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(3 edits) (+1)

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1 step before the full release? Because...  it's already EA (Early Access) and i really have no understanding what you spesific mean by "finishing Beta story""

And thanks a lot - I guess sleeping is the most powerfull weapon against everything, I really feel a lot better then yesterday + the day before

 : D 


Can you MAYBEEEE plz. Add as a joke (maybe) to sleep a week? Just so the character needs everything by waking up BUT as a buff, has 2,5 times the "normal" stamina (don't make the stamina bar longer for that, just make the bar go further then it can "normally" hold like overritting the other pixels) 

Have a good one!! 

By "Full release" I mean .3 release xD

and Beta story, I mean the story for the Beta version. (just like in the Alpha release)

Glad to hear! ^^ I'm also starting to get better now, the cough is not that bad anymore!

And as for a joke, it's always there ;]

(1 edit) (+1)

So the next release = game finished and the beta story release = also finished completely 

I'm so confused right now, why this is called "beta story release" then but wellp, don't need to understand everything... Right? Right? 

Take your time, drink tea and sleep (the BESCHT medicine I know) I love coldness BUT while I sleep I need to be warm so I won't cough 24/7 but then I sleep MAD ... It's an delema ... MEH 

Im glad, to talk to the creator him self btw. This is kinda surreal for my brain 

- Alpha (Very early new game system preview)
- Beta (Mostly polished and almost finished new game system preview)
- Public (Full release of the new game system)

I mostly drink water, sometimes milk 😋and yes, I agreed xD

All good! Feel free to join the discord server since I am mostly active there and sometimes also Dev stream ~👍


Thanks for the invitation ... I don't have discord... Not anymore - but thanks : D

And Okey, never had this kind of explanation seen before - looks good to me tho (thanks) 

Do you have any patron or something? I would love to support in some way 

Reason: The Idea and what you made of it is beautiful - also the all in all overview  of it gives a spesific wibe that I really like (if I stricktly cancel out the NSFW parts = game is in my top 10) 

Aww, that's alright, I'm also sometimes checking and replying to comments here and there~

I do have Patreon, I post my devlog and vidlog (Well, most vidlog are only for patrons). And it's on the game page it self/ the main menu of the game!

Glad to hear that you like the game so far!! Can't wait to hear your opinion once .3 Beta release~ <3

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Welp yeah 

Found it (after being stupid to over look that icon in the game profile) and Welp... 19,99 US dollar ... ... ... Take my fu**ing Money and leave (no..., don't do that, that would be sad) 

So far it's interesting and YES i DEFINITELY will give my mustard to that what will comes next - I will bravery wait, NOT to spoil me BECAUSE of the support! : D (i failed what i wrote 30minutes later, because i actually looked in the Patreon and saw her in colour mode)

Also, will the support end after the full release is out? Or will it just shift to a new project? (Sorry if I'm asking this while you obviously make right now this game... It's also sounds ironic now) 

Any kind of support, helps me and this game to keep on going! <3

And no, I will not jump to a new project, because I'm attached to this one~ =3



For what I saw is the 0.3 update a hell of a bit different (looks good to me tho) - her hair colour just shocked me a bit but plz. Let her hair colour exact that one you shown on patreon! 

And also *takes "importanto" classes out* 

I really hope the "romance" is really like romance and not like any ordinary "thing" In games because, In romance will be also drama and emotions and everything else to feel the difference between friends and lovebirds 

One thing that I can tell you is, that the story is mainly focused on the adventure, and not really a romance.
However, the romance and the H is "Optional"/"Fan service". But! Keep in mind, that every action you make, will also determine the story~