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A member registered Apr 21, 2020

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So I noticed from your patreon page that version 0.71 was released Jan 17. Im just wondering when that will be available to the public since the last update was  9 ish months ago.  I heard youre busy with other projects/irl stuff, just need some kinda announcement for us non patreon subscribers that the game is still being worked on. Thanks

Cool game, admittedly it doesnt have that much style to it but I believe that is part of the charm. Simple but very obviously text oriented. I dont want to be that guy, but Im just wondering when the next update will be, since the last log said "in a few days" when its already been more than a month. Still a good game, and Im sure everyones busy, but Im wondering how is progress so far

if i remember correctly the dungeon event is opened sometime after the meeting with the orca in the cabin. Either that or you need to observe the waterfalls (its the one near the bull forest) anytime after you go fishing with Snow. 

you can also (spoilers if you havent made it to the dungeon) present the jester badge to the ferryman and attack the neverending waves of gargoyles.

new storymode update will happen after 0.14 so yeah

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the chances of FD Caro/willing patrons seeing this is small buuuuuut a few questions:

1. how many bonus (patreon exclusives) scenes are there?

2. when will FD make a new bonus scene? will there actually be a new bonus?

3. is there a specific time to subscribe to FDs patreon to earn the full benefits or are all download links available?

sorry if this sounds intruding or offensive in a way, im just curious thats all haha 

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wait you can give bread to bread?

pog, perhaps wait till the next update since its coming in fast

i didnt know what i was expecting until i saw the 311 MB download...


fuck, im close to crying again
anyways! i hope this vn comes out great

yup. have sex with the slime monster to raise corruption. if you want to get rid of it, drink water from the weird lake by the bulls place

I havent even read this vn. I have a weird feeling about this..

I honestly dont think the parents SHOULD lie to MC. To me, that would be the most catastrophic ending that i have ever read EVER. That would completely ruin the flow of the novel and could potentially ruin the sequel as well. If the parents were lying, this would not bode well for all other characters involved henceforth and prior. 

I mean, build 16 is out, but I have no money, so what can i do except wait?

I do agree with the long comic about the MC's 8 year adventure on earth, but that would take ages to finish.  It would also make me feel even worse about the whole ordeal since its 8 YEARS WITHOUT AMICUS. Im totally fine with the story progressing from where it is now, to a new characters perspective, although i really want to see more amicus x MC. Its still a great read, though i wish the ending is noteworthy, and the sequel living up to its name.


if theres one part i didnt like about the novel, it was the parents shared vision with MC in build 15. It felt like we were given too much information and was spoiled of what seems to be the happy ending, like how we skip to the end of a book, or an author pasting an important scene at the very beginning of a book. It kinda ruined the mood and dampened my experience, despite how uplifting it was. i prefer being in the dark of what might happen to the upcoming future of MC and amicus. and yes, there were also future visions happening prior to the latest vision, but it made more sense back then given i didnt see much and was given a choice every now and then.

overall, i really liked this game. despite a few flaws, i wish to see it fully developed and finished. my only regret is that i read this novel before it was fully complete. i was abruptly left in a cliffhanger with alex, because i was so invested in the plot that the sudden "to be concluded" text left me speechless for 8 minutes. otherwise, i enjoyed this novel very much. 

I genuinely like adastra. There were some problems I didnt enjoy, but overall it was a great experience considering the fact that this is my first visual novel. I hope the next two build will be released soon, and that there is a lot of story to enjoy despite how close we are to the end (maybe a sequel, but i have doubts)

I also hope the developer doesnt stress themselves out. I can wait, but adastra really messed up my sense of time, especially in the last few sequences (avoiding spoilers).  All I can say is, this novel is "god-damned bitter-sweet" :)

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for some reason, i can download the game, but my browser goes down, and i cant find the download. i have been doing this for more than an hour. help?

edit 1: im using windows computer, btw.

edit 2: weird, but i was able to download it. i have no idea why it didnt work the first three times. ill go try out this game, and maybe give my two cents about it. i understand its very early in development (three years for the full game?), so ill just say what i can for now.