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A member registered Jul 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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I kinda forgot to respond to all the comments on the jam so my apologies for the late reply but thank you! This praise means a lot especially coming from such an esteemed VTOL VR modder as yourself. There was a lot more that I wanted to add, but even what I managed to settle on was way too ambitious and I wasn't able to get many of the quality of life features I wanted to add.  I also had never done clicky cockpits before, and getting the magneto switch to work was especially tricky. Thank you for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! I wish I had added a few more hints in the game, but I wanted to keep it sort of "realistic" with minimal UI popups. I sort of shot myself in  the foot by trying to rely on my poorly coded radio system for instructions which is why I think it turned out pretty vague.

Haha thanks. I was pretty concerned about having people get off track, and I planned on flushing out the radio system a bit more to have tower tell you when you are off course, however the code was a mess and I ended up running out of time before implementing it.  I also wished I had flushed the checklist out a bit more and had been a little more ham-fisted with the hints but I wanted to keep "muh immersion" so I sort of shot myself in the foot there. I appreciate the feedback though!

Don't get your hopes up 😅, my project is held together with hot glue and month old duct tape. I appreciate it though

I was not expecting to see another flight sim for the game jam! The flight physics feel a little loose, like you will turn in one direction and keep banking even if you've let up on the aileron.  But other than that its pretty neat. The whole gremlins concept is very cool though. Reminds me a lot of the twilight zone.

One thing I forgot to note here is that I really liked how you used the normal maps to add depth to the 2d helicopter sprites.

Another great flying game! I'm gonna be honest I am not the biggest fan of the 2d style but I think it has its charm and is definitely unique. I like the way the game is laid out and how the story has been paced so far (I haven't beaten it yet). There are a couple of bugs and suggestions I want to highlight though. Firstly a list of the controls would be nice. I managed to figure it out but I didn't realize how to swap weapons at first. I also didn't even realize there was a rearview camera until I accidentally pressed C. On the topic of the rearview camera, it also sometimes just breaks for no reason, and will flip the texture of the helicopter without moving the Camera at all. The only other major bugs I encountered had to do with the other helicopters. This may very well be a feature but the alouette has no gunpods and sort of makes it useless in the beginning since the bombs are difficult to aim. Also pressing space in the alouette and Hind (with guns equipped) moves the aircraft down like you are holding down collective. This has killed me a couple times. One last suggestion would be to add some sort of popup that tells you the objective so you don't forget, or how many targets remaining so that you have a rough idea of how far along the mission you are. Fantastic game though!

This was a really cool game! I think it is really technically impressive how you managed to get that procedural animation and squad mechanics in the game with only two weeks. The twist at the end was pretty neat as well.

The games poor performance is an issue I'm painfully aware of and something I'm currently trying to fix. It's Mostly because of bad coding practices on my part and I'm currently refactoring a lot of the AI code to try to make it scale better.
Due to the aircraft's use of somewhat "realistic" physics, the aircraft isn't exactly stable in the air and will tend to drift down due to an unbalance of forces. I've experimented with an auto trim feature to help alleviate this but it didn't really work well so I scrapped it. I will be sure to try and implement a proper one in the future. Thanks for the feedback!

Although there isn't a lot of content just yet, I think this game is actually one of the coolest flight simulators on Itch. The core gameplay is very polished, and I find it very impressive that you've made your own game engine for this. It is hard enough to make the things you've done in something like Unity which already does much of the heavy lifting.

The whole game just has this very nice style that I think is very cool.

Wow this is super cool. The style is great and you executed it very well. I was expecting it to not feel right due to the nature of the style but it actually plays very well.

The game is fantastic and very underrated. The selection of aircraft is very nice as well. My only suggestions are that some kind of freecam would be nice. (I also had some bugs with the mig-21 not getting selected properly)

Holy cow this is really good! The game replicates AC7's UI and physics very well.

Very nice! I really liked the damage model
my only issues were that the mouse look was kind of funny and I wasnt able to find any throttle controls.

Great game
I really liked the destruction physics
Didn't expect to be taking off of deez island though lol