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The Binding of Isaac fangame, heavily inspired by Plants vs. Zombies · By DoctorHummer, toncho_

This game sucks and here's why

A topic by DoctorHummer created Feb 04, 2022 Views: 39,390 Replies: 357
Viewing posts 1 to 200 of 251 · Next page · Last page

Post here all the bugs and flaws, as well as your opinion about some mechanics and things that infuriate you. Since the game is still in the alpha stage of development, a lot can change, and you can contribute to this.



Deleted 3 years ago

it is just so epic. it does countdown, then says "CRY" and crashes. So the only thing you can is to cry


That Happens to me too and i don't know why. Can you CRY to make a patch please ?

I saw keelvin playing it and it looks rly freaking cool ! 

If needed, Info of my puter : Windows 10,  More than 3 TB, Intel core i7

(1 edit) (+3)

i dont know if this helps, but here is the crash notes (for doctorhammer himself xx)

idk what to do



FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation

ShaderName: shBlackNWhite

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_o_card_Draw_0


Getting the same crash

Just solved it! You need to update your DirectX,  which you can do here:

(2 edits) (+2)

having this issue as well, but i'm using crossover to run it on mac. tried reinstalling and that didn't fix it

edit: just tried v0.1.3.1 and i still get the same error code as listed above

same but i run it via. wine bottler


i've noticed whenever i "plant" acid baby during a boss fight it disables the shovel, active and pill slots.

this game is phenomenal btw


Was playing and got to the caves I think. A green champion red fly just flew past everything I had at the front and killed me? Is this a bug with the champion or is there a mechanic im not getting


... They fly over anything infront of it.

Babies that lob shots can kill it while it is flying


that's just a mechanic, you need to kill them before they get off the ground or make space for them to land (they get tired and land after a few spaces if there's space)


You should be able to take more than 4 babies in at a time, i get that we have passives and active items to help with that but you cant do much with only 3 other towers besides lil chad. Even 1 extra slot would be enough to remedy this issue, also the red flys in the mines suck ass. You have to deliberately leave holes in your defense if you dont have a lobbing tower to kill them cuz otherwise they just go over everything. 


Yeah, the red flies destroyed almost all my chargers immediately because if they reached my defense I couldn't do anything to stop them, should be tweaked to have them come down every few seconds.


i know this Is based on rng, but If you get demon baby he actually attacks every enemy in a 5x5 block including Flying enemies so yeah That's something cool if you get demon baby


I actually did get demon baby so that's how I got through the floor, but I'd still say flying enemies are unbalanced as not having the right baby can kill your run.


yea i guess you're right

XD I literally had to repeat the same level 30 times because of an evil fly I was so frustrated that ahaha I started reading after literally using all my possible combinations, I only used spiders and prayed very hard I couldn't do anything else I won but after -.- I lost in the next level


The animation for the Ragdoll boss throwing an enemy felt a bit too vague, it was hard to tell where the enemy landed so I wasn't able to move the stuff I placed on the carts to stop them from getting destroyed, maybe add an indicator on which tile it lands on.


the boss follows your cart if it has a baby on it, theres no way to dodge the throw

You can actually move the baby mid-throw and dodge it so you can direct the throws wherever you like

In the Ark III a frosty kept getting knocked back and keeps playing the noise over and over again. it's off screen and wont come back and now i have no choice but to start over : [

next time that happens, just delete the babies in the front because it just keeps attacking those plants


the "civil war" challenge can place poops at the very beggining of the track, causing you to not be able to break them. One time an entire track got covered by poop and i couldnt break them so i just insta-lost.

If you get demon baby It attacks everything in a 5x5 area so if you get blocked by poop Remember that demon babys can do the trick

(1 edit) (+1)

You sadly can't get any babies in "Civil War" because it's a challenge.

Mullibooms explodes poops

yeah but i cant place them on poop, and no enemies were going near the lane that had all the poop so i couldnt explode them


ok so, one time i accidentally restarted a run, then i went to the menu on the new run, after i pressed continue, i had all the items and children from the old run

blue room and two items already yeehaw

Same here, seems to be an issue with how the game handles save data. If you restart, then go back to menu and press continue, it remembers all the stuff you had in the old run.

(1 edit) (+6)(-1)

I found a softlock, there is an enemy frozen in red goo stuff at the end of the line, and I can't hit it.

dang i got the same in a good run. the only thing you can do is having demon baby, lil loki, abel or something that hits behind sadly

You can Save & Quit to redo the level

Red Flies are just too overpowered for a regular enemy that spawns more than one time in a wave. You just cant react over everything and you will garanteed lose at least one dodger, even if your conditions to kill it were pretty good.

Can you tone down a bit the Red flies in the caverns? They are wayy too strong maybe lessen theyre hp a little

(1 edit)

if theire hp will be lessed they will die in first 2 tiles or just destroy the lane completely like they do now. The problem is in flight exactly. It needs to be more limited, not just flying over everything while also being invincible

i mean demon babies counter those but you Will Need good rng to get that one

try grabbing lobbers, they can attack air


game crashes as soon as it starts, its looking for a shader or something.


После того, как Единорог уничтожил святую какашку землю, малыши всё ещё были под баффом.
А ещё лопата и активка были недоступны, это фича?
Игра классная

Активки недоступны - это я так понимаю фича, он их замораживает


Game crashes as soon as the round starts. The error message seems to be something about a black and white shader but I'm not entirely sure.


I'd suggest that for the boss levels, make the babies spawn a bit quicker? (At least the blue room - mines area) Because an enemy could slip by pretty easily and you wouldn't have anything on hand to stop it, id say all the (first loop) regular levels were pretty good to control but when it came to the first wave of the bosses, that part nearly killed the run everytime. 

(Btw the concept of this game is genius, so just props to you for creating this, it's amazing)

Don't know if this is intentional or not, but the shovel can't delete Bob's Brain until it grows.

it can, the hitbox is just small

it can, but its hitbox is very small

(1 edit) (+1)

the red flies that hover over your plants should be slower. i had a run ended because a fly hovered through all my defences without me noticing.
i know there is a zombie in pvz2 that acts this way but when that one hovers over the plants it slows down.
also i think a way to see what enemies and bosses you have seen (like the almanac from pvz) would be cool.
also also, i used the pokeball thing in that mage that freezes your babys and then realesed it and it carried that level, the next and it defeated the boss. maybe it could be nerfed, like maybe reducing the knockback. because the reason why it was so good was because it never got to move offscreen.
edit: i forgot to mention, this game is amazing

in fact, that zombie is not slow, it just up→fly→down once by once, but red fly is up→fly→fly→.........→down, and you lost


Loving the game so far, and it feels great to play! However, I feel the game was not designed around the achievements. I've been going for multiple runs trying to beat it without heart producing units, but I get overwhelmed at every moment. I either get a lucky draw at the start, or I'm forced to restart the run, due to not having enough crowd control. 

Recently got to the third world, and in the first actual wave I lost all of my units immediately. There was nothing I could do, there's too few units and too many mechanics to actually complete this challenge reliably. 

(1 edit)

Try to first pass all stages With producing hearts and picking useful babies/items for no heart play. When you beat third boss and there starts second loop(first levels again), it's easier to play with collected items and proper babies for your strategy. Basically, you don't have to pass all 3 arcs without chads from the start, you just need to pass them, so even if no-heart after 3 or 4 loops to get all you want, it's fine.


When a Mongo baby copies a Demon baby and shoots behind him he will stop doing anything

also, this game is amazing


if mom hands drop enemies at the end of a boss fight and you go to the next level before they die then they will kill you in the baby select screen 


The biggest problem I have with the game, by far, is the default limit of 4 babies.

Lil Chad, being the equivalent of Sunflower, is a must-pick for normal runs, so that leaves three slots open. I've almost always used Cube of Meat for the second slot, because the defense is very helpful against clumps of enemies, and it hard-counters the worm monster in It's All Mine. That gives me a mere two empty slots, and I have to use at least one of these for an offensive baby. Even then, I've found Brother Bobby to be reliable enough that I keep using him for the earlygame levels.

Thus, the strategy feels stale; there is little room to make creative loadouts with the babies I choose throughout the run. I've learned that choices matter much more for the bosses, because I think they utilize all the babies I've collected.  For the regular levels, however, I tend to ignore most of the babies I get, because I constrain myself to a loadout that I think will work for the rest of the run. 

Personally, I would set the default limit to 6 babies; that is the amount of seed slots which the original Plants vs Zombies starts the player off with. But I think even 5 babies would seriously open up the game.

If you complete Unmatchable challenge as your first challenge, when you complete it you get a popup that says "you unlocked the paschal challenge" when i got to the challenge menu again, the one that unlocked was "Civil war"

I have sanguine bond unlocked in "stuff" but i never encountered it.

Red flies are a pain, but Isaac was never fair (just git good xD)

Is Book of Shadows supposed to last till destroyed? Cause it does.

Is there a way to see health of my babies? Full health pill seems useful only on barricades.

Frosty can attack my front line babies and stuff from off screen without me being able to kill it. It's honestly even more devastating than red flies.

think it would be nice if the red flies acted like the pogo zombie from pvz1, they're just too hard to counter atm without the right baby

my pc detects this game as a virus

that's because windows doesn't recognize the file, you can just press keep and open it up. if it displays a window preventing you from opening it press "more info" and then you can open the game


listen i have norton and theres a popup whenever i play the game and when i press quick scan to see if it's a virus (which it isn't) it says it isn't a virus and when  go back into the game all of my save data is gone 


i got it working don't worry!!!!!!!!!!

I found a bug where on the fight with Ragdoll if you move a minecart around as she's trying to throw something at it the thing she's trying to throw will move around sporadically to target it. It looks funny but I doubt it's intentional.

I saw that when hollowed shit get's destroyed by the kamikaze the babies around the shit stay buffed

IDK if this is a Bug of Feature but last run I got crispy baby, then I presseds restart because i screwed up. Then on the first level, Crispy baby came back and appeared in my seed slot so of course I picked it 

proof 2 


On multiple occasions I ended up pushing a Gurgle off screen with The Bean. Since they don't move forward after they start shooting, once they're off screen they just stay there and it's impossible to kill them without AOE attacks since babies can no longer target them.

I also think the Limited Edition challenge kinda sucks. I got stuck on it for about an hour before I decided to just not bother anymore. You have to get really lucky with enemy spawns to make it out of the early game because its basically a guaranteed game over if they decide to clump together in a single lane or body block each other in adjacent lanes, and as far as I can tell the Stoney near the end is impossible to kill unless he spawns in one of the middle lanes since I could never kill him even if I had as many Wiz Babies placed as I possibly could.

I underestimated Lil. Lokis at first but they are actually very useful I would suggest using them more


not a BUG per se, but FUCK is this annoying
The fact that the flying monsters can just WHOOP over top of the charmed enemies spawned by the egg just got me killed
Like, WHY


the game is super cool just balance the stupid red flies or maybe add a baby that works like the cactus on pvz 1, and could you put ways to have more than four babies? example: every time you kill a boss you get 1 one slot, or something like that

Has anybody beaten challenge #5? Because I cant. The wiz babies start shooting way too late when aiming downwards, and it makes it so that flies on the bottom path are invincible, unless you are really lucky. Is there something wrong with the aiming for the wiz and lil lokis? Or am I just dogshit.

I mean Lil lokis can hit flies semi consistently but the challenge is still pretty RNG. But the reward is more than worth it

I placed two wiz on column 4, for column 1, 2 and 3 - all lokis, and after that only wiz for empty slots. Many attempt later, I got lucky and somehow beat it.

thanks, ill try that later

I finally beat it, Thanks to what I assume was an update that increase heart drops. Maybe this will make it possible to beat the game without chads too.


After beating Mega Plum on my second time through the blue room in a single run, something happened where some enemies spawned after all of the enemies were supposed to die. I think this has to do with Mom spawning enemies during the fight, and not only did the enemies remain even during the shop menu, they killed me while I was in the shop, forcing me to restart once I bought my items.

The "Limited Edition" Challenge feels near impossible and completely dependent on good RNG. If you get enemies that split up too early you're just screwed because there's no way you have gotten enough damage to kill them. The cube of meat included also just feels completely useless

planting farting baby on top of an enemy can cause the enemy to not get pushed

the text for acid baby is under the scroll wheel  text but ONLY at the top. when you scroll down and mouse over it its ok


demon baby needs a nerf, at the moment it's super spammable  and easy to use plus multiple demon babies can target the same enemy, maybe nerf the damage or cooldown?

nah there are a lot of very strong babies and lot of weak ones. kinda like items in TBOI you know

(1 edit)

I think its personally because i'm a bit bad, but i just had a run where in the first boss fight plum spawns and even with two B.bobby i don't have time to stop him and i waste a charger.
I suggest that at the start of a boss fight the enemies that are spawned are  a bit after the boss  gets up.
Also the charger replacement is a bit expensive so it makes it really frustrating to lose one and sacrifice discovering new items and "deck building".

after leaving the game alt tabbed for a while, all sounds stopped playing until i closed and reopened the game

(1 edit)

It really needs a 5th baby slot, it would probably make the game harder because you'd want to experiment and maybe use a weaker tower. I've only used like 6 babies so far because I don't trust anything else enough to give it one of the three slots I have free after my economy unit. I just "completed" my first run, I can't imagine picking anyone besides crisper, freezer, or ghost as my damage unit. 

Also, game crashed on boss three.

During boss 3 , I was just about to kill so I'm not sure if it was on the kill or bad timing. I had also literally just used red candle killing one of those wraiths who shoot freezing tears who was over the gap.




action number 1

of Draw Event

for object o_background:

Unable to find any instance for object index '124114' name '<undefined>'

at gml_Object_o_background_Draw_0


(1 edit)

The game get's detected as a virus and my pc automatically deletes it, any chances of that being fixed?

i get this error message when i try to run the game

I found a bug, which isn't really too annoying. My friend was bugging me to kill the lost with the shovel. So I selected the shovel and *bonk*, the lost was killed. Despite this, the game kept on going like normal.

(1 edit)

the lost souls can die without failing the level

how do i make this disappear :´( 

what do i do about this

So,i played some time and noticed some bugs:
1-When you die and you go back to title screen.stage where you been dont erase.You can replay level there you died.

2-If you continue(when you died) and restart you babies will stay.I obtained 2 baby stevens

I like that game.Wanna see more in future!And thanks for Russian language!

i have to say, i was ready for this game to come out but was also ready for it to not run on my computer cause my pc is trash for running games but this game was  awesome and it runs perfectly and i would really like to work on it more and fix thing/do more work on it cause this is the best isaac fangame (and first one) that i have ever played

also the only bug that i ran into was when i unlocked snowball and used it the next time i played it said that it will freeze anything by a 3x3 lane but when i wanted to freeze to enemy that are at the same speed but in 2 different lanes it doesnt freeze the down lane of this 3x3 radius so its literally just infront of the plant 

but yeah this game is awesome other than some bugs and thank you for giving us this masterpiece 

(1 edit) (+1)

You can replay Isaac getting dropkicked when you die by right clicking, at least in my instance. Do not remove this.

So, the game crashed with an error. 


FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation

ShaderName: shBlackNWhite

memory:67:22: error: syntax error, unexpected NEW_IDENTIFIER

at gml_Object_o_card_Draw_0

Triggered after starting a new run and "Ready, Set, CRY!" Tried to use an emulator to play this, but the game worked alright with the menu and getting in the game, so I don't think it's that.


I got an idea about synergy of  passive item "Flip" and Lil Loki. Using Flip on him will rotate only 45 degrees, so Lil Loki fire diagonally, like Lil Wiz. And one more, do u speak russian?

(1 edit) (+2)

Поиграл, пока открыл, согласно статистике, 64% контента.

Альфа балдёжная и потанцевал огромный, но есть пара претензий.

- В pvz кайф был в комбинировании. А тут всегда слотов не хватает, нужен чадик + кто-то атакующий + зачастую кусок мяса (без которого на уровнях с например подземными червями просто невыносимо). И вот уже почти все слоты забиты, это руинит тактический простор.

- Сильно не хватает горячих клавиш для лопаты и активки.

- Мне искренне не нравятся рельсы с вагонетками. Это любопытно первые разы, но потом просто бесит что куча слотов ими перекрыты.

- Испытание №5 рандомное и душное. Прошёл, но нервы потрепало.

- Пауза на пробел закрывает само поле битвы, неудобно.

- Было бы здорово чтобы была настройка или горячая клавиша чтобы видеть здоровье своих бебиков, чтобы было понятно когда их лечить пилюлей. А то только по мясным кубам и сочащимся коконам можно понять когда у них мало хп.

- Игра запоминает какой язык был выбран ранее, но пока не может запомнить настройки фуллскрина, и открывается всегда в окне.

- Супер мелкая придирка: во время босс файтов, когда есть несколько бебиков в запасе, и когда я ставлю горячими клавишами одного, следующего ставлю не того кого хотел, потому что они, и клавиши под них, сместились. Для меня было бы удобнее чтобы во время босс файтов были обычные пустые слоты, и если бебик поместился в одном, то он и останется в нём при установке других бебиков.

if there are two hotkeys for the shovel and the activatable respectively they are "Q" and "E" as a small nod to the original isaac

not sure if it's a bug but after defeating ark 1 the game goes on forever. It doesnt give the trophy. Doesn't even spawn enemies

Mongo Baby doesn't shoot on adjacent lanes when in front of Little Steven

The Restart and Back to menu buttons never worked for me. I always has to restart the game to do this. No idea what the problem could be.

you have to click and hold the button, a little circle will appear next to it and when it charges you quit

Last Patch: Blue cultist goes offscreen when horded by friendly monsters (Mystery Egg) making me have to remove them for the cultist to appear to kill.

Sometimes the grid fucks up and starts placing babies off-tiles (notably on minecart levels)

(1 edit)

Mines  I start of the last wave




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object o_sorbet:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Get 106155.totalwaves(100243, -2147483648)

at gml_Object_o_sorbet_Step_0


This happens every single time. I have brain worm mongo baby lil chad and bob's brain if that means anything,  Also black bean passive item and red candle

(1 edit)

I got this message when I started the game (v0.1.3)


FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation

ShaderName: shBlackNWhite

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_o_card_Draw_0



yeah sorry i fixed it in i hope

it is still there :(

(1 edit)

I got this message when I stared a run (v0.1.3.1) Im playing on WIndows 10


FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation

ShaderName: shBlackNWhite

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_o_card_Draw_0


When a shot from a brain worm shoots into multidimensional baby it won't change directions anymore

after first boss, when worms starts spawn game just crashes at 2nd when it touches any tower

There is no sound in the entire game for some reason. Not a huge problem but I thought I might share it

sound in this game is really good and has a lot of reference for both games it was inspired, so if you can fix it by yourself, you definetely should

The game crashes when bob's brain explode.

(1 edit)

on the first wave in mines




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object o_sorbet:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Get 105355.totalwaves(100243, -2147483648)

at gml_Object_o_sorbet_Step_0


(1 edit)

 idk if its intentional but if you place a mongo baby in front of a fire baby it fires red tears instead of fire ones

This isnt a suggestion page it is a bug report page


good job

either that is a bug or its meant to represent the shots getting "buffed" by passing through the fire baby.

Not sure what exactly happened but a few rocky poops kept pushing my defences and it somehow misaligned the grid slightly downwards and to the right, it was on the first loop (after beating middle horn once) in the second level of the ark.

Also i feel like allowing the player to get more babies after looping would be nice, maybe just make it so you get one in the shop that you can buy after a boss?

(And might be just me but i feel like mulibooms and the rock poops are a pain to deal with and there is entirely too many of them)

Snowball freezes the whole screen instead of the designated 3x3 area

in my opinion hollow ground is too expansive and underwhelming 

it should be op, as it gets more and more expensive with every use. but the problem is it doesnt give that massive damage for it to be carry in usual waves. if level is fast with a lot of dangerous enemies in first 3 waves it is better not to use it.

every time i start a new run it gets stuck and here's the error info:

FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation

ShaderName: shBlackNWhite

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_o_card_Draw_0

whenever i try to start a run i get this error, please fix because i love your game<3



FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation

ShaderName: shBlackNWhite

memory:67:22: error: syntax error, unexpected NEW_IDENTIFIER

at gml_Object_o_card_Draw_0


(1 edit)

Minor(?) Bug: Occasionally, Spider Baby's shot just... stays right above the ground, until another enemy hits it.

Update (?): Possible cause found, when the Spider Baby's shot hits an enemy that blocks lobbing shots, if its at the end of the track, the shot will just keep bouncing until it eventually "hits" the ground, without actually hitting it.

My game crashes each time final wave appears in mines 1.


action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object o_sorbet:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Get 101117.totalwaves(100243, -2147483648)

at gml_Object_o_sorbet_Step_0

can you add some sorta almanac? you can call it Monster Manual for bonus points. it could basically tell you the fire rate and health of babies, cuz idk if freezer babies shoot slower or brother bobby reloads faster. could be pretty helpful

not sure about stats but almanac already exists, just click some buttons in statistics menu

The Hardies push the slots that they hit down. The effect is permanent for the rest of the level.

(1 edit)
You can be forced to lose / softblock with the flying ghost with black tunic if you choose Mystery egg and spike, they don't suffer damage from spike and they will forever back off when a friendly monster are after them, here is a photo, they are shooting forever off screen and gave me time to put the map full of mystery egg (I love the game btw!)
(1 edit)

The baby slots feel very limiting, maybe you could buy extras for 99 coins at the end of a chapter instead of gaining one from a single item, of course the difficulty should be tweaked to accomodate the mechanic better, another idea, instead of it costing 99 coins extras could cost something like 50 or 60 and go up every time you bought one

this is a bug report page not the suggestion one

"as well as your opinion about some mechanics and things that infuriate you. Since the game is still in the alpha stage of development, a lot can change, and you can contribute to this"

i said my opinion on the slot count and gave an idea on a way to improve it

Half hearts dont display properly in the baby's hud

Doesn't he cost 150 / 3 hearts???

I struggled to identify the existing hotkeys, although they were very useful and I would greatly appreciate a hotkey for shovel ("kill").

First of all-  I can’t seem to figure out how Sanguine Bond works?  The spikes don’t appear in front of my offensive babies like it says.  Secondly-  I feel that bosses need to tone down the attacks until you have received a few towers to place.  Rag doll in particular loves to spam enemies before I have even gotten 1 tower per lane she’s sent attacks to.

Sanguine Bond work on deffensive(cube of meat. juicy sack) babies NOT offensive, 

and btw its very op

There's a problem where when I launch the game, an error that's something like: "???????????" With like, a specific file location after and I can't fix it no matter what I do.

Solution for this?

Just starting a run instantly results in:



FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation

ShaderName: shBlackNWhite

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_o_card_Draw_0


this is pretty easy to fix 

info in this link

after some oneknown event moms hands start missing babies and massively appear on the beggining of the lawn, what makes game a bit easier.

(5 edits)

I just got 3 same items after a boss. 3 red shovels. I am after Ragdoll boss (loop2)

when I try buying them they dont change to OUT OF STOCK

meabe its because I got all items and it resets to nr.1 id item which is possibly red shovel?

when I click continue then it shows an error:




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object o_reward:

Wrong argument types for ini_write_real

at gml_Script_save_run



stack frame is

gml_Script_save_run (line 0)



challenge 5 is way too trash and rng

If you were to place a baby on top of the Hardy enemy (aka those stoney poops) as it's doing it's pushing animation, he will push the baby off to the side instead of pushing it back, which allows you to put another baby in the same tile, although the one that was pushed to the side cannot attack. 

I have done 5-6 runs by now and im really liking the game, however the one thing that seems to make the game impossible to win for me is the procetile spamming hardhats. 

Once theystart shooting(triggered by either a cube of meat or an mystery egg spawn) they will wipe out pretty mutch all the defences in the neighboring lines before dying, their knockback amplifies this problem making them get behind enemy units and stopping any attempts of blocking their shots with an well placed cube of meat. I think making it so that they keep on advancing while shooting instead of basically going backwards might fix this. They are pretty mutch the single thing that has killed me every run.

Also the stone mask enemies dont seem to attack when next to your units they just stand there, im not sure if this is intentional or a bug though.

In challenge #3 some of the Hardhat enemies and Mullibooms will have a part of their sprite visible, their hats and lit fuse fire respectively.

ItsYaBoi4455 (and probably others have already mentioned it) but I'm making my own post about the limited baby slots because idk, I have my own special baby boy take on it. I have now played the game a good bit and looped a few times and I think that four slots is pretty reasonable for how the game is now. Should it expand it will absolutely need more baby slots but as of right now I think that at most one more baby slot should be available and should be balanced in a more specific way than just money.
I think the second addition baby slot should take up your active item slot.

IE: once you buy the backpack the first time you can buy like, Pandora's box or something like that which will then allow you to - before starting a fight - select it as your active item. When you do that it you can select an additional baby to take into the fight. I just realized it could maybe be an active with a super long charge which will just place that baby for free, but I'm worried that might be either over powered or under powered. either that, or just you can buy that baby with hearts like normal.

I do think baby slot upgrades should be guaranteed (if they aren't already) with maybe backpack after floor one and "pandoras box" is guaranteed after floor two (or maybe after three so its an upgrade that's only available for looping), either way I do agree with people asking for more baby space but I would absolutely want it to be something you have to think about instead of just being a required upgrade. The game is already really neat and absolutely has a place as a hard rogue like take on the PVZ formula so I'm excited for more!

Если переключиться на полный экран и обратно весь текст ломается и нечитаем, пока ты не перезапустишь приложуху (на любом языке)

At the game over screen, by clicking a bunch of times you can replay the animation of Isaac getting kicked, it may be a feature? I'm not sure, since when you do this, the text under the big game over letters is different everytime, which I had never seen before, I always got the phrase "It's not your fault.." whenever I died. 

(Call me a conspiracy theorist but there may be an Easter egg here?)

Alright by far Challenge #5 is the hardest one of them, but I feel that this isn't a skilled based one, so far everytime I have died it's all been caused by one enemy: Flies. I think they are simply too fast for the first shot of a wiz/Loki to catch up with them, they only start dying when the baby is already shooting at something else on another tile, of course this is just a problem on the spiked filled lanes, middle two flies just die when they touch a tower. When one of them reaches the end, you're gonna be praying that one of the lokies' backshots hits them or else you're doomed the next second. 

Is it possible to remove them entirely, or at least tone down on the amount that comes from the sides? I think asking to change how fast babies shoot and how they detect enemies might be a tad too much right now, so I'll leave that out of my suggestions for a fix of this challenge.

I agree chalange 5 needs some balancing to be more skill based rather than luck based

Wiz Baby still shoots in front of it despite being flipped


if you poison a champion enemy it becomes normal but still have normal hp so just visual glitch, this is very clear if you poison rock champions (i think those are champions?)

also if you full screen and then return to window screen the sprites just get super glitched


Spike babys shoudn't have a health bar when used with spider mod as they can't take damage they can only ista die(muliboom)

so they dont need health bar

There is a bug that makes every enemy that goes through purple portal immortal (they were just ignoring every baby). Becouse of it at first i lost a maggot then loose a game. Yes-skill issue-ratio. Still realy like this game (sorry if there are any mistakes, english isn't my first language)

I don't get items unlocked in collection after picking up them (Flip and Backpack)

(1 edit)

i kinda wish there were a way to upgrade the amount of seed slots we get, instead of just the four we are given for the entire loop...

-> c.h.a.d. is an absolute must for sun production
-> bob's brain is another must-have, since a lot of the better units are way more expensive, and require a c.h.a.d. spam gambit
-> you're pretty much left with two slots for other kinds of units, one of which is probably instalocked to cube of meat's defense (which. given that a lot of enemies can instakill, makes cube of meat kinda bad after looping)

i'd totally be fine if you could only buy one additional seed slot after looping the game, from the item shop at 99 coins, similarly to replenishing lawnmowers after a boss battle

the hardys are stupid overpowered, and even two of them can easily break a run, let alone the many that are spammed at you...
i wonder if they break after three charges like usual? it doesn't really feel that way...

I usually go with 1. CHAD (Obv) 2. Attacking (Normally one good with crowd control) 3. Support Attacker (Like freezer baby) 4. Defensive (Cube of meat, ect...

Red Flies(?) Will use their flying ability to go over spike traps which would not even hurt them, thus flying over the entire map scot free. Also they just bloody suck in general, they are much more OP than the pogo or flying zombies in PVZ, as those had simple counters, and could be hit while flying over plants.
Lobber babies are not that useful, and all are rather weak.
Poop pushed onto walls should damage them, but not literally push the whole line, without Sanguine Bond or spikes they just destroy everything as they hide behind other monsters, pushing everything off the map. Even if they are killed it is hard to fix the damage as it means replacing almost the whole line. RIP if it happens on multiple lines at once.
Please more slots, or the ability to get more. PVZ excelled in complexity later due to having lots of special enemies and lots of slots, that still limited the player. Having essentially 1 or 2 actually combat babies is just annoying as hell, usually I have a cheap one that gets replaced with the second more expensive one,  or two that just fill one or two lines each.  Also it makes gimmick babies basically unusable later, as shields and heart producers are required, and the later levels go too hard to have just one offensive baby.

Oh and perhaps they should be called familiars and not babies, as a literal pile of meat or spikes are not even babies at all.

Иногда (предположительно, из-за атаки Hardy) полоса, на которую ставишь бейбиков, опускается. Из-за этого, если на полосе ниже уже кто-то стоит, (точно не помню, но вроде бы) нельзя поставить новых бейбиков. При этом враги продолжают идти по-нормальному, тем самым руиня забег.

bug / glitch - I was playing I.RULE and  I was at the Ark II and when i killed the last enemy it didn't end the level and I was just sitting there waiting for 5 mins and nothing happened. (This is on version 0.1.2 Alpha btw) Plz fix this thnx  *also note this game is sick so take your time to make it even better*

Eng: Too few slots, and the backpack does not always come across.

Рус: слишком мало слотов, а рюкзак попадается далеко не всегда.

hey i love the game so far! i just have a minor bug to report. i spawned a scorching baby with the monster manuel and placed a mongo baby in front of it, but the mongo baby didn't have the fire tears, only red ones.

I dont know how but sometimes a pill respawns infinitely as a diffrent pill after picking it up

(2 edits)

There is a limit of three pills. When you pick up fourth, one of the three is dropped


This game plays and feels really good! Music and sounds are top. As someone who played both PVZ and BoI religiously it was really enjoyable, I feel the blend of the 2 games (plant row defense + roguelike unlocking various babies) works well together!  
Few comments though, which may or may not be based on my skill level...

- Heart drops can sometimes be hard to see quickly due to the fact they blend in with the red babies, so i often find later in the game I will miss a lot. Maybe a different shade of red or something else to make them stand out? 

- The Stone poop enemy seems a bit overpowered, especially when there are lots. Its got high health with the ability to push whole lanes back, pretty much killing everything without any hard counter. I might just be a bit rubbish and need to learn the enemy but it seems way too powerful!

- Definitely needs more than 4 slots, or an easier way to unlock additional slots (maybe having the option always present in the shops but at a high price?) Though I beat 2 cycles without it, it meant I had to rely on the same 4 babies throughout which didn't feel as fun, and a bit challenging when there are multiple enemies where specific babies are needed (i.e. red flies).

- Found that the bean(?) active item was a bit OP and recharge time was fairly quick? It made my runs easier so i cant complain, but it meant I never needed another item. I suppose in a way thats the point of these roguelikes, randomly find an OP item and cruise through to the end!

- the freeze shooter enemies (sorry cant remember name!) play out a bit weirdly, when using the bean on these enemies they seem to permanently stay on screen, which appears helpful but they dont seem to do much damage and cover the screen making things harder to see (as well as lots and lots of sounds!). 

Again might be based on me getting used to the game and learning the enemies but hopefully at least some of these points will be helpful!

Hi, I just beat Loop 3, and i have run out of items to buy, so when i reach a shop, the game crashes

this is the error message:




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object o_reward:

Wrong argument types for ini_write_real

at gml_Script_save_run



stack frame is

gml_Script_save_run (line 0)



I Cannot Download The Game And Play It Because It Says "It's A Virus Blah Blah Blah Is Bad And More Annoying Stuff*" And It Doesn't Let Me Download It Also If I Try To Report It As Safe It Doesn't Let Me.

This game is pretty fun but there are some iffy balancing decisions, bosses are way too punishing, leading to fights that can end almost immediately. Charger Tokens are too expensive, to the point where I never buy them. The amount of familiar slots you have is nowhere near enough, especially for later in runs (I know Backpack exists but I've only ever seen it once). Also, Brother Bobby is a little bit too weak, meaning eventually most boss fights become "get lucky spawns with the first handful of B. Bobbys until good babies drop." 

I used a speed up pill while in hallowed ground white poop expecting a double speed up and my guys just permently stopped shooting.  Had to shovel them

juicy sack dosent count as a defensive item for the spike item thing

bug: wiz baby doesn't shot backwards when using flip

when i was playing on the mines, i got in a fight with the boss there, betwen the babies spawned, was the wiz baby, which i placed on a minecart, during the battle, some enemies when to the last rows on the back, so i fliped them in hopes they would hit them enough to kill them.

but, apparently, not matter if you use flip on them, the wiz baby will shot foward... well, diagonally foward.

Whenever an enemy teleports via the special tiles and there´s a bob´s brain in the middle of both tiles, it activates and blows up inefectively

There's an issue in which the hologram babies from able can be frozen. I don't think it should be able to do that. I also found a weird glitch when enemies go through portal tiles and they exit out of one, they no longer eat the babies on the row they land on. They just walk through. Might be a weird hitbox thing after they go through the portal.

great update tho it now doesn't take too long to start

(2 edits)

I know im bad a videogames but, getting spammed by hardy's and the ice man and sperm whales all at the same times seems a bit much. I need to place stuff to stop the icy bois and sperm whales but if I do so I die to hardy's. Not to mention constant spam from all of them by the time. I got to the final wave but died because all of my chads died to sperm whales and hardy's. While ice men just killed all of my defensive units and was starting to freeze my attacking units too. The problem was I couldn't pick any counters, because I didn't have any slots, I do not think you should increase the slots as you need to get a little creative, but sometimes it just seems the game can throw too many things to counter (This was Ark 3 on the loop). Also theres a bug with hardy's, it seems to happen with spikes and minecart paths, but when they ram into your units sometimes it pushing stuff slightly down in the grid in that row no too much to be in the next row though, I am pretty sure it's only visual. Also why can the game spawn multiple sperm whales, in most of the lanes? (The same goes for hardy's by the end of the game most of the lines were filled with at least 2 of them.) Some weird change I might make is changing the cube of meat into ball of bandages (If it doesn't already exist) sometimes I place chads instead of cube of meat because when you need to spam out defenses they can look very similar.

I don't know if this is a bug, but sanguine bond doesn't work with juicy sack. If it isn't, I think it should since it's a defensive style unit.

(My English is suck, so i use gogle)

A little problem

you see, dear writer, I don't know where did your inspiration come from, PVZ1 or PVZ2?

for 1, due to it is linear level, your plant can hard-binding zombie(I don't know how describe it abstractly), like split for miner, clover and cactus for balloon

for 2, it is not linear level, plant can binding zombie so.......hard, if you not have clover, but you have high attack, you still can defeat balloon

but in this game, I see monsters hard-binding babies like 1, but it is not linear level like 2, so i want know where did your inspiration come from

there are no enemies that require you to have a specific baby to defeat them in this game so idk what you mean

like, everyone say, red fly, if you not have a throw baby, only shoot it, one or two wave will be fine, but when you need face more enemies, it up→flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy→down, and you will lost, so you must have a throw baby

for PVZ2, the fly zombies, they up→fly→down, one by one, whether it face a whole line plants or interval plants, so even if you only have shoot plant, you still can defeat fly zombie

The Plums have relatively low health so as long as you've got enough defenses it should be fine, really.

After one week, you can not take more baby, but you must face more monster, so, even plums only have 1HP is still very despair, beacuse the premise of this matter(Low HP) being discussed is you can hurt it, if you can not touch plums, no matter what the number is, it doesn't make sense

You can hit the Plums as long as they're not flying above babies, and if we're talking after one loop, you definitely should have some way of countering, whether it's active items or familiars.

A simple probably

Why you belive low HP mean easy to kill?When you have not AOE baby, only need two or three enemies can block you attack, protect plums face you first baby, and you lost

I've just never encountered this problem since you can just block the enemies that block your shots.

(1 edit)

"'ve just never encountered this problem" is not mean this problem is not existent, and i am not sure what you mean " block the enemies that block your shots", you mean kill that? Or use some baby like "Cube of Meat"? Whatever which is you choose, they all lead to you place more baby in a line and plums will easy to fly

Had a very funky interaction between Peeping and the Hardhead, where the tears sometimes did funny movements to target another enemy or just slid very slowly across the ground.

Hi, this game  is great, but IDK why the game has no sound in my computer. a bug or my problem?

farting baby changes the lane of the enemies indeed but sometimes the enemies still bite farting baby even though they are in the other lane? (and it still farts which is kinda funny XD)

bug - if two sperm whales are very close together, they're able to eat the same baby at the same time, causing them both to run away.

Deserter gets increased range from Telepathy for Dummies as intended but it doesn't attack within that increased range and still uses its normal range to attack.

I have no idea if that's a bug or not but yes.

(1 edit) idk what caused this but i used monster manual on the cart and rubber soul was placed on the track

Okay, so the little plums fly over your babies. Makes sense, that's their thing, but I really don't think they should fly over charmed enemies. It makes Mystery Egg more of a detriment when it's entire source of dps not only doesn't affect little plums, but gives them i-frames instead!

That I agree with. Plums being able to fly over babies, sure. Plums being able to fly over charmed enemies? Painful.

I'd be fine with charmed enemies ignoring Plums and Plums ignoring charmed enemies, as to not make Mystery Egg too powerful when it's already rather good.

mongo baby can't properly copy crispy baby; he'll shoot red-colored tears that otherwise appear to do nothing different than standard-damage tears

Ragdoll can sometimes go off grid in her boss fight, the amber gapers she launches end up in the wall and die immediately. So far this has only happened in loops 2 and up. 


possible bug: bullets of enemies that shot in 3 lines (forgot the name) are affected by multidimentional baby

on the longest run i had got for now, using a build with multidimentionall babies on front, when certain enemy shot, it's bullets was affected by the multidimentional baby, meaning that those bullets duped, causing a lot of damage, just 2 of those guys were enough to literally erase most of the board.

Doctor Hummer knows about this and decided to leave it in as an anti-synergy of sorts. In the future, maybe place defensive units of some kind in front of the multidimensional babies. Or maybe just not include multidimensional baby at all if the preview of the monsters shows that those shooting guys will show up.

(1 edit)

I said it in suggestions, but I do feel like we need more Baby slots or ways to get more baby slots, just to allow more forms of strategy and ideas while allowing more difficult enemies as well.

Also, Things like dirty mind will trigger Mulibooms to go off which will kill spikes, but just killing them doesn't kill spikes, so I don't wanna take dirty mind now

Also, if you quit to menu you don't get your chargers back


Sperm whale's will eat charmed enemies and minions in one bite... and then continue to attack you, rendering things like Mystery egg useless

I had a map on the third area where a teleporter on the rightmost column led directly to a lost soul, making it almost impossible to defend

The Deserter fails to deal damage to Mega Plum most of the time, despite it attacking the boss.

I propose to make the hearts blue, because against the background of RED babies, RED hearts can be easily overlooked

Dr. Medicine applies even when you don't have it

I have found a bug where you can get infinit pills. When you click on one of them a new one spawns.

That just sounds like you're cycling between your pill reserve and not infinite pills.

You can hold up to 3 pills, 4 with Little Baggy, and once you pick up with a full pill inventory, it drops the leftmost pill and lets you take the new one.

Yes. But normaly you can only pick up one at the time and then you have to waite for another one to get dropped. In this case, you could pick them up one after the other, besides you wait a moment and it despawns like every other item. 

Once you reach the pill limit, taking a new one makes the oldest one drop instantly though.

okay. now i undesrtand. its still a bit random. I don't think you should drop them, they should just be gone as soon as you collect a new one.

(2 edits)

Time to parrot what many already said:

1) The Plums (red lvl2 flies) are really annoying to deal with if you didn't get a lobber baby or the Bean. I guess they're based off of the Jetpack zombies from PvZ2, but those can still be hit by straight shots when flying above plants, and they also have more counters (Tall-nuts, Infini-nut's plant food, blovers/hurrikale, etc). The simplest way to fix them would be to let them be hit by normal shots.

2) The Hardies, Stoners and Sperm Whales have waaaaaay too much health like holy hell. Moreover, they don't care about status effect or knockback, which makes it even worse! And both hardies and sperm whales will instakill plants...

2a) I'd definitly reduce all of their respective health, they're damage sponges.

2b) For Sperm Whales, I'd make them susceptible to status effects/knockback, because they're awfully fast. Also, maybe they could drop 50 hearts when killed after eating a baby? They're so buffy it's impossible to kill them otherwise.

2c) Hardies should probably take damage when bashing against babies (similar to their TBoI incarnations, they could hits obstacles 2-3 times before dying).

3) Babies should definitely drop faster during bossfights. Either that, or you start the fight with 2-3 brother bobby in hand.

(1 edit)

That stone immune every effects including freezing and knockback is really annoying. Maybe they should get more slower. 

btw, how about that the big fly would stop to have a rest after passing few babies? they can have more health instead. the only solution of the big fly now is to kill my baby it is going to past, that really sucks.

Besides, the rail in level Mine that can't be set baby on drove me mad. I only set Lil CHAD on the whole column that has rail on it, just wanting to make the screen more beautiful.

Finally, have you ever thought of making a Chinese translation of  the game? There I introduce an up ( uploader in bilibili ) to you, who has already translated the game into Chinese: . This is his video about it.


mulliboom explosions are a little too bright and kinda hurt my eyes lol, would it be possible to tone them down or add an option to remove them? 

by remove them I mean the explosion effect, not mullibooms entirely 

If a Hardy teleports while charging, sometimes they go off grid and can now just slid past everything, though the babies on the lane it teleported to are still able to damage and kill it.

If charmed enemies  somehow manage to get to the door, you die.

Some enemies started approaching the door and I used kidney bean on 'em, hoping that it would make them turn around and leave.
That didn't work out. They got to the door and I died. And I almost beat the first loop...

I got a bug, that I pressed back to menu and it just backscreened (only the game not my Pc), I had to close it by alt+F4. I dont know if that is often or just a 1 time bug, but you want us to command bugs so. Still love this game, its a nice idea.

(sry for my bad english)

I know the anitvirus being detected by Windows should not be worried about...but the game just straight up opened by itself. I am paranoid now and deleted the game, maybe fix this so I am not worried it'll happen again?


I do not speak English but , I found a bug . happens when the enemy ´Hardy´ pushes a baby, the hitbox is lowered lower and lower until the point of leading to the other lane. the line of the lane no longer has any way to protect itself

(1 edit)

"Sangunie Bond" is useless for Wall-nut First Aid, it is a bug or you hope so?

i like the game but i think automatically having little chad in a slot and 4 other slots for babies would make more sense (also probably a shop item that lets you have a holy mantle-like protection for the door so you have an extra try if an enemy gets through) (also another shop item idea is one that decreases the placement cooldown by like 10%-15%)

the less babies cooldown should be an extra effect that the stop watch should have, because 99 coins for just a slow motion button doesn't seem worth it to me, most of the time I even forget that it's even there, either that or the stop watch should make enemies move and attack slower, not too much, but like a 10~15% would make it deserving of being a tier 2 item, even more with competition like the battery or schoolbag

There should be a weight in the units you can get in the bosses, because one time I got 5 cubes of meat in a row and then paschal candle and hallowed ground and I was absolutely fucked because enemies just kept stacking up in those lanes

Oh yeah, something else that It's barely noticeable but pretty annoying is that the animation of the charger on the top row is out of sync compared to the others by one frame

(3 edits)

Seems like the charger token is bugged, despite needing it since I lost one charger I can't buy it for some reason . Game version v.0.1.6.

Edit: Even quitting and having to rebattle middle horn again doesn't resolve the charger token bug.

This is a strange bug

There is a bug, the essence of which is that some enemies passing through the teleport can pass by the babies and the babies will ignore them.

It feels unintuitive that the Snowglobe doesn't affect Mom's Hands at all, since knowing their PvZ equivalents (Freeze mushrooms and Bungee Zombies) one would expect the Mom hands to get frozen or at least slowed down. It feels like there is already very little counterplay against the Mom Hands, so having them be slowed down by the snowglobe, or frozen for a short time, could be a good improvement.

Mom's hands also ignore the brain explosion

Just a quick list of everything I could think of during the first 2h of playing:

- When I go into Fullscreen and try to move the game to my 2nd Monitor with Win+Shift+ArrowKey it doesn't work. first moving the Window to the Screen and then switching to Fullscreen doesn't work either. Windows 10.

- Windowed Fullscreen would be nice

- a way to mute/unmute the sound/music without changing your volume would be nice.

- the red Hearts are sometimes hard to see since the babies are also red.

- Since you only have 4 Slots trying out new things is extremely punishing. Every time I tried some new combinations I instantly struggled with them and lost maggots because of it. Given I'm not a good player yet but it very much encourages you to just stick with what you're used to.

- I personally don't really like that the maggots don't respawn at all.

You can change the volume of both (Sound and Music) on the main menu or in-game menu.

You can also buy a Charger token to gain one charger back (maggot).

Is Multidimensional baby supposed to work for enemy projectiles? Because the hosts and frosties projectiles get doubled too, almost instakilling your own babies.

(1 edit)

I made an account just because of this absurd glitch I saw

So after I beat Challange N5 I went back to the main menu and lost my continued run. I am unsure what has happened but I have definitely lost my run. (I was on Loop 3)

starting a challenge counts as starting a new run (just like in og isaac)

(1 edit)

having the candy heart dosent count as using an active item (for the no active items run)

middle horn will try to freeze parasitoids flies

it causes my (very bad) laptop to over heat and losing chargers feels a lot worse than it is because i feel like i have to replenish it or else so while waiting for (and during the) next boss fight i prioritize defending that lane causing me to lose more chargers and gets more frustrated . so basically it's more my laptop and mind than the game and this has been a waste of the time of any one who actually reads this.

and i guess my self too but i also got to type a large wall so not much loss on my side only on any readers side

Best thing you can do is to look up different ways to get rid of things on your PC that might be eating memory, s that can SOMETIMES cause games to be more laggy than normal

also i feel i should clarify i have only reached 2nd boss never beat so most of the time next boss is mega plum

I can't launch the game, whenever I try to open it the .exe just disappears from the folder. Any idea on how to fix it?

(1 edit)


latest version (0.1.7)

Whenever i pick up a seed slot the muliboom duplicates or something.  I can easily spam him infinitely but keys 1-4 like to glitch and sometimes i have to press 3 while 1 doesn't work.

During the Middle Horn boss, I had the Poke Go item and after I picked up a Brother Bobby, this happened. It's also duplicating after time I pick up a Brother Bobby (1 B. Bobby, 2 Mullibooms, etc)

My picture for some reason won't load but if anyone sees this you should try it for yourself.


I don't know if this a bug or how its intended (probably a bug) but the psychic baby mixed with multidimensional baby makes the tears not return to the psychic baby, making her shoot incredibly fast. very strong combo but most definitely a bug.

Please doctorhummer for whatever you want, put a translation of the game in Spanish jj I speak for all of us who know third world level English :3 but otherwise you are incredible, literally more than once I have to guess what the objects do ajaj literal I already bought objects that I couldn't use XD

hello I hope you can read this, I have a problem regarding the aesthetics of the game, I don't know if it's because of my laptop or if it's a problem with the game in terms of rendering the quality of the babies and the game in general since this is it looks blurred and not pixelated, that is to say that the pixels are blurs, in the case of babies and enemies only some of their wells are pixelated but the rest are blurred, I don't know if I'm making myself understood, I don't know if I'm the only one with that problem. PS: I don't think it's DIRECTX since I have it installed and updated. thanks for your attention :3

had a run ended because a worm used a teleporter and afterwards it proceeded to ignore all my units. I was also using the stopwatch if that matters. It didn't even die to the salvation I had.

exit to menu leads to a black screen when in fullscreen mode. fixed when either tabbing out or going to windowed mode and back to fullscreen. amazing experience otherwise!

Got a crash on Loop 4 Middlehorn fight. On version




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object o_tear:

Unable to find any instance for object index '275037' name '<undefined>'

at gml_Object_o_tear_Step_0


Really love the game btw !!

И так.Я хочу высказать по поводу анлока двойного чада
Доктор Хамон(и пофиг что Хуммер) ты сделал самый сложный челлендж в моей жизни.Первые 2 этажа сосут,но вот начиная со 2 ковчега...Чем ты был так расстроен когда делал этот анлок?Что тебя сподвигло на это?Я просто не понимаю...

Ладно бы большие волны монстров на тех двух уровнях...НО ЧЕРТОВЫ РУКИ!!!ЭТО МЕШАЕТ!!!ЛУЧШЕ УЖ БЫЛ БЫ 6 ЧЕЛЛЕНДЖ ЧЕМ ЭТО!

Но тем не менее,спасибо за такую крутую игру и когда 0.2.0?


Mongo baby shoots blood shots instead of fire shots when in front of Crispy baby


Hardies are INSAINLY annoying and have solo ended EVERY ONE OF MY RUNS. multiple times I'll be doing great and then 3 frozen gapers will drop into one lane with multiple hardies and nothing I do can save me despite using ghost, lobbing and parasitoid babies. They need to not instant kill the entire lane, instead they should act like regular squirts except they do self damage when they run into things (like in repentance) and can only push frozen things not just regular babies. 

LOVE the game, H A T E  the Hardies.

Deleted 3 years ago

because its not red

hey so, the only red challenge its kind off unfair.

its extremely luck dependent and it isn't clear what thing is red and whats not (more to a colorblind like me).

i think the challenge should be "beating a level only placing red babies" and not "beating a level having a deck with only red babies".

i know that would make it easier, but restarting the first level over and over to get lil loki or spike baby just to then not get the other one later isn't fun.

Loop resets to 2 and heart cap is normalized when saving and quiting 

Theres so many cards to use, but theres only 4 slots, at least 2 of those are reserved for boring cards, so the fun cards are impossible to consistently use


If you get the Schoolbag, you can hold up to 5 babies if that helps

Poke Go Mom's Hands don't work as intended, they just fall, can take some damage, then go back up without doing anything.

That definitely made my attempt at unlocking Twin Baby harder than intended (got that Poke Go monster for Ark 2 and Ark 3)

I dunno if it's a bug or not but Mystery Gift will always give Imp when the game's cycled through all babies in the selections.

after unlocking the deserter i can safely say that is the worst unlock (i haven't  unlocked double baby, maybe is more tedious). its too rng dependant, yes eventually you will get lil loki and spike baby,  but that is only if you always choose the hidden option when you dont get them wich means that you will probably won't have a good deck by when you get it. i had to do a whole loop just to get lil loki, and before that i had to be like 20 minutes just reseting until i got spike baby as my first baby.

i hope the deserter is good enough, because it was REALLY tedious to unlock him.

I can assure you that he is really good

If game give choise only random baby. and u use d6, you don't get a new baby and choise is canceled 

thats because if you see a baby you won't fin it anymore
so when you reroll you are removing the posibility to get that baby anymore
and because that one was the last one, you dont get more

По какой-то причине, если во время игры отключить что угодно из USB разъёма, то игра виснет на 2сек., после чего крашится. Это было на ноутбуке, на компе не проверял. Это только с Айрул так, так что дело в игре.

Hey so the installer dosen't work for me.

Please, could you make another toggle (like adding a keyboard -related toggle) for rotating the shapes in the new challenge? 

Since I'm on a laptop, I have a touch pad instead of a mouse, so I can't rotate the shapes (don't have a wheel). 

The challenge is doable without (I just did, lol), but it's definitely harder, and it doesn't seem right...

Using Flip on a Mystery Egg still sends the charmed Gaper/Fatty to the right instead of to the left.

Not sure if it's a bug tbh, but yeah.

Ball of Bandages can potentially cause very long stalling in some cases because the enemies stop moving when attracted to another lane. It'd be good to either nerf the Ball to apply its effect less often or have enemies not stop moving for a short period of time when attracted.

Ball of Bandages sometimes drags Trites twice instead of once.

I don't know if this is a bug or it's intended but the mulligans with masks dont damage your babies.

it is a feature

The biggest issue I am having is the sheer amount of bulky enemies that are thrown at you in The Ark after the first loop (Hardies, Hardheads, Whales). I think reducing their health or speed would be a really good way to balance it. 

Or, as people above have said, make it so that the Hardies take damage when hitting babies. They are the most annoying enemy in the game (for me anyways).

I have a problem, the essence of which is that I cannot select other baby`s in my run, is it possible that this happened after picking up an item? Or is it a feature for loop?

Once you've encountered every baby, no more will show up. In future situations like this, try to get mystery gift, as it will give you a very strong baby if you use it after finding every other one.

I get this error every time I run the new launcher.

I get this error every time I run the new launcher.

i got this type of enemy layout at the start of the 2nd loop, but during the level gapers also showed up

Been loving the game a lot, it is really great and I look forward to seeing it grow further. I have found two issues. First, sometimes while mid-level the game freezes suddenly while fullscreened (that's how I usually play, not sure if it has to be FS'd), and nothing I do will let me leave the game. Not Control + alt + delete, not the windows button or anything, a computer restart seems to be required. I don't know if crash reports are a thing or not since I have to close everything to regain control. Second, during the third chapter, I have had three instances of enemies coming off of teleporters in-between lanes, where they would not stop to attack anything but could usually be shot. First was a gaper, killed it, second and third were hardies?/the stone poop enemies, each making it to the end in the same lane, one to get the charger and later another to finish me off. I had the stopwatch activated during these incidents, might have been a weird momentum thing pushing them further up than intended. I could imagine that the stone enemies' charging into the teleporter could have done something, the gaper might have been pulled into the teleporter by a stoner? That's what I've got, hope it helps.

(1 edit)

I'm only on my first playthrough, but as a PvZ fan, I LOVE this game so far. I have some critiques, though:

  • There doesn't seem to be a set hotkey for either the pills or canceling an action. While you can re-press the hotkey you used to get out of an action, and the mouse is there to use the pills, this all makes collecting coins and hearts more of a hassle. Having hotkeys for these would be a great quality-of-life change
  • Maybe it's because I haven't started experimenting with them yet, but there isn't much of a reason to use any of the other active items other than Candy Heart. The babies themselves are strong enough to handle vicious waves without active items, and the Candy Heart gives you a strong start to support that notion Edit: of all the items, Notched Pickaxe has been saving me a lot. Candy Heart is still great, but I wanted to retract my statement on it being "better" than the other items. It was kind of a farfetched statement anyway
  • Bob's Brain (contrary to their usual appearance) is kind of cracked. Potato Mine was already a staple of most PvZ strategies, but the increased AoE combined with how many hearts you save up relative to how much you actually need lets Bob's Brain launch you ahead of where you should be. Instead being mid-construction by the time the first wave comes in, you may already be trying to make space to spam more of your best tower. Reducing the AoE and making it cost a little more (I'd say 50 Hearts) would reduce how effective it is. Though, this isn't considering the other difficulties/challenges, and my experience with this game is limited

Again, I love this game so far. you combine so many elements of PvZ 1 and 2, and renovated the mechanics, to make this game so much fun to play. These are just some suggestions I have on first glance

not sure if it was intended or not but i used the d6 before mines 2 in the first loop and the screen just went black, there were no picks for me to choose from and all i could see was the broken d6, thankfully it did progress after a bit; i'm assuming it happend because i encountered every baby option at least once before.

Yeah the same happened to me, for me it felt like a jumpscare because i was like: AHH- oh uhhhhhh.. what?

It seems like the game is a lot slower in the update, it feels like the normal time is slow-motion and the fast forward button is normal speed.

Yeah the loading, animations, quiting/reseting and more!

When I loaded a run, its acting like it is the first level and automatically making me use brother bobby, lil chad, cube of meat and bobs brain

*Hard mode/Starter babies only mode activated* (not a real mode btw)

The game is slower then before after the 1.8.2 update + when i loaded my run then ALL of my starting babies were just like. gone. Very sad because i was using a strategy with Cube of meat in it (Also like, loss of Little C.H.A.D. but i have Double baby lol also the loss of Bob's brain and B. Bobby but i'm in the 3rd loop soo yeah lol.)

(1 edit)

My top shelf babies disappeared. This happened after I reloaded my save.
(I then played a round and continued to get babies)

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