Hi guys!
If you have any suggestions, issues, bug reports or just want to talk to us about Urtuk, please create a post here!
Challenging tactical turn-based RPG in an open-world dark, low fantasy world · By
Finally got a minute to play the demo. You have really cool ideas, guys! I really enjoyed the 3rd mission and all I can say is: "give me more";)
The only thing that I find pretty annoying in the long run is the lack of health bars and no real indication of the weapon's piercing atribute (or at least I haven't found it). I think you have something pretty solid here.
on the top right part of the battle UI there's a button to display enemy health bars... it shows the same curved bar on top of the opposing units that you see above your own
once selected it will stay that way, for me it was hidden by default
first of all looks like a promising game if content will be added, good job so far; long text ahead
features that I'd like to see:
issues I noticed so far:
Wow! Thanks for this huge list :)... took me a while to get all of this :)
You have very valid points - most of them (like wasd keyboard, skill readiness, balancing of terrain/units) we will implement into game.
For the RAM(charge) ability (scavenger warlord and footman) - it is intentional to ignore terrain effects on the path to target.
You can stun/exhaust enemy only if the height behind enemy is 2 and more.
Engagement is a special effect and should trigger free attack only when target moves, and only with some chance, so it's not always. The engagement icon should go away when the engager is not in melee range, if it's still there -> bug.
Units will retaliate if pushed against them only when: 1) is not exhausted, 2) is melee.
I've updated all description text in game related to your suggestions, and reduced the damage effect of spikes.
As for the Berserker class - he had 'grappling hook' ability - which pulls enemy to him, but we thought it's just too OP. He's still a candidate for re-design :).
For the ranged support - you probably right it seems to be OP, so we might add some mechanics to limit the effectiveness, like 1charge/turn..
it's rare to see an actual playable demo in 2018 instead of a 15€ early access cash grab that is nowhere near the level of what you have shown so far... thus i'm glad some of what I mentioned could be useful.
the tactical layer looks really good coupled with some very interesting/unique ideas (the impact of terrain, the timeline, focus...), you might consider adding it onto kickstarter for both funding and more feedback from other players...
I could have added more points but didn't want to bloat the post even further... that said a grappling hook could be a nice addition. Pulling enemies over spikes could ignore the damage in the same manner that 'ram' does (except for the last tile the enemy ends up staying on). Perhaps it could allow the character to access tiles with a bigger height difference other units might not reach that easily ... and then give enemies a similar skill^^
anyway I'm looking forward to the full game, especially if the strategic layer is on the same level and there's enough variety in enemy types, map design, etc
For the strategic layer - we do develop a world map with many zones/biomes with all different types of enemies. Each zone is its own small map with traveling system like in FTL, e.g. points of interest interconnected with routes. Player then chooses where to go with his Urtuk & party.. The last node within each zone is a boss camp. We also introduce small shop mechanics, and injury system for your party member - if a character falls in battle, he gets 'injured'. If he falls again, he dies and is gone for ever. The 'injured' status can be healed using bandage - a game resource..
There is really much going on regarding development & design, so hopefully, if you are interested, we will publish a private pre-alpha build of the campaign with combat.
Enjoyed what I played, my only real bit of feedback is we need more feedback as to what's going on. It took me a few tries to understand why certain characters were doing crap damage to certain enemies. Placement doesn't seem to be that important either, maybe adding attack ranges or abilities that allow enemy control (like pushback) would spice things up a bit.
Also some of the English is pretty bad, which makes it awkward to understand what the tutorial is saying. I'm happy to proof read any text you have :)
Perfect !
Have you planned an online mode ? A level editor could also be interesting .
To my mind, do not hesitate to diversify skills of the mercenaries while making sure to keep weakness to the units.
I would like to see a tactical game, challenging, punitive and authentic game. I think, you are on the right way !