Heres mine :
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Normally im not a fan of games like this but this one had me hooked with clicking text. Very innovative!
Would you mind rating my game?
Heres mine if anyone wants to try it :
Very satisfying game however I would like it if you could skip the text.
Could you rate mine? :
I want to rate games of people that actually rate peoples games because there are too many people who just upload and forget. Therefore please send your games here because then i know that you actually check the jam page.
If your interested my game is about a goat helping a blind lady and id like it if you played it.
Very good game,
You beat my graphics by a mile, for my game i did make wind shaders for trees and grass but they were too harmful for performance so i had to cut them.
Amazing job,
Also maybe add a collider on the spiral staircase so stupid player(me ) dont just fall the bottom and not die.
overall great though.