That sounds like a lot of fun! I'm so glad you and your friends enjoyed my game.
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The game seemed too easy in my opinion. Maybe it would've been different if I was playing with a second player, but for me the game was mostly just move one character to the switch, and then move the other character to the next switch, and then just repeat until you get into the end, there wasn't much of a challenge. The part at the end where you use the rail robot as a light was much more of a challenge for me, I wish the game made use of that more.
I love the concept! I feel like this game could become something pretty special if it was expanded upon. I did run into a few problems though like the game not finishing as you mentioned. There was also a problem that I ran into where if both players attack at the same time, both players can hit each other even though they aren't even touching each other. I hope these problems can be fixed in the future.
I do like the concept of being able to move in all directions and adding physics to the paddle allowing it to get knocked back when the ball hits it. However, the execution is a bit lacking. The ball moves way too fast and that makes it hard to block it, this could be solved by slowing down the ball or making the playing field bigger. There are also some bugs in the game such as the ball getting stuck to the paddle if you hit it using the top and bottom of the paddle and the paddle is just sometimes unresponsive when moving left or right. I think this game could be something great if these things were improved.
To start a game, first you need to click "Enable" on the boxes for how many players you want. Then you choose a character for each of the players. After you've chosen a character for at least two players you'll see a "Ready For Battle" message which you can click on to start the game. (I'm also going to add this to the game's description for anyone else who's confused.)
Love the art style and the character designs, especially Jazz-chan! However, the gameplay itself is lacking the fundamentals of a good beat em up game. Most beat em up games have high hit stun times, which allows you to combo multiple attacks onto an enemy before they hit you back, and it also makes it much easier to take on a whole group of enemies at once. The attacks in this game are also a bit sluggish; attacks in beat em up games usually have very low startup times which makes the gameplay feel much more responsive. I really love the silly concept of this game but unfortunately, the core gameplay leaves much to be desired.
hey, I just came across your game while looking for fighting games and I think it's a really great concept! I do agree however that the core gameplay does need some reworking. The hitboxes seem to come out too early and moves have way too much starting lag. My advice is to play other fighting games you enjoy and analyze what they do right and try to incorporate that into your own game. Maybe you could try incorporating mechanics from the official JoJo fighting games, such as Heritage for the Future. I wish you luck in improving your game and I am looking forward to seeing the next update!
This game is pretty mediocre if I'm being honest. The art is laughable, but I can excuse that since the gameplay is the more important. The first part of the game is a mundane platformer without anything unique, just walking and jumping. However I really enjoyed the boss fight part where you switch to your ultimate form with all your teammates. I just wish more work was put into the platformer part. I do understand of course that the game was made in a week, so it's not going to be perfect, but I just wanted to provide my feedback.
Thanks for the feedback! I wanted to add more weapon types so there can be more variety with the weapons, but I was short on time, so I was unable to. However I do plan on adding more weapons to the game sometime in the future. Also, I specified that Z isn't to craft weapons, but to drop items that you don't need. Anyways, thanks for taking the time to play my game! It means a lot to me. In return, I'll play your game and comment what I think about it!