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A member registered Jul 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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yes very needed cuz im maybe gonna move from windows to kali linux

не снаю,вот тебе ссылка на его дискорд мошешь у него спросить

PhysPS community » Peoples » Other · Created a new topic idk

im so frckin bored rn man ima just say that im excited for the update thats it lololol xd

you can decide i just want the ragdolls to be more satisfying

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shouldnt be really put too much effort in maybe an admins toggle feature or something i dont really know but it would be cool

btw the new hud the health hud seems like a perfect  gui to show  injuries like in gorebox also pressing tab to see more description on injuries such as lacerated scratched blunt trauma and shot also color of the limbs to depict how bad it is also the tab menu will show how much milliliters of blood do you lose per second also make players and  health tab switchable because when you currently press tab theres players menu

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dream game really much fun  has ALOT of potential it just needs more working on  

i heard stickrpg is improving the AI in the next update this is a very good change because i dont have friends to play

climbing walls is a little bit clingy sometimes but its ok!!!!1!!!

the physics feels weird.

this game is coolllll!!!!!!!!!!!!

unfinished but i know gamemaking is hard so im not like yelling im just saying

thanks for making this i will try sharing the game everywhere i can for it to have more online

at this point im shooting at stickrpg with a sawn off double barrel and  the pellets are suggestions but yeah add a sawn off double barrel if you can and make the spread more than average

maybe add it to C because i dont remember anything is binded to C and i checked there is nothing

PhysPS community » Peoples » Suggestions · Created a new topic gun rotating

funny little dumb feature  because i noticed the player actually grabs on the gun which makes me thing that theres no viewmodel so maybe you can rotate the gun but i dont really know maybe make it a debug feature its not really important would just be funny to blindly shoot through corners or shoot yourself

yes, must be optionable for viewer discretion

cool idea,stickrpg told me in discord before while i was testing with him the region locking he maybe can make a gamemode where you can resize player and giants can grab other people this is also similar but i never heard of him actually working on that ever again

idfk i posted helmetcam a while ago stickrpg never responded

PhysPS community » Peoples » Other · Created a new topic idk
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i was bored

either balance the shotgun like in cod but it will be unrealistic or keep it as it is because the shotgun is far ranged and mostly is an instakill but its realistic or ultimately make two gamemodes for both option also i couldnt put improve and remove in so i just put idea but i like the keep the shotgun as it is idea but balancing is also good sometimes so it isnt not fair

PhysPS community » Peoples » Suggestions · Created a new topic snatching

since you can grab enemies weapons what im suggesting to add is snatching the weapons other than screwing their hands up  so they cant aim at you anymore turning them into a zombie or equipping their secondary if they even have ones

this ones epic even if it isnt a content or item adding update its just epic

PhysPS community » Peoples » Suggestions · Created a new topic revolver

make a heavy one that is like the shotgun but one bullet overall 


and make it a 


and a light one that can be as a secondary and both revolvers need two clicks to shoot one is 

pull the primer

the next one to 

pull the trigger

using a gun that can be used one handedly like some secondary would be cool also 

PhysPS community » Peoples » Suggestions · Created a new topic body damage

if a body part is damaged too much it will be unusable such as arms etc if the left arm is unusable guns can still be used but without the left one adding more recoil and weapon bobbing and with legs either slower walking or no walking 

PhysPS community » Peoples » Other · Created a new topic cs movement

i thought what cs movement does and i just found out its just bhop also longest frontflip in the end

PhysPS community » Peoples » Other · Created a new topic frontflip
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i made this by accident also 

pause when you need it because the text is a bit wonky at times

lets choose a specific region for playing the game maybe?

oh ok i understood but will donations  speed up the process of it being put on steam? but not right now i think the game needs a little bit more updates for it to be on steam maybe but its up to you

PhysPS community » Peoples » Suggestions · Created a new topic donations

donations for the game development like publishing it on steam so the game wouldnt be region locked honestly i think the game will have a good future because its really fun if i could i would donate some money for the game

yesss yay wohoooo

PhysPS community » Peoples » Suggestions · Created a new topic melee

melee combat such as knives axes bats and swords would be cool also optionally force damage like in exanima

PhysPS community » Peoples » Suggestions · Created a new topic helmet camera

a helmet camera that you can also move left or right

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the multiplayer doesnt work what do i do

down there guys down there ↓↓↓↓