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A member registered Dec 14, 2015 · View creator page →

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No need to apologise for anything. Yorkshire Gubbins is nothing but fantastic as it is now and I'll gladly recommend it to anyone who wants to hear it.

This is incredibly exciting to me! Big Gubbins fan, I never stopped believing you will pull through eventually.

Wow, what a game!

Wow, thank you so much for this. What a blast I had playing this game, so good!

Wow, this is incredible. I used to have a Sharp MZ as a kid. Sadly I've lost mine, but I know someone who has one. Might get them to play this!

Absolutely majestic. Well done!

The other leagues will follow soon*!

* not a promise

Wow thanks!

I made the disabled keys a bit more grey, what do you think?

Hey thanks! Yeah, I think that's when you're playing with the mouse? I've mainly used the keyboard myself tbh, just typing away.

What do you think I could do to make it easier? Maybe just a different colour for the disabled black keys so they stand out more?

Aww thanks!

Ha, awesome! Thanks :)

I can confirm the Linux build works like a charm. Errr, wait no I mean, I only use Linux at work, there's no way I can test that version.