In the world of The Dark Year, a strange solar cycle causes the Sun to disappear completely, leaving the entire world in a dark, bitter winter night for a full year. This causes most of society to die off, buried in snow or cut off from food supply.
Those that do survive face an entirely different threat, in the form of mysterious Monsters that dwell in snowy mountains and caves. The winter atmosphere allows these creatures to move into populated areas, feeding on any surviving life they can find.
The Story of The Dark Year takes place on the last day of the Dark Year, following young wolf pup Artai as he joins his father on a hunting trip and gets separated. Artai must find his way home alone, relying on sound to navigate the dangerous world of pitch black darkness and evade numerous threats along the way.
The game is heavily inspired by Native American mythos, and as such should feature instruments and styling of a tribal sort of feel. Additionally, the soundtrack is crucial for conveying the dire and dreary state of the world, lost in a never-ending winter night. Dark and cold, bitter and hopeless. The soundtrack will carry a LOT of the emotional weight the game is striving for, so we need someone that has some range.
The most crucial part of the soundtrack is creating an intimidating presence for the game's main threat, snow dwelling creatures that thrive in the pitch black dark. We're looking for an eerie sense of dread, danger and uncertainty lurking just out of sight. The sense of cold and tribal sort of influence is very similar to the White Walker tracks from Game of Thrones, mixing orchestral and other-wordly soundscapes to create the feel of a threat beyond comprehension.
In your submission, create a sample track (about 30-60 seconds in length) that shows your unique spin on the above track from Game of Thrones. Display your take on the feel of cold, intimidating and ethereal.
Pay will be $25 USD PER TRACK, upon each track being completed. Number is slightly negotiable, I want to be fair.
Discord (the best way to reach me) - undead_ridley
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