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A member registered Apr 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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ooh if you give me the link to your draft, i can add it manually from my end

heck yeah, thanks for jamming!!

I'm SO happy to hear that!! helping people get started is my thing around here hah! good luck on the rest of the project!!

i can open it up for a moment if you'd like!!

thanks!! I will likely add to it in the future, but my ultimate hope is that other people expand on it with their ideas and we can see a bright, diverse community come to life!

WOOO i love to hear it!! can't wait to see your project! hope you've had a wonderful pride month too!!

Get your submissions in before tomorrow at midnight EST! 

You can always submit your piece and then go back to edit, if it's not finished in time!

Can't wait to see everyone's queer wrath!!!

Yeah, that's absolutely the way a lot of people publish their first game! It's that simple. And OO this concept sounds really cool! Can't wait to check it out, feel free to link the itch page here when it's live!

it's alright! if it's made with love, i'm sure people will find value in it. if it's "bad," so what? i've made some real bad art and a few real bad games. you made something, you did something for the first time, and that's the important thing! plus you'll learn and get better by simply finishing a project. future you can always come back with some more tools and update the game. i've done that plenty of times.

I think that fits our experience as queer people really well! But don't worry too much about making it "queer enough" or "wrathful enough." Don't force either one if it isn't feeling right. I'd rather you submit a piece of art that you love and feels true to your experience. Sometimes it's nice to just make some good ass art. I like your idea a lot! But don't be afraid to cut out anything that you put in just to fit with the theme. I think queer joy is the best revenge against fuckers like Ron Depantspiss, and that's enough wrath for me!

god i would LOVE to see that!! my partner and i aren't Black, but we are t4t and it's so special!! i think rage and love are super duper intertwined. you can always submit a first draft and then come back to revise it!!

OH that's a good question, and I myself will be submitting something with a "queerphobia" content warning. I suppose what I meant was "no glorifying queerphobia." I'm grateful you asked! You're good to go, can't wait to see your thing!!


not just SRDs, but assets, and a whole lot more!

omg so happy to have you!! i'm working on a system-agnostic setting for people to use for their own projects or games, where magic is real but we find out only queer people can learn it. lots of philosophical room to play!

oh my god this is perfect for me!! escaping FL suburbs took 30 years and a powerful partner. looking forward to seeing this completed!!

Thank you for the kind words. That's a wonderful idea, thank you so much. But my partner is starting a good job soon! And my goal is to create a sustainable business out of Titanomachy RPG so I can reliably pay bills with it, starting with Patreon. I also have some money saved up for the short term, but I'm thinking about the long term. Happy to have you join the jam, what a kind soul you are!! 

if you're queer, you probably have something to be angry about in the world. i know i do. my local pride is infested with cops and banks. it's no longer pride, so i'm moving on to wrath. but 'queer wrath' is a purposely open-ended theme to allow you to express this anger in whatever way you wish! 


patreon is totally a secondary thought if people are able, you're very kind to leave such encouraging words!! multiple submissions welcome! i'll add that to the FAQ, good question, thank you!!

hell yeah let's fucking GOOOOOO

small little games can make a big impact!!

i asked one time and it's only if you're not queer. i literally fled for the safety of my partner and me, i'm not ashamed to ask for monetary help. i get the feeling this isn't the right jam for you.

just means it's plain text, no lay out or art!

thank you so much!!

yay thank you so much!! it was a blast to write (and play!)

that is so wonderful to hear! yes, please go ahead and translate it into Polish!! thank you for wanting to do this!!

Thank you so much for the kind comment! And now I'm checking out Bloodless myself! It's SO cool to see people loving Caltrop Core games that have nothing to do with me!! I'm so happy to see a creator whose game is so well-loved. That I had even a small part in that brings me so much joy. And I'm freakin grateful for Ennio's choice to use my system to build on. Always an honor.

It can absolutely be GMless! People have built solo journaling games on the system, and my game NIGHTHAWKS technically doesn't need a GM, as the system determines what happens next.

Both! You are free to add any depth and complexity, and I can't take credit for it. It belongs to you 100%! I've learned a lot through how other people use my system, but I will never own their games or their tech. Hope this answers your question!

this game fucks, i love it!! the flyers are beautiful too. this is exactly the kind of game i want to see on caltrop core!!!

omg that sounds amazing! i hope i can punch a n*zi in it! thank you so much for choosing my lil system! drop a link when you're done and i'll check it out!

this was made a long time before 1.5 came out. this is for 1.0, where it's called a "Quick Action"

this really made my day T_T thank you so much for taking the time to leave this comment!! i'm so glad caltrop core could help you along! good luck with your first publication!!!!!

Oh, good point! I have some of this info in the doc, but having it on the description is better. To answer your questions:

  • 2-5 players, no GM required, though i like to play 'facilitator' for my games
  • average playtime: 2-3 hours for a session
  • i personally like to play this game solo using the wyvernbound playbook, but i do not have any concrete rules for a solo mode (yet)

Thanks for your question!

Thanks for your question! 3 is still a success (Partial Success), and 2 is still a failure (Partial Failure). Since the roll should have been triggered by a player character wanting to accomplish something, a 3 would mean they accomplish it but there's a catch. A 2 would be them not accomplishing their goal, but they gain some other kind of benefit or opportunity. Previously, a 2 would do nothing at all. For certain genres, like heists, this is still useful (you don't successfully pick the lock, but nothing else happens. you can try again. in our new optional rule case, perhaps the next roll is easier somehow). In my own games, sometimes rolling a 2 feels like it deflates the table a little. The new optional rule is to allow a 2 to be more dynamic for genres/games that want it. Hope this clarifies!

Holy crap this looks AMAZING!! Just purchased and can't wait to dig in! Such a coincidence, too--I've been on an internet horror kick lately, so this is perfect timing! Thank YOU for choosing to bless my lil system with your creativity and ideas!!

oh thank you!! that's so cool to hear! my background is in poetry and fiction, so i'd love to hear more about it when you have stuff! i will be first in line to buy!!

Sorry, the early page didn't have it! It should be fixed now!!

Yay thank you!! I'm so glad!

Oh snap, that core rules!! I'll have to take a closer look! Your idea sounds great! Can't wait to see it!!