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A member registered Dec 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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I liked that it was short and fun, i would have loved for the enemies to be more visible or have some hud element highlighting them like a Lock-In alert, great aesthetics on the first level as well.

Really liked the reloading mechanic and the dark atmosphere, however when a run through the zombies i think their chase sounds stacked so i had like 40 zombie screams going on at the same time, might have been a bug, lovely game overall.

Felt like an old school flash game, the only thing i didn't like was the lack of some more flashy effects however that's probably why it felt old school, very fun game.

Thank you for playing but keep in mind the models were pre-made, cheers!

At first the floating movement threw me a bit off and the game can be a little confusing but i found myself replaying the game a bunch of times, the music with those sound effects are just the best, i love how weird this game feels, good luck. P.S loved how the game just changed perspective at one point or that mario-like flag.

Thank you for trying it out and for the feedback, i may have went overboard with the lights, if optimizing it now isn't against the rules i will try to fix it, cheers!

Thank you for trying it out, however the graphics aren't made by me i only did the gameplay, cheers!


(1 edit)


Defend your enchanted forest with strategic base-building, resource management, and randomly shuffled cards.


A game that looks this relaxing shouldn't be this stressful to make, usually i make action games so i thought i will make something nice for a change, only problem was that for the past 3 years i only make the big boom boom so i hope there aren't too many bugs, hope you enjoy.

Awesome, thanks for the support and the feedback.

Hey there, thanks for the feedback, at first it was fun making the game over the top maybe i got desensitized from playing too much, however your suggestions are spot on, the tilt has already been fixed with other fixes on the way, unfortunately the game is undergoing major changes right now and is unplayable but i will try to update the demo soon, thanks again!

it's up :D


Yes, around october when it is good enough to represent the final product (hopefully). thanks for commenting.

Thanks for playing the game, yes the rocket launcher enemy is pretty broken due to me focusing on the campaign and balancing/fixing the enemies as they appear in the campaign but he will be wacked with the nerf hammer next update, cheers!

Thanks for playing the game hope you had fun, the feedback i got from creators like you was incredible in improving the game and i appreciate it.

Yes! thanks for playing and making a video.

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the feedback, i will add it in the options when i expand them but i will also weaken it in the future and make the sound heavier, as to not lose the feeling of the game.

Thanks for the feedback, as a cover i agree with you its too intense, i'm planning on making a full illustration sometime in the near future, as a thumbnail though i'm not sure yet but i did see an improvement to my CTR(+0.7) since i've put it, so maybe the fact that it's intense is what makes it eye-catching, will do more tests though, thanks again.

Thanks for the feedback, however i made this since then

i still think it needs some work but i see it as in improvement on the previous ones.

Thanks for the feedback i will look into it, hope you had fun, cheers!

Thanks for playing, hope you had fun.

Loved your video, the flashes will be toned down next patch as well as a nerf to the ranged enemies, it was actually a lot of fun watching your vid, keep up the great work and i'm sure you will blow up on youtube, thanks for playing.

Thanks for the feedback, the enemies are indeed pretty fast, will probably slow them down in the next update as for the noise i'd like to keep it but maybe add the option to turn it off, hope you had fun nonetheless, cheers!

Thanks for playing, learned a ton from that, the game expects you to move a lot and it is very simple to bunny hop but i should make a tutorial that explains it, for now i will write it in the description, be sure to let me know any other things you found unintuitive , cheers!

The game is here : https://thenek.itch.io/acheron

Hello folks, recently i have been changing the cover art of the game back and forth but can't decide which one is better or more eye-catching, would love to hear some opinion on it or if you just don't like either, lastly in case you have played the game which one fits better.

*CTR is pretty bad for both but i haven't tested enough.

Thank you for your time.

Thanks for playing and making a video, it is very helpful to me to see others how they play, so that i can improve the game, cheers!

Thanks for playing and i appreciate the feedback, i will look into it, cheers!


Acheron is a fast paced classic fps with an emphasis on smooth movement and impactful gunplay with a dark PS1.5 twist, a love letter to Quake and homage to the great old ones.



Thanks for playing and showing me how OP the sniper is, there is some balancing to do, lol.

Slice and Burn and Shoot your way through the waves of the meek and the corrupted till you face the Voidborn and defeat this demo.

For the retro lovers out there, fight through 10 waves of enemies and 1 boss with 10 different weapons in this quake love letter, although the game isn't out yet you can play the demo here : https://thenek.itch.io/acheron

Would love to see your feedback, cheers!

For updates on development be sure to follow on twitter : https://twitter.com/AcheronGame

Hey you, if you like this be sure to check out https://thenek.itch.io/acheron it's basically the evolution of acrimony, thanks.

Awesome game, although i must admit i was falling every 3 seconds.

I'm afraid i can't due to this being a prototype i don't have a separate build to update and the project is about 5gb now (and unplayable), i added inverted mouse support however for the future and thank you for letting me know, cheers!

Glad you liked it