yeah that would be great. I'll keep an eye on it.
Michael Electric
Recent community posts
This title has an interesting art style to it and simplistic game mechanics. At the same time it gives you an interesting story that is engaging enough to keep you going to the next level. Seeing this comes from the dev behind The Horror of Salazar House the art direction makes sense but I actually like the different direction this takes towards horror. Maldo19 is definitely an indie developer I would keep my eye on in the future if you enjoy unique horror experiences both in gameplay and visuals.
Check out my experience here!
The game is addicting and has a great style. I am not sure how much I would consider this a horror title because there wasn't too much actually to be afraid of in the game. I think I came across something that was supposed to be a scary moment but I think the game broke every time I caught it. Seeing the environments later in the game made me feel like there was supposed to be more but it turned out to be too much work. I really liked this title and played it all the way to what I believe is the end. I really enjoyed the game and would have loved some kind of real ending. It's a fun game, it's not much of a horror game though.
Check out my experience here.
Since this title comes from KIRA, the developer who made Lost in Vivo and the lesser known The Undying Beast. I was optimistic about this title. In the end I am happy to say that after going through nearly all the current submissions that this is probably my favorite so far. The idea behind the game is executed well enough to feel unique while working with a somewhat common theme. KIRA really managed to make you feel isolated and alone down in the depths while also making you want to go deeper. As you continue your mission the atmosphere gets heavier and thankfully the game has an ending that I am satisfied with. Really great work.
Check out my experience here.
This title is short and not much of a horror title but I see what the developer was going for and for the most part the overall idea worked. I liked the feel of the swimming and the look of the world. Was hoping for a bit more in the horror department but the game worked and in the end I can be happy about that.
Check out my experience here.
The game I got to play was great but unfortunately I hit a roadblock near the end the prevented me from finishing. It's a shame because the game kept you interested in what would come next without spelling it all out for you. The writing was also pretty good as well.
Check out my experience here.
Out of all the short games I have played recently this is one I wish would get a much bigger release. The genre mashup is done extremely well, the control feels solid, and the music choice was fantastic. My only complaint with the game is that there isn't more of it. I'll be keeping an eye on this dev.