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sound designer & composer looking for a team

A topic by madstronaut created Jul 03, 2023 Views: 73 Replies: 1
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hi! looking for a team to join. i am a sound designer & composer and can also do some audio implementation in unity w/ wwise. you can see some of my sound design work here: and my composing work here:

i'm also a graphic designer and i have programming experience so i can help in other areas as needed! i'm down for any type of audio direction, especially more experimental stuff. :)

hey! I listened to some of your stuff and I really like the way it sounds! I'd love to team up with you for this game jam. I'm pretty well-rounded, having done everything from programming to writing to sound to art, so I'm more than happy to fill in wherever I'm needed. You can check my itch page here to see some stuff I've worked on so far. Message me on Discord at thedw if you're interested!