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Jonathan Chung

A member registered Jun 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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that makes a lot of sense ! i'll get that in the next build, thanks for playing !

I love the font you added, it looks super clean. Because of the minimalism and repetition of the environment, the text, sound effects, and changes in color do an enormous amount of work in building up the mood. It's really sad, watching the potato die and not being able to do anything.

Not sure if there's more, but I found the king snake! the environment is nice, but I wish we were drip-fed just a little more story or world

It's an interesting premise that follows the history of "maze-like" games like colossal cave adventure, but instead has you following... something.... that being said I'm not entirely sure if I reached a bad ending or something?

I actually felt my stomach drop a little when I went back and found myself trapped with the wolves. Super neat way of using the bitsy exits and sprites to tell a story about being hunted and trapped.


hey! I listened to some of your stuff and I really like the way it sounds! I'd love to team up with you for this game jam. I'm pretty well-rounded, having done everything from programming to writing to sound to art, so I'm more than happy to fill in wherever I'm needed. You can check my itch page here to see some stuff I've worked on so far. Message me on Discord at thedw if you're interested!