should probably refresh/replace/noop if already set instead of stacking indefinitely
just a visual issue, no actual impact on anything
it's rare to see an actual playable demo in 2018 instead of a 15€ early access cash grab that is nowhere near the level of what you have shown so far... thus i'm glad some of what I mentioned could be useful.
the tactical layer looks really good coupled with some very interesting/unique ideas (the impact of terrain, the timeline, focus...), you might consider adding it onto kickstarter for both funding and more feedback from other players...
I could have added more points but didn't want to bloat the post even further... that said a grappling hook could be a nice addition. Pulling enemies over spikes could ignore the damage in the same manner that 'ram' does (except for the last tile the enemy ends up staying on). Perhaps it could allow the character to access tiles with a bigger height difference other units might not reach that easily ... and then give enemies a similar skill^^
anyway I'm looking forward to the full game, especially if the strategic layer is on the same level and there's enough variety in enemy types, map design, etc
on the top right part of the battle UI there's a button to display enemy health bars... it shows the same curved bar on top of the opposing units that you see above your own
once selected it will stay that way, for me it was hidden by default
first of all looks like a promising game if content will be added, good job so far; long text ahead
features that I'd like to see:
issues I noticed so far: