This is BEAUTIFUL. The poetry and the pleasure and the heartbreak. Thank you for blessing the jam with your art!!
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this is so powerful and reminds me of some of my most difficult moments in therapy hah. and you got there in 36 words!! an absolute achievement in art.
i honestly think it would take me the same amount of time to finish a whole solo rpg as it would to finish this game.
please pay money for this y'all!!
Hi! I'm so sorry for the late reply. You should totally feel free to share and promote your game. I have read it and I LOVE the game!! I love the way caltrop core was incorporated into the results. Those questions and prompts are absolutely brimming with potential and poetry. The world and story, while challenging, are really accurate allegories for the troubles we trans people face. Thank you for blessing the jam with your beautiful art!! It's so freaking good
sorry i just got around to this! here's your link to submit late:
it's alright! if it's made with love, i'm sure people will find value in it. if it's "bad," so what? i've made some real bad art and a few real bad games. you made something, you did something for the first time, and that's the important thing! plus you'll learn and get better by simply finishing a project. future you can always come back with some more tools and update the game. i've done that plenty of times.
I think that fits our experience as queer people really well! But don't worry too much about making it "queer enough" or "wrathful enough." Don't force either one if it isn't feeling right. I'd rather you submit a piece of art that you love and feels true to your experience. Sometimes it's nice to just make some good ass art. I like your idea a lot! But don't be afraid to cut out anything that you put in just to fit with the theme. I think queer joy is the best revenge against fuckers like Ron Depantspiss, and that's enough wrath for me!
not just SRDs, but assets, and a whole lot more!
Thank you for the kind words. That's a wonderful idea, thank you so much. But my partner is starting a good job soon! And my goal is to create a sustainable business out of Titanomachy RPG so I can reliably pay bills with it, starting with Patreon. I also have some money saved up for the short term, but I'm thinking about the long term. Happy to have you join the jam, what a kind soul you are!!