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A member registered Apr 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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the music is pretty neat!

pretty cool game! i really enjoyed the music in this one too! two minor complains i guess are dying to invisible spikes is a bit annoying and the platforms in later stage of the game move a bit too fast, to the point it’s easy to completely miss them and then wonder where to go next, it didn’t happened to me, but it might happen to someone else

(1 edit)

got bored after getting 3 upgrades on “find the ship pieces” mission. You just kinda fly in space without anything happening. the music really adds to the atmosphere, but couldn’t save the gameplay for me EDIT: wait, there was a map?! that would’ve been nice to know

this is a fun little game! i like it

Celeste (from Epic Games Store, but on Windows) keeps crashing on ‘EXOK games presents’ screen. Tried all those steps above, but doesn’t seem to help.

02.05.2021 18:37:30
System.InvalidOperationException: Could not map Texture2D for reading! Error Code: ����������� ��������� �� ����� �������� �� ���������� ������� � ��������� �����, ������, ��� ������������� ����������� �������� ������������ �������. (0x887A0006)
   в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.FNALoggerEXT.FNA3DLogError(IntPtr msg)
   в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.FNA3D.FNA3D_GetTextureData2D(IntPtr device, IntPtr texture, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 w, Int32 h, Int32 level, IntPtr data, Int32 dataLength)
   в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D.GetData[T](Int32 level, Nullable`1 rect, T[] data, Int32 startIndex, Int32 elementCount)
   в Monocle.VirtualTexture.Reload() в C:\Projects\C#\CelesteGit\Celeste\Celeste\Monocle\Graphics\VirtualContent.cs:строка 170
   в Monocle.VirtualContent.CreateTexture(String path) в C:\Projects\C#\CelesteGit\Celeste\Celeste\Monocle\Graphics\VirtualContent.cs:строка 271
   в Celeste.Language.FromExport(String path) в C:\Projects\C#\CelesteGit\Celeste\Celeste\Data\AssetData\Language.cs:строка 94
   в Celeste.Dialog.LoadLanguage(String filename) в C:\Projects\C#\CelesteGit\Celeste\Celeste\Static\Dialog.cs:строка 72
   в Celeste.Dialog.Load() в C:\Projects\C#\CelesteGit\Celeste\Celeste\Static\Dialog.cs:строка 29
   в Celeste.GameLoader.LoadThread() в C:\Projects\C#\CelesteGit\Celeste\Celeste\Scenes\GameLoader.cs:строка 92
   в Celeste.RunThread.RunThreadWithLogging(Action method) в C:\Projects\C#\CelesteGit\Celeste\Celeste\Static\RunThread.cs:строка 45