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A member registered 89 days ago

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Nice game, very polished for being made in 3 hours.

Keep developing :)

I will

I really love this game!!!! It has some weird controls that I love and the possibility for just this mechanics is almost unlimited!! The B sides are incredible hard and technical even if there are still multiple ways to solve them.

By the way in the level shadow the appearing blocks on the sliders are completely useless as you can just jump around them, the only problem is not touching them.

I want part 2, where can I find it? This was a great game. Great fighting mechanics and thanks for the tip on the knives, however I would have also liked the control on how to throw knives, but that is just me being idiotic.

I found some really innocent glitches, like spamming buttons can sometimes result in a button being "locked", meaning that even if you are not touching the keyboard the game still thinks that you are holding down that button, and that is sometimes annoying, like when the "j" is locked and I cannot shoot anymore.

Another one that is somewhat hilarious is that when you press "r" then you die and respawn at a checkpoint, however pressing "r" before you respawn results in a small death scene where you character is not where it is supposed to be, however that is very much fine and doesn't affect the gameplay at all.

I found out that if you press "L" and a direction (left or right) while still falling from the beginning you start to slowly spin in that direction until you reach a wall, at which point you start to fall slower while still rolling midair. Also that is a soft lock if you do it to the right as you will get stuck on top of the pillar without control of the character.

To conclude this is a glitchy game and the "W" key is not mapped to be jump, which is annoying, so I'd say that this is a great game and that you have done a good job. 

Keep Developing!!

I got to floor 25 with MAX HP = 47, but in floor 24 I had been hit and I didn't possess any heal dices, so I entered with 29 health, and got 1 shot, however I have proven that it is possible, so I'll retry and hope for better RNG.

Yeah, that is the whole problem that I have with Terrain, and it is also why I love Terrain, you know, if the Terrain isn't there half of the turns, then I can get a new one, but then my consistency is low and it doesn't work.

Anyway, you are a great mathematician and you definitely found out some of the best strategies, I wouldn't be surprised if you were able to reach floor 60.

But now I wonder, is there any situation where getting a "gold glass Heal and Block" is worth it?

fair enough

wait until phase 4, there the lowest an enemy has 17 of health. and the highest has 37. Good luck 1 turning that

I agree, so much, and don't worry, the third boss has a parkour section, so it only gets harder, but it is so rewarding when you finally beat a boss for the first tim

That is more or less the Strategy

And that is not easy, for what I know, I'm the only one who has pulled that off, and I can confirm that is really hard.

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Well, it is what I would have expected, tough I recently found out that maybe using a glass die isn't as useless as it seems, because Glass dices can be used as a single turn power boost, and they don't mess up your consistency enough to be a pain unless you are at phase 7 or something like that, maybe a glass boost or something.

P.S. How do you think that normal dices compare to lucky? maybe those are better because of the higher numbers?

That is actually how it works, if you exit a fight at Max HP, then the possible "Heal all HP" card will be changed to "Increase Max HP", however when it will spawn is still random

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Ah, I'll try

Bruh, you must have had good runs to get to 40 without switching enemie

Also as a bonus I can't wait to see your face when you'll clip in the wall between boss 6 and 7.

But I'm not going to tell you how, so just try jumping at the wall to see if it does something.

HA, you got the bug-slime, it is so hilarious to watch and I would really like to know why that happens (I got it just by walking in some precise placements, it is not spamming), I got it a lot of times when I was grinding for Iron Man mode.

Also I agree with all of your points, though cheating boss 2 isn't that hard, it just requires getting down to 1 Hp and surviving.

Well, if you can get past the first phase then what you do is this: you wait on one of the side platforms (I personally prefer the right one), and you wait for him to telegraph its attack right beneath you, if is is doing is stuff where he jumps over the your platform by going from right to left then you need to dodge, in all the other cases stand still, once he does telegraph the attack right beneath you then you jump to another platform and you spam attack until he is sunken again in the slime. Then you repeat until the boss gets to the 3rd phase, there you need to move a little faster and beware the fake telegraphs.

Just know that bosses 1- 4 get trivial with time, and so do 6 and 7, if you are a professional then also boss 8 (first phase) might become trivial, but 5 and 8 (second phase) are going to take you soul multiple times.


If you go very aggressive on the "phase" where his tentacles move in a random direction and you attack every single time that it is possible then you can get to the actual phase 2 unharmed and with him only being able to pull 2 attacks of phase one, then it is just timing your jumps and going left from time to time to avoid being hit and you can defeat the boss hitless just like that!!

there is a way to time your jumps so that you can always dodge the fireballs by tapping the opposite direction of the one that you are facing after you begin the jump, also if you are fast enough you can get some hits on him before the screen turns black by jumping off the platforms at the side of the board.

I don't know and I can't try, I don't know a way to reset your game progress.

heavy + grow is good for some dices as they give X of what they are for X turns, and after that they get put in the discard pile

You can use them, but I think that they are too slow for phase 5/6, because they need 2 turns to be useful and in that first turn you can get dealt too much damage to survive the second turn, but there might be some ways to use them. Though I don't really like them.

yes, that is kinda of OP, I got that once and I got to 51 easily, however then I was forced to throw away the run by the grasshopper, if you get the heal & block and you can miss that even, then you can get to floor 60+.

Yes, but it is preferable to get the eternal with the grow effect and some boost/mirror to boost even more your Block.

I wouldn't recommend 2 attack dices, because I feel like I am very inconsistent with them and I feel like I'm always loosing Hp no matter what I do, but if you feel like the damage you deal out-scales the damage you get dealt then you are fine with that strategy

yes, it has a maximum face of 3, but when you place it on the board it stays there for the rest of the battle, a strategy for late middle-game is to have a single grow & eternal attack die, and all the rest be heal, block and some kind of boost, so that you place the attack down and then you just wait for them to die, like a "spam block and toxic" in Pokémon.

Credit to Chirp87, world record holder (floor 56), for this strategy.

The spider is a very strong event, it is substantially 3 trivia questions about the game, make one mistake and you loose some hp (I don't loose the trivia game in so long), if you make all three questions correct you are rewarded with a basic random & random die. This is basically a die that works as both its parts at the same time (terrain and mirror aren't possible parts of these dices), basically a "block & heal" die which rolls a 4 heals you for four and blocks for four.

All of these dices are waaaaaay stronger than the rest, to the point that they are a must for floors 40 and higher.

These are what are known as "half-dice" because they are half something and half something else

It is good for your strategy to already prepare with always having 5 dices in your deck, unless you are a maniac and you go for a low-consistency (6+ dices) from floor 25 onwards.

However having lots of dices can help with the grasshopper, specifically the event that forced one glass into you hand, getting one with a 5- dices is substantially a run killer when at floor 35+.

I got to 51 (phase 6) twice and died twice to the grasshopper forcing a die to be glass.

Nice game, very good concept, tough near the end it felt a bit easy...

This might just be me, I'd love to see a harder version of this game, maybe where overheating damage does 3 instead of 1, as I took a lot of overheating damage.

Keep Developing.

Good game and nice art style, is there any secret in "THE TREE"?

Nice, what was that? phase 5?

Tough without a Heal & Block die it is very hard to get past floor 50. Keep Grinding

I'm sorry I don't know how to post images... :(

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Great Game and Awesome art, it is very easy to get addicted to this game (in a good way) and that makes it a good game and makes the Developer a really smart guy.

Sometimes I wished that there were competitions on this game just to see it getting pushed to its limits by professional players.

Also here is a random dice idea: "void die", creates a an empty space X places away, can only have 0, 1 or 2 as faces, grow, terrain and boost don't affect it, and it gets improved by "silver" and "gold" tiers like the mirror die.

I think this would make for a fun die to play with, tough it might be a bit broken. and could fundamentally break the mirror die

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I don't really know that well Pokémon but I get what you are talking about, tough I have to ask, If you are always playing the eternal block die, then way not make it hollow & grow and just always play it?

Never mind I just looked at the image :)

Mh, I understand what you are talking about, I tried it once, I simply didn't have enough heal and block and I got killed before I could do anything.

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When you get Block and Heal then you are sure to get to phase 5, that thing can defend anything. ANYTHING, if you only get Boost & Random, Then I'm sorry, that part is full on random, and boost is the worst one to get.

Just keep on trying, sometimes you'll get a strong build and you'll reach phase 6, maybe even 7 if you miss the grasshopper.

I think that this should be true, but then I'd nerf the pink die a ton.

Also if pink could buff pink then purple should buff purple, which would crash the game

What? What is enemy selection