Nice concept, cooldown is way to long and should be shortened though
Controls are a tad bit janky, and the quest seems to break later on? But other than that I like the graphics
Nice camera angles, though it felt a little bland with nothing to do
I like the camera work, maybe the tanks could fire back though? And if that was the case give us more mobility
with how similar the ants and spider is, maybe next time making it easier to tell which is which?
I died in the menu screen, but the assets where nice.
Nice 3d angry birds, and like the comedic aspect of shooting a random man at the things.
Actually was a pretty nice setup and the changing of controls was nice, though I got a bit nauseous from the visual effect
Typing of the dead vibes though the room could use an asset flip or 2 to show how you're changing rooms
The controls being inverted is pretty simple, perhaps have the keys change randomly? To show the 'drunkeness' of the person
I don't see how this works with the theme, and dunno how to control the character. Maybe a small controls page?
Very unique game, maybe lower the gravity so the cube falls slower and makes it easier on the player
Skill issue