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A member registered Feb 14, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the update!

No worries, the dungeons were just a small part of it, I came across your game when reading about LLM-powered games and just wanted to check it out in general.

It's a cool project already, the basic loop with fire/heal spells and dungeon crawling with a boss and an exit is a nice starting setup for the randomized story quests. It could use some UI improvements (e.g. show the position of the player on the minimap, and maybe the boss/exit too). Also, the controls are a bit weird and inconsistent, and I noticed that it conversations it didn't always register some letters I had typed and I had to re-type them.

I wasn't expecting voice synthesis, that was hilarious and caught me totally off-guard. The NPC's seem to stick to the game world, but you can get them to say stuff that doesn't happen in-game (I got the blacksmith to "forge" me a sword, which didn't spawn as an item obviously).

I beat the game once and then it crashed :) I can send you a log if you want, but I don't think it's a bit deal when it's a short jam project anyway.

Thanks for the update, I'll stay tuned :)

The game runs fine for me, but it seems that the steps involving the LLM don't work any more, including entering the dungeon (it freezes at "Create level Objective from LLM").

I'm joining the long line of people asking for an export function and/or source, this is great :)

It may not be a game, but I can think of a couple procedurally generated metroidvanias where the world generation is nowhere near as good as this, and now I kinda wish the devs could just use your layout generator instead of trying to cobble together their own solutions from scratch and not doing a very good job.