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A member registered Jul 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you, I have tried to make it more difficult but it didn't work very well.

Thank you, you're right about my game.

You need to remember that this is my first game I ever made fully on myself without the use of any tutorials and I don't want to do like a lot of others taking assets from free sites. I'm sorry for the grammar that is a really something I'm going to check in the future (I'm from Belgium).  I know I need to spend more time on my characters, background and fitting with the theme. but my main goal was just have a game on the end of the jam. Thanks for your honesty I will remember it for the next Game Jam. Thanks Tore.

Thank you

Thanks for the site. Looking at my game I can use it.

It's a very original game.

I love the nice cartony art style and the smoot gameplay.

For me the same as @mickplouffe.

I really like the start menu design. The game is really fun to play.

Nice pixelart.

Top game with a great concept.

Really beautifull city. I only get stuck in some buildings. but still it's a great and refreshing game.

It's so silly but so great. 

Fun game

Fantastic game with very smooth controls and great enemy difficulty.

Just one word: FANTASTIC

It's something I've never seen before.

Fantastic I had a really great time playing your game.

Fun memory game, I really like the art style and the music. The only thing that frustrated my was the screen where you show the object. Meaby it's a better idea to use space to skip. 

Fun memory game, I really like the art style and the music. The only thing that frustrated my was the screen where you show the object. Meaby it's a better idea to use space to skip. 

I really like the tank design

The levels in this game are really cool. I really want to try more if it.

You're a really great level designer.  The concept is fantastic. I really want more of this.

I really like this concept. The controls are really smoot and I had a lot of fun playing it.

Funny concept

How can I see my game is submitted

It's a really good game. Is their also a version with words?

This is a really smart and unique concept. The only thing that i don't like is the weird controls. It should have been better if you used the arrow keys.

I really like this concept, you did a really great job.

Very cool game, I like the jump against wall animations. Meaby it is an idea to get a jump animation for the jump of the player. I also had the bug that when a reach the endpoint I can't go further. Maybe think about an end page.