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Tipsy The Cat

A member registered Mar 29, 2020

Recent community posts

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PLEASE for the love of god add some i-frames, i’m tired of bumping into an enemy and being sent into a cluster of like 50 of those triangle fuckers and losing 20-30 health points when i only have 10 or 20

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this series got me through alot of trauma as a kid/teen, thank you nami <3

just finished chapter 8 part 1 and im loving the complete depth to games, it’s so nice to see crossovers and references to other works (even… ehem mature ones O.O)

i can’t wait for chapter 8 part 2, thank you for making this wonderfully beautiful story (for free non-the-less OΔO)

you should check out Nami’s other VNs, they’re all really good :3

oh wow, that was a dope experience. I missed some of the end text since it went too fast, maybe consider having a setting to slow that down?

I suggest adding some info about moving save data (to/from Windows, Linux, Android, etc.) to the FAQ. That would be useful information. :3

I think you should sell it for at least $10 USD, i’d gladly pay $15 or even $20. And if you ever plan on adding voice lines, I’d pay $30 or maybe $25.

I’m sorry, but I stopped scrolling when I saw “WetMilk” on my screen XD

You need to use more than one braincell my fellow person. ( = w = )

Think, if you were a patreon and they have not updated the game, would you continue to be a patreon or would you stop being one and just wait for new stuff and then go back?

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You need to target a newer Android SDK or else Play Protect blocks it.

Can you please attach a proper manifest so that itch desktop users can download SOT?

I (love) ANAL

Can you please implement an “export save” function? Besides that, this game is amazing!

I tried Gziping it using Gzip on Ubuntu, same result…

I renamed the extracted file to *.js and it read fine by an editor, so I Gziped it using 7zip and I’m back at square 1…

Ok, so I looked at the archive. I can extract it, but the extracted file is named the same. I tried to extract the extracted file, but 7zip could’t recognize it…

I am going to set up a dedicated display device to run this in my room

I've been up all night thinking about this... w-what does this mean?

Same here...

Hmmm... alright, this checks out.

Oh no, what do you need them for?

The series is a VN (Visual Novel) it just uses RPGmaker. There is no "player" you just direct the characters movements. Dev made this game not expecting a sequel to be made. TBH, most of your "Constructive Criticism" is less constructive and more criticism...

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i think you need to READ before you play games...