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i have a question for you azulookami, you mentioned that some characters would stop at day 5 while some would get a day 6 but would we get anything after those days? Like….For example say you went down an mpreg route with grisus, after his final day would/could we see anything that shows what your life looks like in a few years? Doesn’t have to be anything major like an entire nother storyline but yknow something nice to close off the book, like you and grisus with the kids getting ready and going to have dinner at his parents, or if you didn’t go down the mpreg route show a night out with aero ed and jake or something, basically just a snapshot or an extra “day” you could call it. Idk i just think it would be a nice touch to include to tie it up together but if you decide not to thats perfectly reasonable


Doing something like that for bonus content for patreons as a thanks for supporting and help pay for le art.  Once a route is done patreon and public are pretty much on the same page so thought that would be a nice thank you. Not all endings have it, but the ones that would make sense does.