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A member registered Nov 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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Beta Release? 

Like 1 step before the full release? Because... Like it's already EA (Early Access) 

And thanks a lot - I guess sleeping is the most powerfull weapon against everything, I really feel a lot better then yesterday + the day before : D 

Really hope, you will not back down with your (don't want to be rude, but can I say "illness" as the word?) 


Can you MAYBEEEE plz. Add as a joke (maybe) to sleep a week? Just so the character needs everything by waking up BUT as a buff, has 2,5 times the "normal" tamina (don't make the stamina bar longer for that, just make the bar go further then it can "normally" hold like overritting the other pixels) 

Have a good one!! 

(2 edits)

Please take your time to heal 

I'm also kind of sick (geting much better sins Cirno Day (09.09) and you were speaking out of my soul with this fact) 

In summer, when everything burns because of this big fireball called "sun" ... 

just saw a new picture (=> update) - the update 0.10 or 1.0 will be the full release? and if so/ if not, will be There updates in the future? like regular updates or DLC`s? im try to follow the update path but im slow : D

*N I C E* 

I suppose the creator him self? 

Nice to know your experimenting with anything and everything around her still : D

But one question.: Because I only playd it on my windows 10 system, the game is also in progress for other versions as well? Like android? Cuz. I don't think to play the game very often on my PC if I'll be honest (More like an Phone Enjoyer => android 12) 

(3 edits)


It's just so much fun to play the game, I love the opening with the trumping, but... She gains trust too quickly I think - the rest is very overwhelming for me though... - I'm eating a pineapple now because of it (which means it's a good game with details which I really like).

I don't know if it's possible to make the game more "human" in some way... because I L-O-V-E human/natural things in certain forms and styles (I don't know if anyone understands me what i really mean by this) : D



Ich habe eine Frage, ob es Pläne gibt, das Spiel auf anderen Plattformen (wie Mac, Android, ... was sonst noch mehr...?)

Ich persönlich bin ein aktiverer mobiler Gamer als auf dem PC.

Aber ich habe mir das Spiel trotzdem gekauft (EHEM für 45 Steine), weil ich es wirklich vorziehe, in Spielen die Nerven zu verlieren (das ist in jeder Hinsicht positiv gemeint!) und ich bin jetzt gespannt, ob es geplant ist, da ich Android auf meinem Handy benutze und Android leider nicht mit Windows kompatibel ist, leider!

Vielen Dank für Ihre Arbeit am Spiel und mögliche Antworten ;D
