Hello! I'll be sure to look into Mac versions on my end, however, if you haven't already, you can try opening the app again and then going directly to your Security and Privacy Settings, scrolling all the way down, and selecting "Open Anyway" where you should see "The Zium Exposition" - this may bypass your systems security issues with the app.
Also, thank you for your kind words about The Zium Gallery. Thanks for visiting!
The Zium Society
Creator of
Recent community posts
We've pushed an update that is largely focussed on performance accessibility. This means that you have more option to tailor the experience to your liking, and your computer's capabilities. Thank you for all of those who submitted feedback, and those who helped playtest the update, as well as those who worked on making The Zium Exposition better for everyone. There's a devlog with more information, but here is the change-list:
- System; Targeted performance-centric improvements.
- General; Quality + Resolution Settings added to Main Menu and Quality Settings to In-Game Menu.
- General; Spelling Fixes to Signage and Attributions of some artists.
- General; Headbob parameters set to barely perceptible levels.
- General; Breathing effect set to barely perceptible levels.
- General; Quality Settings added to In-Game Menu.
- Tea Bähr, The Door Problem: Collisions added to avoid player going out of bounds.
- Jay Castello, Audio Tour: ‘Audio Tour Available’ signs added to areas with Audio Tour nodes.
- Farfama, Movements and Modulations; Changed floor material to match wall material.
- Quinn Spence, Doll’s House; Slightly more intuitive experience for players interfacing with the dollhouse.
- Ebbinghouse (stand-alone); title track was not playing in main "Ebbinghouse" scene, ensured that it does, and updated both Windows and Mac builds.
What a thoughtful and touching review. I will be sure to share it with the other artists.
Thank you for time and your words, and thank you for visiting The Zium Exposition.
We do have an update all but ready to go, but accessibility is very important, so we should always strive to be better there.
I hope you'll have just as special a time with the previous offerings. Thank you, SourHank.
Hello! Yes, unfortunately, Linux is not currently a supported platform, even via Wine. We do have a native Linux build being tested on an experimental branch, but it is not at the standard where we can release a supported native Linux build. However, if you're interested in helping test our native Linux build, please be in touch via our discord; https://discord.gg/mz529mZ4Ry
To enter a Perceptoscope, you approach it and press Z. To exit, you use the ESC menu and select "Return to Gallery" - though, as reported, if you can't access ESC Menu, you won't be able to leave the Perceptoscope. As mentioned, we'll explore alternate inputs to exit Perceptoscopes outside of a menu, though, ideally, we'd have you able to access the menu in the first place!
We've uploaded new builds in the last 24 hours, hopefully there's a fix in there. In earnest, we can explore alternate keypresses to open the menu, and will do so at the very least to attempt to debug the issue. Though, Perceptoscopes are entered by pressing Z. There should be no key press required at all once exiting and returning to the gallery, you should just return to where you were with free movement. There was a fix for this specifically in the 1.1 update, just to say. I can not personally replicate the issue, but am keeping an eye on it.
Just a few little fixes we caught post release.
Thank you to everyone who has played The Zium Exposition so far, and in particular those who have submitted feedback. Not only do you get to enjoy The Zium Exposition in and of itself, but now you've assisted in making it a better experience for everyone, as well as yourselves, in the future. Well, from the present moment, and into the future. Thank you!
This update includes a number of bug fixes and QoL updates for The Zium Exposition, including:
- System: Updated player prefab to not 'lock' players upon returning from Perceptoscope warps.
- System: Fixed issue with Catalogue displaying more discoveries than there are to discover (eg. 243/42)
- Introduction: Added courtesy collisions to avoid players falling off and/or through the mountain.
- Main Scene: Added signage to remind visitors they can Warp around the gallery via the Catalogue Menu and Menu Map
- Main Scene: Added Perceptoscope near Exposition Elevator to allow for replay of Introduction Sequence from Main Scene.
- Main Scene: Removed obsolete and misattributed text from various signage.
- Nicola Acler, Spots Installation: Adjusted code to allow visitors to un-dock with peripheral on ESC (rather than E)
- Itch.io Installer: Fixed issue that prevented Windows Version of The Zium Exposition from installing via the itch.io app.
- Other general bug fixes and optimisations.
Hello Visitors,
This is that place for you to post feedback and bugs.
I, along with the artists, would love to hear from you and your time in The Zium Exposition.
Please note, if posting a bug, please include the platform you are playing on (Windows/Mac)
You can also post bugs in the #bugs channel of The Zium Zerver on Discord.
Invite link here: https://discord.gg/b2tWDsFdKw
Thank you for playing The Zium Exposition.
Noted on the "Return to the Gallery" button not functioning as expected. Though, if you could please clarify what you mean; re the "main menu". Whether you mean the 'main menu' in the Introduction Scene (Esc Menu) or the Main Menu with the Sign that says "1. Tutorial 2. Introduction 3. The Zium Exposition" - also, helpful to mention what platform you are playing on, please. Thanks for playing anyway. I hope you'll have a nice time.
Hello! Thank you for the bug reports, and thank you for playing!
1. Noted. Looking into it.
2. Noted. Looking into it.
3. Noted. Will take a look.
4. There are two "Pippin Barr" channels with multiple nodes around the gallery. There are upwards of twenty in total, just keep the radio open while you are exploring and look for static.
5. Feature not a bug 😇