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A member registered Jun 03, 2018

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Only thing that would make this game a 20/10 is if she could actually cum/orgasm while she slept and if she could get wet with her own grool/see her panties slowly get wet from arousal

ive heard people talk about there being a ratata... but i dont know where or if its true

the hell is that


guts rattata?

Fuck, I think its gen VII... so I was farming chancey for no reason. She doesnt drop her egg in this gen

Is this using gen VI?

I beat her with a level 17 braixen... alone... I started with my chansey, moved to pikachu (did that so they would get XP) then just used my braixen. I used the super potion I found in a poke ball. Thats it. It is 100% a skill issue dude.

level up to delphox kekekekeke

my statement about the money is false? My 30k coins say otherwise... chanceys lucky punch, berries, etc can all be sold for a ton.

I just beat hard with the phone and battery debuff and got zero benefits....

though, now that I think of it. We can steal a lucky egg from chancey. However, thats still not what you mentioned here.

I got no idea what you are on about dude, we aint got meowth with payday  or any pokemon with pickup. Our Fenniken has magician which can steal from chancey and others for some money, but we have no good way to make XP to get our girl fully evolved without taking 2 hours.

ur just bad dude.... nothing nuked me

I feel as though there should be a few “lewd virus” or abnormal pokémon obtainable through the wild. Like a 1/200 chance in certain areas, to give the dedicated people a carrot on a stick to grind for. Its not as hard as a shiny, but also not entirely unobtainable. Ive read your post though stating you will most likely just have the abnormal ones as a “character” like a legendary pokemon you meet in a certain area. Very psyched for what you have planned for this game. Hope you get your personal issues solved ✌️ 💕 

Heracross sorry... not metacross

you have chansey to the north of your house, you have pikachu and metarcross in the woods beside the cavern with the mysterious voice... theres alot of oppurtunity bud.

can I get shinies in this game or have I been shiny hunting for the past two hours for no reason X_X

how do i use golden veggies? I have 7 but daisy isnt accepting them...

nevermind... I beleive they are doing something. I collected three in one game and got another one. Dont know if its cause I collected them or if its from something else.

Oi~ had a blast playing up to level 12. Ive been picking up these posters... magazines... vinyl sleeves? throughout and thought thats what unloccks the gallery, but to no avail :<

How do I unlock more? I have 7 slots remaining.

dont know if its just bad timing (on throwing the lust balls) but whenever the animal(?) goes into their position they are never touching the right spot. They are either air palming their breast or fingering their bellybutton instead of their vagina... the only time it is sometimes correct is when it is a cunnilingus scene. Futa never goes inside its always offset in the wrong way and I cant take pictures of futa, its like they dont physically exist, cant even focus on them.

Theres no sound in the download version for pc.

good... because honestly yea it sucks as is (i know this is an extremely early release you didnt even wanna send out). And you can clip behind the pizza place... er I mean strip joint and from there clip through walls and trees and... yea that was just bad in general XD love the actual game tho, its great.

I assume this is cause there is no actual scene implemented yet

When going clicking "after night" after completing night 2 you are greeted with a blank loading screen going brrrrrrrrrrrrrr

lmao, so I was looking for secrets and found out theres this alligator dude missing... theres also a sidewalk to go down, that leads you out of bounds XD love it mate,  hope you are still setting time aside for this game.

(1 edit)

oml XD well unfortunately it aint even opening the game for me so I cant be the judge of that.

NVM, just took 3 minutes to load X_X

On another note, my first attempt at the game was done in hard mode and I couldnt find the password. I have now gone back to it and still cant find it... so far hard is easier than normal mode besides the fact I cant find the password... any pointers? Please dont outright tell me

and cause of that i am in an endless loop (died? twice) cause when you need to get the statues and turn on the generator the two vagina crab things come and i get fucked by those two things, then their baby comes out of me and fucks me and once thats done the first one is re-agroed and comes in and repeats the entire thing.... this game needs a SHIT load of balancing to actually be fun

HOW DO I RESIT?!?!?!?!?!? It says hold spacebar but that does jack shit. So far it seems like you are supposed to get caught... 

the music sounds soooo good too... really wanna play

web version is just a black screen (button inputs work and sound plays) downloaded version graphics appear and sound does but when in the level you are only met with the first powerup note and nothing else... also no music

why is 2.8.1 hosted on a third party site and all the others arent... it is 10x easier to download itch games when they arent hosted on a third party site otherwise itch gives you shit for downloading

level up screen sometimes takes 10-30 seconds to load which is annoying. Other than that this game seems alright

no... butterfly is an extremely common word used in the phenomena of time travel where one action has a huge ass effect. Hence Jack was nicknamed butterfly cause we are an "anomaly" that caused a great calamity.

In short... yes, reading peoples minds can cause butterfly effects. So thats why this is called butterfly aswell.

I sort of didn't like how this VN had little to none...  actually yes. No options to change the outcomes of things. HOWEVER, the story is amazing and honestly if the "options" carry on like that, I wouldn't mind.

Spoilers btw luvs

My mind was completely mind fucked when Jack random ass got his memories back I feel like it could of been better carried out. But the plot twist with his daughter made it well worth it. I also feel like the ai most definitely has "loop memory." I still love her, shes just doing her duties. She aint the bad guy her master is.

I swear to god I wish I had some kind of otherworldly power to obliterate anyone who COMPARES a game to something else or another game... criticize a game on what it is, not what other things are. Oh that vn was longer? Who the fuck cares, this vn put out an amazing story in 2 chapters (epilogue and ch. 1) 

Alot of games on itch are getting the trojan flag (kinda funny cause adult games and condoms) this happens because Android and Xiaomi now flag ANYTHING that is download outside of the appstore.

Glad to see you are still working on the game and didn't just dump it after what happened earlier this year. Keep on keeping on and I cant wait to support you more later on when the game is fully released!