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A member registered Dec 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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Also thanks for playing :)

Go for it lol

That is hilarious thank you for this comment you've made my day 😂Also yeah I used blender for the cutscene and game logo :)

The new 9.0 version is EXTREEMLY UNSTABLE. If you copy and paste something from the previous version the 3D RENDERING stop's working entirely and everything stops working please fix this.


Yooo thanks for playing :)

I remember your last game jam game!! It was really scary I remember the grim reaper the game was really impressive!

Thank you!!

Thank you

Oh good 😁

This is scary It's great!

Are you playing the downloaded version of the web version?



Thanks for playing!

Very cool

I love this lol also amazing artstyle!!

This is terrifying I love it

Amazing game

This was epic

Very relaxing and chill. Also cute dog

Great game! This is really impressive!

Thank you! 😁

Best game I've ever played

I just realized I forgot to put in the tutorial that you can use Q and E aswell. Sorry 😅

You have to split mid air over the lava

Great game! I really like the ghost mechanic it's very creative and the enemy's are really fun to fight.


This game is really fun and addictive! Great game

This is AMAZING. I can't believe you made an entire 3D game in Gdevelop! 10/10 also grim reaper scary.

Great game! I really enjoyed punching the bad guys.

Very cool game!

I like the idea and the switch mechanic it's very fun to play.

Very difficult but fun 😁 Nice game!

I kind of hard to control but other than that it's pretty good

Beans 😲

Very fun to play! And very polished.

It's kind of broken 😳 

"Great game! It's really fun to play and well polished! the music is a little repetitive but still good. good implementation of the theme as well"

Score: 10/10

Good game

Amazing game! I love how polished and juicy it is. also how do you get that glow effect? it's so nice looking!

No problem! I hope to play more of your game in the future :)