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Walk around the town on the second planet you visit, name escapes me atm but it is after the pirates sequence. You will eventually find a flyer for a party you can go to and then voila freaky space man, I don't think there is any special requirements to make the event trigger but I could be wrong.

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oh you can’t undo decisions with him? Welp I’m fubbernucked either way then lol I submitted the first time and then went through the scenes out of curiousity but then it was like “wait no I don’t want this” and I loaded up a save file so I could go with a more mid route combination of decisions (saying I want to serve but resist) so it was like still on the table? I don’t know man the creator for this game knows what the hell he’s doing though.

I’ll be the first to admit I browse these kind of games ALOT and I’ve never had one enrapture me to the point where every choice is such a difficult decision, do I love nameless? Hell yes. Do I love literally every other character in this game? Hell yes Logan Caleb  Bernie and Rhot especially (I will say I wish there was more you could do with the alpha and beta after the swamp wolf event though but I wuv them too) so it’s kinda like just an internal conflict lol 

I’ll be honest though before nameless revealed himself I absolutely DESPISED him with every fiber of my being because of a certain temple dream. But then he was hot and I was like “okay maaaaybe that’s excusable” 

the junkyard entrance is found in the tunnels underneath Harold’s bar, you’ll need a source of light to explore em, which you can get from the lizard priestess if I remember correctly. As for gifts each character likes something different, Logan for example you can gift a tank top.

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I need help with this decision badly *major story spoilers*

So I’m at the oasis with Groth and Nameless, do we know what the results are if you submit to him or continue to fight back? I honestly wouldn’t be agonizing over this decision if not for what he’s shown at the temple, I am way to attached to the world and characters that have been beautifully developed to let that happen but also I’d be lying if I said that nameless wasn’t from a mythos I absolutely love, so yeah I really need some insight here, especially since the wiki isn’t up to date with the content. sure I can just save a file on this decision and come back to it later but that leaves me with potentially hours of grinding which I do not relish the idea of redoing.

tried playing the game, looks good but upon loading all the stuff I get an “maximum call stack exceeded” error and don’t load in, hope you can fix this

Mpreg will probably only happen later seeing as how currently the storyline is still developing the relationships with characters, like we haven't even properly gotten railed by Jake or Grisus yet. Good things come to those who wait. ;)

its pretty good, didn't encounter any bugs while playing, admittedly I found it a little boring but thats probably just due to the lack of routes currently.

Kind of a stupid question but how do I update the game to the newest version lol

To go on ronans path you need to select a specific character to talk to when jake takes you to meet grisus ed and aero, i think its grisus but I don’t remember, then when the gang goes to eat you need to go look around instead of waiting for jake, then you just call him up at every prompt given and enjoy getting with a very hot dog ;) the same system applies to both the luchador horse dude and the cheetah guy

The current build of this is great! Im a little sad that there is a lack of smaller interactions with other characters after reaching the end of the build, like being able to go back to boss's house at night when he offers, or being able to spend more time with mac or having the bar area open to get closer to Grisus and the other characters but im sure those things will come in due time, looking forward to more updates!

*spoiler content for innocent bystanders* if he’s talking to gen wouldn’t he be past the Bass/mac sequence? I would think he hasn’t gone to aeros shop to get what he needs for zorro (blue fox) to transform him hence why the questline is not progressing, if you have gone to aeros shop you need to talk to zorro, get the potion, drink it via your phone then sleep, that should let you progress then if you tell gen your ready to learn

i have a question for you azulookami, you mentioned that some characters would stop at day 5 while some would get a day 6 but would we get anything after those days? Like….For example say you went down an mpreg route with grisus, after his final day would/could we see anything that shows what your life looks like in a few years? Doesn’t have to be anything major like an entire nother storyline but yknow something nice to close off the book, like you and grisus with the kids getting ready and going to have dinner at his parents, or if you didn’t go down the mpreg route show a night out with aero ed and jake or something, basically just a snapshot or an extra “day” you could call it. Idk i just think it would be a nice touch to include to tie it up together but if you decide not to thats perfectly reasonable

Ngl part of me is going to be sad when you’ve completed this, I think its a very smart decision not to want to drag things out but at the same I love the characters you’ve created, their personalities…how they act in bed (lol) everything about this has been great and while theres still a ways to go you’ve made something amazing here

Not yet but the mans is on the list so I imagine we’ll be let at the chunky tanuki someday

thanks for the clarification and just one more question: is Grisus currently only gameovers or is there a path that continues forward with him?

and another thing: (more spoilers for passerby) When grisus takes you back to his place there seems to be an issue, Turning on the movie leads to nothing but a black screen

And just in case you need it, it reads “ERROR: Passage DSMFO does not exist”

****QUESTION INVOLVES SPOILERS****** so ive been exploring some of the new dialogue and managed to wiggle my way into the scenario thats seemingly leads with both jake and ritch, when texting jake if he has something to stretch with the only other option after that it leads to an “error” message of sorts, not sure if thats intentional or not since its in the same style as the usual scripting and writing but confirmation would be nice 

How i got to it was fuck with rich the first night, talk to ed, call him up the next day but don’t go with him so you end up having ritch take you, Go through all the ronan shit and wake up with jake as usual, Then you’ll have new dialogue options/choices, Go off on your own and you should get the horse 

okay while I sincerely doubt it i just had to ask: are Jake and Ritch in the game as well? Between Aero and finding Grisus the crossover characters are giving me some false hope here lol  

I’ll have to go looking for that thanks, also I’ve experienced an issue with the fight with the drunken wolf, after attacking Theres no way for me to progress because the continue button refuses to work, probably should look into that

interesting but easily one of the most confusing games ever, mostly left wandering without a damn clue on how to progress, some sort of tips section or maybe more straightforwardness would be nice

I was really looking forward to trying this but after pressing new game it either completely breaks webpage entirely forcing me to restart or puts me on an infinite purple screen with nothing happening, hope this gets fixed at some point

OHMYGOD this having a stroke here this is perfection Ritch and Jake are just....How do you access the other days i need more of this badly its so good its.....okay i am fanboying now but I don’t think i can be blamed