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if theres one part i didnt like about the novel, it was the parents shared vision with MC in build 15. It felt like we were given too much information and was spoiled of what seems to be the happy ending, like how we skip to the end of a book, or an author pasting an important scene at the very beginning of a book. It kinda ruined the mood and dampened my experience, despite how uplifting it was. i prefer being in the dark of what might happen to the upcoming future of MC and amicus. and yes, there were also future visions happening prior to the latest vision, but it made more sense back then given i didnt see much and was given a choice every now and then.

overall, i really liked this game. despite a few flaws, i wish to see it fully developed and finished. my only regret is that i read this novel before it was fully complete. i was abruptly left in a cliffhanger with alex, because i was so invested in the plot that the sudden "to be concluded" text left me speechless for 8 minutes. otherwise, i enjoyed this novel very much. 

Well my guess is ether what the parents showed the mc was a lie, just something to convince him to follow through with his mission. Which we might find out in the next VN assuming the MC will be in it at all. Or maybe the developers just wanted to wrap things up because they don't plan on making a sequel to the MC's and Amicus story. Which if that is the case then that's going to be a huge, beyond huge, let down. Writing off the MC's story is a mistake imo. There is so much we can learn and experience from the MC's mission on earth. So much even that its worth a VN of its own. I personally would love to see how earth leaders and its population will react to the knowledge of space anthros, And by the looks of it some of earths leaders might have already known from what the end of the VN showed us. I also want to see MC reunite with his family and friends. The MC has mentioned a few times that he needed to return to earth to tell them that he's ok and if we don't see him telling them this then that's a going to be a real shame. Honestly if they do decided to not make a VN of his mission on earth then at the very least I hope they consider making a comic or story, preferably a long one, of his 8 years spent on earth. 

I honestly dont think the parents SHOULD lie to MC. To me, that would be the most catastrophic ending that i have ever read EVER. That would completely ruin the flow of the novel and could potentially ruin the sequel as well. If the parents were lying, this would not bode well for all other characters involved henceforth and prior. 

I mean, build 16 is out, but I have no money, so what can i do except wait?

I do agree with the long comic about the MC's 8 year adventure on earth, but that would take ages to finish.  It would also make me feel even worse about the whole ordeal since its 8 YEARS WITHOUT AMICUS. Im totally fine with the story progressing from where it is now, to a new characters perspective, although i really want to see more amicus x MC. Its still a great read, though i wish the ending is noteworthy, and the sequel living up to its name.

(1 edit)

I also agree a VN or comic/story would be saddening  without Amicus in it, however they did mention something about possibly meeting up in dreams. Maybe thats how we  can see interactions between them in a earth only VN. Also I don't  recall reading anything about no Wolf people or other alien life not being able to visit earth during the duration of his 8 years there. Maybe ambassadors can visit earth. I want to see earths reaction to the knowlage of alien life I also want to see the MC's family reunite with him. And if aliens show up on earth we can be introduced to other cultures and new charters. Even see the aleans reaction to human culture and how we treat each other in both the good and bad ways.   I just think it will be a big mistake not to give us something  on the MC mission on earth. I honestly think there would be enough content there to justify a VN of its own. And I'm sure it would take time to do just like Adastra but I know it would be worth the wait. If I had the ability too I would fund such a VN but sadly I am a poor man... *cries* 

I just hope they don't turn away from the possibility of making such a VN/comic/story. 

This is why I wish the developers would do a Q&A  so we can ask these question and maybe even give them Ideas. 

Apparently, that response from the Parents actually changes depending on how you answer a question earlier into the game :0