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A member registered Feb 26, 2022

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As many others have pointed out on here, the amount of slots that are given to the player are on the low side. Therefore, I think that there should be some other ways to increase the amount of slots that you have, other than schoolbag. One idea is Birthright, which, on pickup, will randomly select one of your babies and permanently add it to your roster, for the cost of 33 coins. Maybe you get lucky and get lil' chad. Maybe you end up with Farting Baby. Regardless, it adds an extra slot in a new way. Just in general more ways to get slots is (in my opinion) probably a good idea.

(1 edit)

Two bugs! One, random minecarts that end at the fifth lane seem to block me from placing a baby on the sixth lane, two, In the latest version (, I beat It's All Mine 1 and the game just... kept going? It hasn't ended yet and there's no more enemies.

EDIT: I found out how the minecarts glitch! When you move one all the way to the top or bottom, the next square up/down sort of 'locks' and you can't put anything in it. I'm also pretty sure that the problem that I had in It's All Mine involved the new William enemy and the Pegasus. Not sure though.

Maybe make Schoolbag a guaranteed spawn on like, the second shop or something? Without it, runs get a lil boring, but with it, it's too powerful early on. Some way to theoretically be able to get it would be really nice. Also, add Robo-Baby! Slow firing, basic damage piercing beam for 200 hearts. One isn't enough to take out an entire enemy on its own, but it hits everything in the row (it it can). Also, you could have Robo-Baby 2.0 in the shop as a phantom Robo-Baby behind your other babies that can be moved up and down minecart style.