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A member registered Aug 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! I agree, lots of work to do. I was happy to get something submitted. One easy addition I want to do is be able to restart without closing. And, having played others’ games I see that I didn’t touch the story at all. It’s a good lesson for the next jam!

Neat game, object pooling will help with the lag. See

That was fun!

I only saw one "run", but it was fun to play for a little while. Maybe some instructions?

It was super cool mechanics, but I keep getting dead in the first minute! I am so bad!

This was a fun game! On my screen the sides were a little cut off, even in full screen. But it was fun. Thanks for posting!

Thanks Mario! It's simple for now, but I'm going to keep improving it (powerups, different planets, etc.). 

Thanks for playing!