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A member registered Jun 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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Sorry for the late reply, still cant seem to find it? Im very confused sorry.

I think I might just be a bit blind, but where is Entertainment District II? Thank ya

Subscribestar wont take my VCC, do you mind if I pay you over paypal instead? Thanks!!

no rudeness intended! but are the character descriptions made using some sort of LLM (gpt3/ chatgpt model etc)? they have that feel to them ahha, if so pretty neat use of it

Alrighty! Thank you!

oh and one final question- any plans for a discord server?

First game was absolutely amazing, as soon as I saw this my eyes widened (no joke). Cant wait to give it a try! Just purchased. Quick question: Will saves from previous versions work with the current version?

  • a side question to this: will saves from this chapter work with the next? or is it like, a per-chapter basis?

cant wait for chapter 2- any more updates you could fill us in on regarding chap 2? :3