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A member registered Aug 17, 2021 · View creator page →

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I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder is also a cliche after all ;) Glad you enjoy the game!

Had to play the game because people said the music is good - and I concur! The music and sound fit the game very well.

It looks fantastic and has a really nice, spooky atmosphere! I don't get at all how it relates to the theme, but it's great nonetheless.

It looks really good and the music matches the mood, but I did get lost in the first alleyway sort of thing where you fight the robots and then there's no way out. I like the idea of the sword glare, that's as 80s as it gets, but I think I did get a bit distracted by it in combat as well :D

Hey there :)

Yep, still available :) best contact me on discord, Thimras#7432

Hey everyone,

my name's Eike, I'm a sound designer and composer from Adelaide, Australia.  

I love stealth games, so I'd be happy to help out if there's a team still looking for a sound or music person (I also have connections to voice artists if necessary). Reply here ,hit me up at thimrasaudio@gmail.com or find Thimras#7432 on discord, I'd love to hear from you. 



As fellow sound person, I can vouch for Moot Voot! They do good stuff.

Hey everyone - sorry, I didn't realise that the discord link was set to expire! Here's the permanent invite: https://discord.gg/Ax6aYhdrRu

Hey everyone :)

I'm a composer and sound designer based in Adelaide, South Australia. I love Edgar Allan Poe's work and gothic horror in general. I've done several game jams on itch for both sound and music, and you can also check out my work on soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/eike-germann

If you think we'd make a good team, hit me up with a reply or on discord as Thimras#7432 :)

Hey :) Sure, do you have a discord contact or another way to reach you?

Hey everyone :)

This looks like an interesting topic for a fun little jam - if anyone needs some music or sound effects for their game, hit me up :)

You can find examples of my work on soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/eike-germann or just check out the games I've work on previously on itch.

I'd love to hear from you! You can reply here or find me on Discord as Thimras#7432.

Hey everyone :)

I'm a composer and sound designer from Adelaide, Australia and I'd love to join a team for this jam. Check out my work on soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/eike-germann or the games I've worked on on itch.io: https://itch.io/jam/new-horizons/rate/1331852 and https://arnabitakhdar.itch.io/who-cares

You can find me on discord as Thimras#7432 or reply here. Let's work together and make a cool game :)

Hey everyone :)  

I'm a composer and sound designer from Adelaide, Australia and I'd love to join a team for this jam. You can find my work on soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/eike-germann or check out previous games I've worked on through itch.io.  

You can find me on discord as Thimras#7432 or reply here to send me a message and we'll take it from there.


sure, no problem - my twitter is @germanneike and you'll see that I practically never use it :D you're better off trying discord (Thimras#7432) or replying on itch.io.

Ah, now, didn't get as far as having the cows do anything :D might have to give that another try.

Thank you! Sounds good, let me know when you've got a game or jam coming up and we'll work something out :)

Yep, I'm a composer and sound designer (I made the sounds and music for Nightshift at the Christmas Factory) - if you have certain music or sounds in mind, send me some examples and I'll see what I can come up with :)

That's really interesting to hear - from the composer side, it often feels like the teams are all "full" and already have people and it is hard to find teams. Anyway, I intend to practice and jam a lot, so if you need something for a project like this in the future, feel free to get in touch :)

The link comes up as invalid, could it have expired?

Hey there,

I love PKD's work (and I suppose being a William Gibson and Bruce Sterling fan comes with that) and if you'd like me to make your electric sheep go "baah", then let's get to it :)

You can check out my work on itch as well as my music on soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/eike-germann

Hey there :)  

I'm Thimras, I like games and making noise in all shapes and colours. If you need someone to help with specific assets for your games, from music to sound effects or voices, I'd love to join you on your quest for this jam :)

Well, let me know what kind of music you'd like and maybe we could put something together? ;)

Hmmmm... this is a pretty brutal game. Finding food is hard, and there isn't really much to keep you "entertained" on the way either (no music?). Being stranded on an island doesn't strike me as very positive.

This is a really cool idea. And I'm even getting the hang of it without instructions :D However, I always feel a little weird when I throw away the "play video games" bit to make room for something else... in a video game... or is there a way to turn the pieces and have it all?

What a great idea. Really enjoyable and smooth gameplay.

Uhm... probably the most politically incorrect game I've played in the jam so far. Male gaze and all that. Makes for a very limited audience, I think.

It's a cute idea, especially considered the extra function of finding the npcs behind trees. But... no music? :(

Great idea and execution - I love the music, it matches the game really well, but it seems to stutter sometimes and it's not clear if that's part of the music or if it's stuttering because I'm an idiot steering Navid into a wall.

Haha! I smashed my car after smashing all the other cars What's not to love? :D  

But... no music? :(

This is a really cool idea. Maybe it would have helped if you had a practice level for dumb players (like me) where you only have one house, one person, one cow or something. I found it difficult to get the hang of it, I talked to a few people, ran out of motivation points and got stuck multiple times.  
I like how much work you must have put into the dialogue, from "should I renovate the house" to "does that mean milk is infinitely priced?" :D

Heaps fun! I love the lo-fi and 8-bit vibes of the music.

It has a very loud, in-your-face pachinko parlour kind of vibe, good fun :)

Dude, this is brilliant, I totally failed the first level because I couldn't stop laughing. Great job.

I'll download it later to have a closer look - it hangs in my browser (Firefox) at the intro text about Santa. Pity, because I love the music, it is very atmospheric.

Ah, sorry - my bad :D In that case, look for interviews/articles by Winifred Phillips. If she doesn't know it, you probably won't need it for a while... :D

I hope this is allowed - here's a link to a small collection of free resources focussing on game audio I put together:  

Let me know if you have any questions (or suggestions, it's a work in progress) :)

Hi all,  

this sounds like a fun jam - I'm surprised anyone even remembers Asheron's Call. I'd love to chip in with music and sound design elements, you can check out my work on my itch.io page and on soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/eike-germann


Thank you :)

Thank you!

Thank you! I'm glad you like it :)