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A member registered 32 days ago

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Oh, did you enjoy? Even if you couldn't upload at least you had fun working on it

The mechanic is really cool, using your past selves to complete levels is a very cool idea. my main problem was the movement, it was too slippery and it made it hard to stop on the stickmen who are small and also the movement didnt feel responsive enough for this type of game.

also music would be a nice addition

The game has no sound to me, which is a little meh

Moving rooms was sometimes a bit tricky and i couldnt always do that. this makes completing the game much more confusing. the goal was unclear i was just moving rooms and shooting enemies. i couldnt even find the theme of time and i played until i got stuck in a room that had 2 openings for the next room but none of them moved me. also the shop didnt work if it was supposed to

Sound is cool, the controls are simple and it's a very nice game in my opinion. 1 thing that was problematic for me is that i leveled up the acceleration and top speed ONCE, and the car got really fast and hard to control. Also having to stop at each station really wastes time it would be better if there was a button that you can press while in the blue area to finish order while moving.

I really love the sound of each click its so satisfying, but thats about it with the sound. the game is missing music and maybe soul collection sound, level complete sound and stuff like that maybe.

the idea is amazing i really love the mechanics and the leaderboards ideas

did you fix it already? cause i cant find the way to start playing

the textures are really good, i loved the tilemap and the animal sprites. the movement is a bit slow and annoying, and the sound it makes when swimming is getting annoying really quickly. the music is cool though, and the characters and story is really nice. i love how you unlock more dialogue options

first of all, thanks for the comment! we know the game is short we wanted to make it longer but it's our first game and we didnt know much at all, we plan on making it longer regardless of the jam.

we didnt know the sprites should be our own so only the player and bullet are our own sprites, the rest are from the asset store.

what does set to point no filter mean?

Our first game jam we'll get better though