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A member registered Mar 25, 2022

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Ok, I have just tested it, if you want to avoid the save glitch, where your inventory gets permanently distorted even if it was ok when you saved it you need to first save when there are no floating items/open menus/map/etc open and just in your inventory menu, make shure to close all of the menus before saving. Also when loading the game remove your mouse from screen the moment you click continue. All of these dont guarantee that it wont occur but it reduces the chances a lot. It still happens sparcely even if you dont do any of this but if you save/load often or dont want to take chances to loose your run these should help. I have just saved/loaded 50 times and it only happened 2 times by the end and it wasnt permanent.

Beating the final boss aka floor 9 is not too hard if you go for the right build, key sword is not a good build btw. If you get whetstone try getting all the shivs, put it in the corner and line both below and to the side with shivs, spend your energy on stone and see big numbers go brrr. Easy build since all ingridients are obtainable. Its the more obscure and shenanigan dependant runs that are hard to get but let you go deep into infinity runs))

 Well that is a new one, loaded the game several times and this happened, there was a similar bug before but I didnt see moving purple clouds before :3 Also the save is completely corrupted, rip run I was restarting the first 2 floors 10 times by now to get ethereal sword staff before first boss :<

The mole card lottery is broken, when you turn cards you cant see the item

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It is OP but not super, there are crazier stuff out there, its just too easy to use so you saw it easy. It becomes less and less usefull in infinite floors because it doesnt give insane burst like mage build can neither can it do enough exponentiality as it is limited by your energy. I can only see it go brrr if you fill your inventory with berserk rings realy haha. 

There are heavy objects, they all go to the bottom, they would only stay higher if there is another heavy below them. Structures, several weapons and these gauntlets are heavy

I have just thought of a build... ethereal blade staff+bomb=125 damage per 3 mana... you can also add hourglass and weights to the mix for extra spice... Gona try to do it if I get the chance, post it if you manage. I wana see it :D

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I got no idea why its not common grade item, could have been rare if it got to keep that armor forever, actualy it would be legendary then but as is its less usefull then tunic and breastplate because of neighbour bonuses.

You can sell it for 1 gold and there is a weapon that gets stronger when something near gets destroyed, also an item that can spawn herbs, while you can use this to make strong weapon there are less convoluted and more efficient methods to make super weapons

Prey to Jebus not to run into King with it, that thing gets stacks of spines for each hit it takes making you kill yourself

Curse sword can go there too without gold stone

There is already an item to remove poison per use of nearby weapon and another that lets you delete all near curses for 5 hp, not ideal cus you need to allocate space for curses but still

You monster xD