually going to be a conversation the MC and her will have on her romance route
The Night Market
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Thank you!
I am sick with a head cold right now but there was some things you said I want to ask for some clarification (mainly because I do agree with you) and ways to maybe improve when going into polishing book 2. Please keep checking back because when I feel better, I would love to discuss some of these points with you. Also, I really want to thank you for an actual review of the game. While you don't agree with everything I have done you have listed it all out respectfully and I cannot express how rare that is. So, thank you so much for the thought and care you put into this.
Pen is going to be an RO. I'm not sure at what point it is going to be presented as an option in the game but it will for sure be this book. Also still unsure about whether there will be a poly route. If there is, it will be a V poly.
I don't know how many chapters there will be. I don't plan my chapters out and instead just kind of go with the flow. I do know it will be longer than book 1 so over twelve chapters.
And as for how many books in the series, there will be three in total.
I'm so glad you are enjoying it!
Expect nothing to be carefree. Even the route I wanted to be carefree (Hazel) has turned into a horror show. LOL!
As for the end of book 1, there is no variation to the outcome. Kind of a play on Fate and how much of a nightmare that can be. However, book 2 is going to be dealing with that repercussion and also have multiple endings.
Okay. That has been working for everyone else so I'm not sure what is happening because that would be something on your end. However, when the next chapter does come out, I am going to do an entirely new file and upload. I'm transferring everything to a new file to make sure there is no lingering issues from the Twine update they did. Hopefull that should fix it.
In the meantime, does anyone else have suggestions? I haven't heard where this hasn't worked for people. Usually deleting the cache and restarting the game from scratch fixes it.
This is a WIP. There will be a platonic route at some point (as I've stated multiple times it will be in the final copy). It is not abandoned. I currently have someone in my family dying and therefore, they are more important. But even if none of that was true,I would suggest trying to write over a million words in a year, which include about a dozen routes, learn how to code a game, and also live your life at the same time. Then talk to me about how you feel punished. When you have done it, you can come talk to me. I'm done with this.
It shouldn't be a constant. Twine updated not too long ago and I'm starting to wonder if the document I write in is not compatible with it anymore. There is something very strange going on with it all. I will usually post a note though if there is a chapter you need to start from and click through for a coding situation. Or I will put in backdoor codes and clean it up on the final version. Thank you for letting me know what is going on.
So it's been different for everyone's phone. Some people can get it to work just fine with the zip file. My own phone works that way. Others have had to have joiplay or whatever app they are comfortable with. Unfortunately, if very much seems like a trial and error situation to see what works for your phone.
I know there are people who have gotten it to work on iPhone. I'm not an Apple user so I can't test it myself. You should be able to just unzip the file, however, and play from the executable there. If not, please come over to the discord. Any one of the members there would be able to help trouble shoot it. I really wish I could help further but I just don't have an apple product to test any of it on other than my friends iPad.
Discord link is this
Oof. You are in right at the beginning, I'm afraid. So, obviously book one is up for purchase (I just have to make sure that you know because some people are unaware) but I just started writing this one. The good news is that I'm a pretty frequent updater. It only took me a year to write the first book in its entirety. Chapter two is about halfway written now and then it will be off to the beta's. Early access always goes up on Patreon first and then about two weeks later it is released to the public. I usually make an announcement here and over on Tumblr when I have early access out.
During the wip process, some people reported it worked just fine while others struggled with it. I did code the new release or mobile and it did work on mine but I am unsure how it works elsewhere. My suggestion would be to see if the free demo runs on your mobile device first. They have the same javascript in them.
I hope this helps.