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A member registered Apr 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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The AI keeps saying I have exceeded my current quota, even though I have enough tokens. Did they do something to the support for this demo to make people buy AI2U?

Sadly I'm no game dev, I only have basic python knowledge, so all I'd have are ideas lol.

I'm more asking what will the goal of the game be? What's the reward/what should I be looking to do kind of thing.

Ooo I'm intrigued. What game system are you thinking of? I thought it would be cool to pretty much play as Adamant-Sensei or someone like him. Finding gems and managing a small army to fight lunarians. Though that was just a random idea lol, I'd love to see where this game goes if it has stuff to do in it.

What is the goal of the game? I haven't figured it out yet aside from just exploring. As in, what does collecting the gems actually do?

Thanks for the quick fix, I don't know how helpful I was though. I was just rattling things off lol

You should probably change the version number though, couldn't tell there was an update.

It seems like a game issue because both of us have the issue, and the shadows freak out each teleport. If I can find a way to crack open the game I can look deeper in the meantime while we wait for the developer.

(2 edits)

The commentor below me (Podkomorka) already listed this issue, but I feel like I should also make my own comment. Upon loading the game my character begins to teleport around, usually in the air, but sometimes I can skip forward and teleport onto the ground from a running jump. I want to say its an error with a failsafe (if you fall out of the map it will teleport you back, for example), but without taking the game apart I don't know. If there's no reply for a while, I'll probably see if I can find an error with the software I have.

That being said, my computer can handle the graphics, and I am on Windows 10 (Home). Until this glitch is fixed, the game is unplayable, but it at least looks pretty. 

Addendum 1: The teleporting also causes the shadows to freak out, which seems like something more is going on. The teleporting also can't warp you through solid objects, such as the invisible wall, so the game still checks collision while teleporting.

Seems like this game can go pretty far, if they keep adding stuff to do. The AI itself seems to be pretty good at its job, and even if you get it talking out of character and just as an AI, it still replies well.

When playing the game you have to remember that she is always cataloging stuff and remembering all playthroughs, so Eddie will get smarter as people play, according to her anyway. If you don't like how she acts, give it some time, or even try to change it yourself.