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A member registered Sep 27, 2016 · View creator page →

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Oh, perfect! I didn't know there was an options menu. (any other commenters reading this, press Esc)

The text is still unreadably small. Is there a way to increase the size of the font? Or to scale the window without creating a lot of empty space?

Is there a way to make the game window bigger? It's very small on my screen. My laptop's resolution is about 111 pixels per centimetre, so your game is barely seven centimetres high! I have plenty of room to make it 2 or 3 times bigger if you let me resize the window.

Aw, thank you! This is a very small game, it doesn't need many comments... but I'm glad to know you're still thinking about it!

I love this! It's very clever, I've got to try this with some of my favourite RPGs.

(I was recommended it by txttletale's post, so if there were some extra downloads today, that's why!)

Hi! I would love to see updates or pictures related to this game!

It's fine to copy this game for your family. Please don't sell it or make any money from it.

(1 edit)

Nice game! I played it through twice to see the other ending. Only realised I could save my game after I'd already finished it once, but it was just as good the second time around.

Caroline is so funny. I love her happy little poses and her upbeat music and her perpetual smile. And that she keeps using smileys in what is allegedly spoken speech. How could someone as fun-loving as her mean anyone harm?

Thank you so much for the archaeology. I liked seeing all the in-progress bits and pieces, and the parts of the game that I'd missed. Or that weren't there at all? All games should do this, it shows off all the hard work you put into making the game as awesome as it is.

In particular, thanks for the time travel diagrams. I love a good time travel story, but I don't think I would have understood the causality of it all without your notes. Although... doesn't the fact that Linda can die during the chase sequence mean there should be a third ending in there? I suppose that one's not canon.

The gradually spreading corruption was really well done. It must have been a lot of work to make all those slight variations of every object in Linda's lab, but it really came together during the final scene. Gave me the creeps.

And the music was fantastic all the way through!

Happy halloween! The flirty goose came out great.

(1 edit)

Good catch - I thought I fixed that bug, but I only fixed it when you're facing right. I will upload a new version in a minute.

Edit: Done. You can reload the page if you like, you won't lose any progress.

What a clever little puzzle game!

Is there a way to reset a puzzle? One of the cubes clipped out of the world and I can't get it back.

I'm not sure if I'd want to play 8 Tons Of Oxygen for real, but I'd certainly want to watch someone else's playthrough with edits and commentary to explain the story.

Oh neat, I didn't know you could do that.

(1 edit)

It's a shame Textreme doesn't have this built-in, but you can set it up yourself!

Make a file named "Open With Textreme.cmd" (or whatever you like, as long as it's a CMD file), and write this in it:

"C:\Users\Tophwells\Documents\Textreme\Textreme2.exe" --target_path=%1

replacing the part between quotes with whatever the path is to your copy of Textreme. Then set text files to open with this file instead.

There'll be a little command window that pops up every time you start Textreme in this way, but you can ignore it. Close it if it's bothering you.

Yep. I thought it might be an interesting twist to realise that you could start the puzzle without picking up any of the paints. It turned out to just be annoying.

Congrats on mastering the Psychic build! :D


:D Cool! I've added it!

I really like this! The first search term I put in was "Monet" and it really felt like visiting an art gallery. I feel a little less cooped up indoors already.

Later, the game showed its silly side, with clipping geometry and bizarre topics (I'm still not sure how it got onto "Minecraft"). It's very clever, well done.

Interesting! I'm excited to play with the new unplayable cards.
... you know what I mean.

I saw Catalyst and was inspired to make an expansion for it.

When I was little I had a poster listing all the cards from (the first set of) the now-defunct Harry Potter Trading Card Game. I didn't have a copy of the rules, or any of the cards, or indeed any friends who'd ever heard of it. I thought it was the best thing ever.

oh lol I thought the Riposte into Rest mechanic was intended behaviour

Will do!

I'm sorry that I keep finding bugs. I enjoy this game a lot and start it up every other day for a quick game. It's fun!

I got into a very weird state today when I played a Combust against a Hunter who had one card left. It turned out to be a Riposte, which played a Rest and ended my turn... but I'd already won, and the Victory message came up. After that I could play cards but didn't seem to deal any damage, and on the enemy's turn they didn't do anything.

Bug report: using Rest in the first battle, with 4 cards in hand and 5 in the discard, does something strange. I didn't draw a card from Rest but the other cards arrange themselves around the empty space anyway.

I don't think so. To be honest I just built a very bloated deck with every card that seemed good, and won after about ten consecutive losses. Stamina Potion into Lightning Bolt won me the final battle.

Next time I might try rejecting most cards and building a very narrow deck aimed at a specific strategy. Dark Pact and Transmute is a promising combo.

In the game after this, I used Possess against a Mind Flayer who had two cards, played their Possess, then played their last card: Mind Swap.


I won in version 2.0.0! But the game crashed with this message. I hope it's useful to you.

action number 1
of  Step Event0
for object obj_game_manager:

script_execute argument 1 incorrect type (undefined) expecting a Number (YYGR)############################################################################################
gml_Script_scr_game_victory (line 2)
gml_Script_state_execute (line 2)
gml_Object_obj_game_manager_Step_0 (line 2)

I was! I've tried the new version now, and it's very different.
There's a lot more content, and there's more archetypes possible - which the new enemies show off too. Looks like there's several funny two-card combos that deal lots of damage, though I haven't gotten any of them to work reliably yet.

Yaga killed me on her first turn with a mix of Corrupted Aether and Mana Blast and Full Moon :(

Being able to decline the cards feels like a major change, too. And I like being able to see my deck. There's a lot of new effects that last for several turns. It would be nice to have an indicator of how many more turns effects like Venomous Bite and Life Link will last.

All in all, nice work! It feels like a completely different game now.

Clever and educational! The holes were confusing at first, but it was brilliant when I understtod that they take you to the other side of the surface. If Anne covers one with a box, she can walk across the bottom of that box on the other side.

(1 edit)

This game was a little slow since I kept drawing my Leech and Desecrate cards instead of any actual damage. But leaving Enigma with 2 cards in its deck is its own reward.

Very thought-provoking! It's very clever how the game acknowledges the existence of gay (and eventually poly) relationships, but doesn't quite treat them equally. You have to literally force two men together until the game acknowledges that yes, they're in love. Let alone two women.

It's very adversarial - I feel as if I'm sitting opposite someone well-intentioned but a bit slow, who keeps missing the point, and who insists against all evidence that they're not being homophobic. I'm amazed that you got such personality across within the mechanics of a block-pushing puzzle.

My speedrun time was 10:21. A lovely tribute to Karoshi, thanks for making it.

Creepy! The pink colour scheme is inspired: it gives everything an organic look, like the guts of some enormous sewage monster.

I'm glad the character with the comfy robes is happy with their life. Somebody has to be.

Really clever idea!

I love the mice. The way they smile as they run away with the key. The way they don't return to their original position after stealing it, so that the level gradually gets easier as I deplete the mice. The one (two?) gems they guard where you don't actually need the key, so you can just walk past the mice keyless.

The music is excellent. I like the more and more epic versions that play as (1) I get an upgrade (2) I reach the final area (3) I get the ending. Very nicely done. And it's clever how you fade in and out with slight variations on the song depending on whether I have the key or not.

The final area is lovely and the ending is very satisfying.

(I lost the key to a bug in the red area, but restarted anyway because I was enjoying it and wanted to see where you were going.)

Oh, so there is! I didn't see it at first, it was hidden underneath Itch's (default, inferior :P) fullscreen button.

Nice work! Simple to understand and play, but it feels like managing a space empire. Cool music too.

On the first level I didn't notice there were more worlds off the top of my screen until the AI came to conquer me. Later I found that flying to as many worlds as possible as soon as possible is the way to win - and the AI could never catch up after that. So, really, the tutorial level was the hardest!

The game window is a little too tall for my screen - my tiny laptop is only 738px high, so I had to constantly scroll up to see the resources I had and then down to spend them.

This is the best Italo Calvino fanfiction Twine ever written.

What a neat mechanic! Great work!

Update: I found how to use Mindswap. Wait for the enemy to almost kill me, and then swap hands so I kill them instead. Genius. Enigma never knew what hit them.