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A member registered May 06, 2016 · View creator page →

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Damn, this is so good! Congrats! Creative game idea and feels clean.

Thanks, your feedback is greatly appreciated <3

My Backlog currently is:

  1. Clearer Indication of when you reach the right size to end the level
  2. Camera Improvements
  3. Proper Cutscenes
  4. Intro Cutscene to bring across the "story" more clearly
  5. Cleaner Fast Movement (Make it less slippery)
  6. More Edibles (Almost everything should be edible)
  7. My Own Assets
  8. Planetary Scale Gameplay
  9. Proper End (Slime eat Universe)

Thanks for the Feedback :)
Yea, Camera was a bit challenging. 

My Backlog currently is:

  1. Clearer Indication of when you reach the right size to end the level
  2. Camera Improvements
  3. Proper Cutscenes
  4. Intro Cutscene to bring across the "story" more clearly
  5. Cleaner Fast Movement (Make it less slippery)
  6. More Edibles (Almost everything should be edible)
  7. My Own Assets
  8. Planetary Scale Gameplay
  9. Proper End (Slime eat Universe)

Simple but a nice game! Feels polished and works well.

Love the artstyle! And the gameplay loop is interesting.

Nice! I liked the trippy background! :)

This was fun to play! Perfect length too.

This is nice! Love the artstyle.

This was fun! Reminded me of old school flash games. Well done!

(1 edit)

Great game! Slightly longer load time. The game did make me chuckle :)

(1 edit)

I think the question is clear.
Otherwise, if there isn't, feel free to join the room I opened.



I only know human music. Can you also make bee music? :D
No but seriously, how about we get together and try to get something going?

THe third one isn't a bee. It's a wasp.
A weirdly anthropomorphic sexualized wasp.

I release this Package under CC 4.0, however I would be glad if you 

of all notify me of your use of the Package. Maybe I would like to play your game. Just leave a message on my page or a tweet or something.
My Twitter handle is @Timb9o.
On you find me at Timbooooooooo.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
for any purpose, even commercially.
 This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.


You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable exception or limitation.
No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material.

(4 edits)

Hi there,

to keep this Jam available for as many people as possible, I have created a CGA Shader that might come in handy for some of you.
It's a simple shader that takes the brightness of the Image and applies the color palette according to that.
One thing I want to add in the future is  a crosshatch effect so the coloration will be a little more detailed and stepped.
Maybe I will release that one as well.

Have fun at the Jam and good luck for all of you :)
Kind regards,

Hi there,

I saw mostly the use of High intensity Palettes. However I wanted to ask, if we can also use the low Intensity Versions of the palettes?

See here for a visual reference:

Kind regards,

I usually use unity. Hence I have the standard unity splash image which is not in CGA. 
Is that okay?

Sorry. I didn't find the time to finish my project. Thus I have to retreat.

Thanks for the nice reply.It's good to see the community kicking off here, a little bit :)

Regarding your concerns, regarding the Input: I have also created an Alt. Config, which uses the Bumpers and Shoulder buttons on a controller and the A Button for the inversion. However as this whole Topic is not completely clear, I hope, that my interpretation of the Inputs will turnout to be correct. I rely heavily on a 5 Button Input.

We will see, what the Outcome will be :)

I will soon post the earliest update and a Level Commission system, so I can also involve the Community in the development. So kind of like an Alpha Phase :D

Kind Regards,

Hi Agecaf,

I'd assume the screen is the one depicted in the Header of the Jam Page.
Check it out. There you can also see the player distance and the space/controll abilities :)


I'd assume that's what they meant.
Up,Down,Left,Right+Spacebar. That's how it looks on the Header Image.

(2 edits)

Progress update 0.0.1
Gameplay mechanics are implemented. Artstyle has been decided.

Hope the gif loads, otherwise just look at it on Giphy.

As far as I understood no mouse Inputs are wished. If you want more inputs, the description says you can probably use an XBOX Controller.
As you can see from the title image, the Input terminal is very small and a mouse would most likely not fit there.
Good Luck with your project.

960*144 community · Created a new topic What about sound?

Hi there,
me again.
Are speakers installed with the screen?
Kind regards,

960*144 community · Created a new topic Love you to bits

Hi there,

some info about my self, you can find in the "Random - We'll love to hear from you." - Thread, so I will instantly get to the point.

About my Game: "Love you to bits"

The game is a 2D Puzzle Platformer for TWO players. Yes. Two. Even though it can be played alone, I think it's more fitting to the point of the game. The idea is to bring people together. Close to each other. Make people have body contact (through their Hands).

How is it going to be played you ask? (ok... obviously you didn't :D)
  • Two players share the Arrow-Keys and the space bar.
  • Player One moves his character with the right and up arrow (To the Right and to jump).
  • Player Two moves his character with the left and down arrow (To the left and to jump).
  • What happens when one goes to far? Well, that's where the space bar comes in handy. If one presses space, the meaning of the arrow keys is inverted. Pressing right key means player one goes left and pressing the left key means player two goes right.

In each level you two are tasked with finding a way to get to each other. Once you meet each other, you two fall to bits (hence the name) and progress to the next level. Each level is then again supposed to abstractly represent situations in a relationship.

About the artstyle:
I'm not an (pixel)artist. However my girlfriend Lorena is. She's going to do the most of the art styling. I will keep you posted on this.
First we had planned to present it like a living room and go for a pastelized pixelartstyle, but as we now saw the Screen, we're decided to be going for a neon and color intensive style.

My motivation:
Why do I make this game? Obviously for this jam, but the idea is devoted to Lorena, who also is my muse, inspiration and the light of my life.

Let's hope everything goes well. I will keep you posted on the progress. Talk to you soon.


Hi there,

First of all thanks for hosting the JAM. It's an interesting challenge and really braught forward an Idea that has been simmering in my head for a while.
About me:
I'm Timo (21) from Germany, and working in the field of IT. During my studies of Computer Science I had found my love for gamedevelopment.
Especially in Unity. I develop unity games since 3 Years now, however the first successfull thing I implemented was during my Studies a VR Experience of the USS Enterprise.
My hobbys are going out with friends, playing pen and paper RPGs, doing sports sleeping, playing videogames, sleeping some more, cooking and eating.
Oh yeah, and have a cat called Samson.
I think that's it.

Kind ones,