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A member registered Nov 23, 2023 · View creator page →

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Very fun! And very cool interpretation of bullet hell. I liked how moving the player ship feels (the movement felt very ... boat-y). Visuals and audio are simple but effective. I wish the camera would zoom out a little once you get to a new wave with bigger enemies, or that the easy waves in the beginning would be shorter once you have some upgrades so you don't need to wait as long for the difficult enemies to appear. But that's honestly just nitpicky stuff, you did a really great job :)

Good job, it took me a while to understand how it works but it's really fun. I especially like that there's multiple weapons to choose from

Great game! It's amazing how much content you managed to add in such a short timespan, not just the three bosses but also the levels of difficulty. Love the visual style especially.

I think it's a great interpretation of consequences that the enemies you let escape return during the boss fight, although I only noticed when I reread the description after playing (I was busy dodging bullets and not particularly paying attention to the UI or what each number means h)

The powerups were kind of confusing to me, I got the ability to shoot in several directions & lost it again several times but wasn't sure how I got it in the first place. Also the focus (L) did not work for me (browser version)

Overall great entry, definitely one of my favorites so far!

Fun and well executed, especially visually! It really feels like a classic bullet hell I'm really bad at those so I didn't make it far lol 

I'd appreciate some more feedback, for example some SFX when taking damage would be nice. An easy mode or infinite-hearts-mode would also be a great addition so I could've seen all the content there is

Good and simple execution of a bullet hell. The gameplay and controls are very easy to understand so you can get started right away. I like that you kept it simple with automatic shooting so the player can focus on dodging.

However as a jam entry I don't see how the game relates to the theme. I'd really enjoy if you add sound next time (even if it's just some simple blips or whatever), it really adds a lot to game feel to get some audio feedback.

Good job on your first short jam & good luck with any future jams you participate in :)

I think the gameplay concept is great and definitely different than a conventional bullet hell because you restricted movement instead of just having a bunch of bullets. This aspect is what sets this apart from other entries imo. But it was too unforgiving (at least for me). Took me a couple tries to understand the mechanics but after that ... I was still really bad and died almost immediately lol

My main criticism is that I'm not sure how this relates to the theme of consequences, maybe I just didn't get far enough though.

Overall great job & I think this game would work great on mobile platforms if you wanna keep working on it post jam.

Also I had the same issue as another comment with the replay button not working (browser version)

This was really fun! I am especially impressed with how much content you managed to add -- which also relates to my main criticism because I think the game is too long (and too difficult for me at least). I spent way longer than I did on most game jam entries (which is a good thing obviously because I enjoyed the game enough to stick around), but I never even managed to beat the first boss. That's a shame because most people probably won't even get that far in the time they're willing to invest and miss most of the content you created. I think for game jams it's good if the players can see most of the content in 5-15 minutes as a rule of thumb.

Also I really enjoyed that you made the game structured like a roguelike, it works well for the theme imo. The one thing that was missing for me however was some more variety so each run would feel different and not too repetitive. Of course making a whole insanely complex roguelike/lite system would be way too much to expect for a 10 day jam, maybe multiple possible level layouts that get picked randomly would be a good start.

I hope this comment doesn't read as overly negative, I genuinely really enjoyed this and see a lot of potential so I wanted to offer some (hopefully) helpful input. Looking forward to seeing what you'll create next :)

Good take on the theme of consequences! My high score was somewhere near 10k which was of course purely because of my skill and not because I got some glitch that made the death timer freeze

Really fun concept! I thought the way the hammer works is genuinely cool, you could build some v interesting gameplay with that. Too bad you don't (lol) actually get to use the hammer much