Creator of
Recent community posts
You can find some of my assets on the Unity Asset Store below:
Customizable Levelling System
Submit your boss, enemy or weapon creations and they could be featured in the game. Submit the following:
- Type (Boss, Enemy or Weapon)
- Boss, enemy or weapon name
- Image for the boss, enemy or weapon (Preferably 480x480 Pixels)
*Do not submit any images or names that are offensive in any way. If so, they will not be added to the game...obviously*
Money Catcher is a game where you catch money falling from the sky and obtain a score as high as possible in 60 seconds. You can collect clocks which increases the timer so you can earn even bigger scores!
This is my first published game that I have created using C#. I have been teaching myself how to code in Unity using C# and I have created many other mini games, but this is a game that I am spending a lot of time developing. The concept of this game was created around 2, almost 3 years ago when I made a similar game with the same game title in Scratch.
I would appreciate it if you could check my game out and give me feedback on what's good, bad or things that you think should get added.
Lionstar Games
Hey everyone reading this, I am the creator of Drone. Drone is a platformer game where you traverse a level trying to find the end of the level in order to complete it. To help aid you in finding the end of the level, you can use your drone which can help obtain keys and other collectibles that are inaccessible to the player due to locations being too high up for the player to access.
I would appreciate it if you checked the game out at and download it to give it a try. Make sure to leave any feedback or suggestions in the community section of the page. Thanks :)