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A member registered Sep 25, 2021

Recent community posts

You lack storage space in your phone, most likely.

In relation to the pirated 93% - you should impliment a etc login. 

Offer up to 0.4 for free as a demo, then unlock the rest by logging in. 

The login will check if either game is owned, or player is currently subscribed on Pat/Sub etc.

That way you offer the whole game, a demo, and protect yourself and your income stream. 

A couple of other games do the same for premium content (outfits or cheats etc) but you can literally do it to unlock the full game after demo.

Yeah but, why?

As it stands, we've been waiting 2+ yearsfor an update, so you might as well play the game now - it should update fine after 0.1.3 releases sometime in 2030

Clear space on your phone. Its a storage issue.

lol no

You can get episode 1-4 via Patreon. Episode 1 here is a "demo" so to speak. Support the dev on Patreon to unlock the rest of the current chapters.

Heavy inspo from Summertime Saga, right?

Dude, it's not selfish to ask questions. Especially more so when money is being exchanged. So perhaps consider removing your nose from the dev's anus and let people ask their questions - of which this area is literally here to allow.

This was all settled and cleared up 2 weeks ago, and now you're opening it again and adding this unecessary reply, for what?

Being selfish is to do something for one's own benefit as a detriment to others. Asking questions is not selfish. Telling people they cant ask specific questions or say specific things is fascism. And I'm sure you're not a fascist, are you?

Wait more than 2 years

Also, it's very very easy to say "well no one is forced to give me money" - the point is, they do.

They believe in your game, they believe in your ability to produce the game to a good standard. They enjoy the story arc and the other bits. They support you. 

As a developer, saying "no one is forced to support me" is taboo. If they all suddenly stopped today, what would happen?

Thanks for the reply. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your gane and look forward to the update. 

That said, taking over 2 years to push an update when thousands are supporting your monitarily is a bit of a wind up.

Your patreon shows you are taking over $5,000 per month from people. The "goal" you set specifically says you'll be "full time developing" but its literally over 2 years for a +0.0.1. 

I just think your patrons deserve a bit better that weekly updates explaining why there isnt an update. 

At $5k+ per month surely you can hire help? Do something more to give back to the people who've invested in you. 

0.1.2 released Nov 28 2020. 

Ignoring Events, there hasnt been an update in 2 years. And dev has now said its still going to be a few months for 0.1.3?

I'm glad I'm not a patreon. Imagine paying 'x' month after month for over 2 years for no actual content.

I'm sympathetic of your struggles in your personal life but theres comes a point where it just seems like you're taking peoples money, making up a few gifs and polls and stringing people along. 

You're literally getting $5,000+ a month through Patreon. So youve made approx $120,000 since the last actual content update. 

No one else think that's a bit mad?

Must be Brazilian? 

...why? Bit wierd

What a ridiculous thing this is.

0/10 won't even bother downloading.