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A member registered Feb 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Very cool and fun game. Sounds and looks very nice

(1 edit)

Pretty interesting game. Visually I would say too much bloom.

Tutorial is too wordy. For controls just say: WASD Arrow keys to move, space to use weapons. Weapons are self explanatory so no need to talk about them

There should be an indicator if you can double jump and the jumps enemies drop shouldn't disappear

Interesting twist on the theme

I feel like the fast momentum based movement didn't really fit the style of the game. The characters looked good, but the animations didn't. I like how you used 2 shades of green instead of black and white like most other people.

Thanks for the feedback. I fixed everything except the grappling hook. Sometimes the grappling hook works and sometimes it doesn't. I don't really know why.

Oops, fixed it.

Thanks for the feedback!

Was it too slow or too fast?

Not music, just sound effects for jumping and moving.

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Lookahead time would be good for this game because I couldn't really tell what was ahead. You should also for your next platformers add more gravity unless the floaty feel is one that you want.

Sounds are pretty easy to add and help the game a lot, even just a little. 

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I found 2 platforms. I think that a game should try to be fun before trying to be hard and reward the player for mastering the mechanics and not the map. The art is great though.

It also took a while to know that the game was just invisible platforms, and they really aren't that much fun if they are the only way of progressing.

I think in a hard game, you should know where you're supposed to go but getting there is hard.

You're right it doesn't make that much sense.

You need to play the game on fullscreen, there is no UI for your jumps, no feedback, and not very good colors. The player could look nice with a little bounce animation, The game could look better if you got a color pallete from colormind or something, and the levels aren't interesting.


(1 edit)

Epic nonlinear adventure game. Very scary. The art style is bad. There are too little levels and the levels are too unique. The game gets more difficult as the levels go by. I can understand everything the narrator says very clearly. I find it very easy to believe how someone made 2 big game jam games in 3 days. How long have you been working on this game for?


(3 edits)

NVM its not a scam

The game was really fun. In the tutorial, since you lied to me the first two times, I knew everything else was a lie. You could have mixed lies with truths. In some levels, there are large groups of eggs next to eachother. I think you should change that to just one for every group so the player knows how close they are to finishing the level. The game looks pretty good except for the ground, and it reminded me of shovel knight for some reason.

There is a bug where if you restart in the level where you don't go up, the platform doesn't appear anymore. Also, when a platform is moving and there is no objects nearby, you cant really tell, you should add some particles for that.

I liked the sound and particles so you know that you are on a platform. I also liked how time freezed when you entered the other mode. Some parts are sort of hard to understand, but when you do, it feels nice.

x to shoot

y to dig