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A member registered Dec 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! :D

Thank you! All art was done by Kalanoka, feel free to check him out!

As a fellow frog game maker, I approve ;D

Thank you so much! We're glad you enjoyed c:

LOL I love that idea! Thanks for all the feedback NotRobot! We'll have a path/QOL coming out very soon :)

Thank you John! Kalanoka's art is amazing!

Thanks! That part was actually harder to program than we would've expected, so we're glad to hear it was well worth it :)

Wow, that's a great premise to extend the gameplay! We'll certainly consider it. Thanks again!

A mobile game would be exciting! Do you have any ideas on what could be put in any extra features?

We haven't had one planned, but we're happy to hear your ideas on what it should take to "win" in Mail Frog Sort! :D

Oh wow, thanks for bringing that to our attention! We had no idea, and will have a fix up soon!

I think the UI is a great idea! Thanks for all the great feedback Aidan :)

Thank you so much! :)

Play as poor, overworked mail-frog as you spend you days sorting packages onto their correct conveyor belts. But beware! An infestation of pesky cats has broken out-- and under no circumstances must you let them be sent out!

With your mighty tongue, capture the packages and match them to their corresponding locations: destined to be sent nationally, internationally, or even to another planet-- Mars!

This game is AMAZING.

Weirdly satisfying indeed!

Done and dusted 💪

Glad to hear it! If any other problems arise just let me know.

Good evening Bullet Giraffe!

From my experience running and participating in Co-op bundles, the cuts of the bundle is automatically distributed between everybody as soon as a sale is made. As the sale progressed, for every bundle sold you should have seen your cut in money made. If you go to Dashboard -> Earnings -> Payments, you should be able to see a long history of earnings made. If you did in fact receive the cut of the bundle, there should be plenty of transactions shown around the time the bundle was active.

Even as the runner of the bundle, I only receive my cut; I have no access one way or another to the rest of the cuts, as they're handled by Itch and Itch alone.

Let me know what you find or if you have any more questions!

- TheTominator

How long did it take you to make this game? :o

This game was awesome! It completely exceeded my expectations. This is a great game, not just for a first-time dev but in general! Honestly, I don't have any critiques. It feels like a steal playing a game that's this long for free. Thanks for the experience!

Wow, thank you so much for the kind words and in-depth feedback! We'll take all of this into consideration for the full release :)

Thank you so much for the kind words! Our team here has plans to add additional characters, platforming areas, and polish that we weren't able to do in the time of the jam. Stay tuned for more! 🎉

Thank you so much for the feedback and kind words! Our team is so glad you enjoyed it. Camera will be fixed in the next version 🎉

I had an absolutely amazing time! Got three friends into game jams for the first time, and got back into game dev for the first time in too long.

Learned a lot, spent a LOT of time planning out with friends, and even though I had to leave for a trip before I could fix some bugs, I'm very satisfied with how our project turned out! There's so much passion and creativity in Office Party Panic, more than I've ever had in a project before, let alone with only have 3 hours each to dev!

One thing I will say is I regret not learning how to export with WebGL before the jam. Although we've gotten a couple of downloads, we've yet to get any ratings for our project. Please, if you have the time and have a windows device, consider downloading our project and giving it your honest thoughts. Make sure to read the description first!!

Thanks for such a great game dev experience! Hope to do another jam soon. First, I've got to finish this one up! :)

As someone who's never done a trijam before, as well as someone that's been outta game dev for a while, I'm preparing by planning out what I want to do for my game. Creating a design doc, thinking out level design, concepts, the whole nine yards!

This is my first time doing game development with other people, and for 2 of the three I'm working with, this is their first game jam! I'm also going to be the only person of the four that's going to have access to the Unity project, so I've REALLY got to set everything up to be as efficient as possible. 

If you're working on a team, I'd recommend you figure out who's doing what. 

If you're working by yourself, you should plan out the project you want to make, and then make a list in order of priority of what needs to be done :)

If you have any more questions, or even any advice of your own, feel free to lmk!

Thanks again for making it!

That's funny, I'm going to be doing the same thing this week with a couple friends of mine in Trijam 256. It's been a while since I've done gamedev, so I'm quite excited to get back into it :)

This is game is genius! Maybe some will think that's an overstatement, but I never thought I'd see a game about the pheromone trail of ants! That is so cool to me.

Definitely a few things you could do after the jam to really make it shine, like a scoring system and a bigger map; not demands, just ideas. Great job!

Hey, admins of the bundle! 

Just wanted to say that I accidentally also submitted my project #1432 to the bundle; I do NOT want it in the bundle as it is quite an unpolished and unfinished work. Sorry for the inconvenience!

(I do still want my game "Dictionary Glory" to be considered :)

Dang dude, you got one of your games played by Markiplier? Well done man.

Where can I find your other projects?

Of course man! The praise is well deserved. Keep it up!

Can you please approve the bundle? 

We need it ASAP; everyone but you and another has already approved.


Hey guys! Attached is a finalized bundle approval link! I know I've said that many times, but hopefully the third time's the charm! This time around someone seemed to have their game submitted (with their email attached) without their consent! I hope you all understand; I apologize for any inconvenience I may be causing. 

Since the bundle needs to be fully accepted once more, I've loved the official bundle starting date to December 4th to give everyone ample time. Additionally, I've lengthened the duration of the bundle, albeit by only a handful of days, to January 15th. This was done so that the sale ends on a weekend (it'd feel weird to end it on a Wednesday 😆)

Lastly, my own cut has been reduced to 3%. 

Thank you so much for sticking with me, and making something truly wonderful to have together.

Have a happy holiday!

- TheTominator

Of course, I understand entirely! You make some great points. Do you think 3% would be a more reasonable offer?

I understand your concern regarding the cut, and I'd like to thank you for bringing it to attention. 

To give you a more specified perspective, I've spent around 8 hours so far working on the bundle, and plan to spend about another 8 between making sure everyone approves and continued advertising. This is how I was able to justify the 4% cut with myself; it's likely that everyone else only has to spend a few minutes between submitting their games and promoting it on their socials, so it seemed fair to compensate myself for the hours spent. If you or anyone else thinks that 4% is too steep please let me know!

(1 edit)


Hello Virtual Nomad! The bundle has to be reorganized so that the price is correct, meaning I have to make a new bundle submission link. One will be sent tonight, over whatever form of contact you attached to your submissions :)

It's supposed to be $29.99; I'll be sending out an updated version tonight :)

Oh no! That's my bad; my fingers must've slipped. I agree, $29.99 is much more reasonable. I'll be sending out an updated version tonight!

(1 edit)

Bundle will be reworked and resent out! :)

Of course! I will mention that because of the number of creators in the bundle, some are getting 2% and others 1%. This distribution is randomized, so as to make it more fair. Additionally, for the time put into creating the bundle I've set my own revenue to 4%; it took me almost two hours just to submit all the games into the co-op bundle! Between marketing of the bundle, creation of the logos, quality control and management I think this is a fair deal. Let me know if you guys think otherwise!