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A member registered Dec 30, 2016

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i was thinking the same thing! This game plot is amazing! I'd pay to see it be a TV Show

And I can't wait to see what other mystical stories you come up with in the future! Your characters and story are honestly my favorite parts, the humor and everything, I swear I'm sometimes laughing my ass off at things 

After playing through all of Eternum up to its current point, while waiting I've played this, and man, you're a fuckin genius and I honestly kill to see a follow up game to this in the future or something, like maybe The Grimoire it's more than a Legend and it's an alien artifact or something and you have to escape more than just cultists and need more problem solving things and put more possible game enders or something like I have a lot of ideas for multiple things and wish i had the skills to program things like these games

no problem! I just might cry when the game ends haha everything is so well put together that I'm already attached! I love Sci-Fi like stuff so this is an amazing experience as Ready Player One is also one of my favorite movies so I'm happy to see someone making a game like this and doing such a good job at it because I've seen fails at doing stuff similar to it or are just completely lacking any depth to anything, so keep it up! I'm already impatient on when the next part'll come out cause I neeeeed to know what happens next, I have so many ideas running through my mind on how this could go and I'm going through em all wondering what might be it

Ok, I'm Sold, this game is a masterpiece and I'll definitely have to support some when I get the money! Keep up the great work, can't wait to see more, though these cliffhangers have me like on a notepad trying to figure out what might happen next

Amazing game, I'm glad the next update is soon because I just reached then ending and I'm ready for the next part

Great game! And I love the interactions of everything and the plot as well, very nice job

Ok- The most recent part of the Charlotte story hits man, I love this game, more for it's story than anything, THIS COULD BE A MOVIE DAMMIT, like I'd love to see a book or something about this, I mean probably without the explicit content EVERYWHERE but like I feel this is a very good concept of a story really, and I've never been so engaged in any of these games ever and this one I want to get the popcorn out and play

When you download the Zip file you have to copy the Archive file to a folder I think is under or something like that

(1 edit)

I've followed the directions and Idk what I'm doing wrong, the Apk is failing to download and there's no save folder

I keep trying to do the Apk but keeps failing to download, I know I have plenty of space but it keeps popping up with like a Failure to install error or something