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A member registered Nov 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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Make a page where I can see only new games. but not all this ....

is there a page where I can watch new games?

Yes. excellent. it turns out only here can I find out about new games?

if I want to find new games in which section to search. on the first page I see games from which already sick. where to find new ones?

Where can I see new games. what is this section that I can not find? on the main page I slip the old stuff.

(1 edit)

if the old laptop can hang. (

Before starting the game, there is a quality adjustment menu. You can choose for any computer.

My computer is also old
amd athlon 64 x2 dual core processor 4200+ 2.2 ghz
1mb video card 5GB RAM.
on it the game is going fine.

Now the game is paid. I want to raise money for the release and in Steam too. Almost, almost, ready final version. New levels. New Enemys. New obstacles.

Thank you all for your posts and comments. I do not always respond promptly to all posts. But I really appreciate your opinion. Thank you so much.

Now I'm redoing part of the game. There will be a possibility saving. What will make the game not so difficult. New enemies and new traps

Thank you for your support. For me is very important.

Probably in the next update I will make not such a difficult passage, at least in the beginning. But even with this complexity, you can go through the game.  : )

I'm glad that you liked the game.

Almost ready three more levels. I'll add when I clean out the bugs.