This project is still in active development for the moment. There’s not yet a dedicated support page or discord. Feel free to email me directly: hellotony521 [ AT ] gmail [ DOT ] com
It is a game jam version at this page, see the full version from either of the following:
The project supports both the Classic (GB/DMG) and Colored (GBC) devices, as well as an additional Extended mode. Overall, GB and GBC are the primary focuses of GB BASIC, allowing users to set the cartridge type for each project. The extended features are tailored specifically for custom emulators, and you can check out the specific extended functionalities at https://paladin-t.github.io/kits/gbb/extensions.html. It is feasible to differentiate from GB, GBC, and extended devices within a single project by checking them in the code.
They both came from the GBDK-2020 example: https://github.com/gbdk-2020/gbdk-2020/blob/develop/gbdk-lib/examples/cross-platform/metasprites/res/sprite.png
Hi Dear Jared,
Thanks for the words! I’m glad you like it.
The audio backend reads and plays pre-made audio files, it doesn’t synthesize at runtime, so something like a built-in tracker would not happen. However it supports .mod, .mid, etc files on some platforms, so a music/sfx generator would be an alternative, if you would not mind using an external software.
Another approach would be writing a tracker in Lua as a regular Bitty program, someone from the community had done it once, but his site seems to be down at the moment: https://retro-bruno.fr/bitty-engine-retro-tracker/, I’ll ask him for a backup in the Discord server.
Sincerely, Tony
Direct access to game controllers is implemented but not yet documented, see Controller for details.
I’ve tested that program with some PS4/NS/8BitDo controllers, I don’t own an XBox one, but I think it would work also.
It depends on the features you would like to include in your game. The current alpha 1 version can be used to paint tiles, maps, and to write code, I think there’s no problem with really really simple games, it is yet not capable for making music, actor and scene, besides, the runtime is lacking in completeness. I’ll improve editors in alpha 2, 3, then move on to improving the runtime in alpha 4. As the version stage implies, I’d rather claim it feature-complete for generic development until all the alpha stages are complete.
Thanks for your interest and understanding!
Of course.
It supports string partially, i.e. print "pi=%d", 22/7
and label #0 "hello"
, the string are constant literals, this is enough for text representation. As a constrained platform, gb is not very good at dynamic allocating, so it doesn’t support assigning string to variable, concating, etc.
Actually the runtime part is based on the GBVM project, their capability are quite similar.
Hi, TLOP is available on iOS now https://apps.apple.com/app/the-legend-of-pomodoro-timer/id1631659076
It depends, someone finds Lua is easier for a beginner, the others prefer Python. I’d like to share some of my experience as a glance.
Lua and Python in common:
Finally I recommend you to try them both, for example the Love2d or my Bitty Engine (trial on steam), and pygame, try reading and modifying some example code, evaluate the documents and communities, make some short programs by your own, then choose the more comfortable and easier to understand one. If you feel difficult to get into it after attempts, just switch to another. And once you get used to one of them, it will be simpler to either dive further or switch to another. Overall I recommend them both than other languages (JavaScript, C#, C++, etc) for beginners.
The app is still in an early stage, there’s not yet a dedicated version for common ARM-based mobile systems (iOS, Android). It was designed in mind to be both desktop and mobile friendly, and the dev-tech behind is platform independent. So it has a potential for a mobile release, but I just could not guarantee possibility. But I’ll post an update when there would be progress on it.
The idea is that it encourages a user to think over and organize what to do and how long a task will last, but does not encourage to suspend once the user presses the start button. However there could be unexpected interruptions, the pause system is right for this purpose. Each pair of WORK-REST pomodoros offers pause budget up to 5 minutes to deal with interruptions, the budget resets when entering next WORK pomodoro.
Googled, and found this https://osxdaily.com/2019/02/13/fix-app-damaged-cant-be-opened-trash-error-mac/
Apply both `xattr -cr bitty.app` and `chmod 777 bitty.app/Contents/MacOS/bitty_drm_free` should work, tested on a Big Sur.
In my experience it requires less extra operations to get it run before MacOS 11, it solves most of the issues by giving it execution permission. But you might need to allow 3rd-party app to run in the system settings besides the permission, if it's not turned on yet.
I've tested the latest package on both MacOS 10.15 and 11 (big sur) on which it works ok. Feel free to tell me for any troubles.