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Totally Esbe

A member registered Dec 29, 2020

Recent community posts

Again we agree, it is nice to sometimes get a nice bonus of 10 energy more so then most of the time 1. Losing the "Oh nice!" effect completely!

Today had once that the game window went dark and unresponsive, with just the add below it shining bright. Other than that, we haven't had any freezes today. (This was in Chrome btw.)

That'd be nice too, we are mainly thinking of a multiple Egg-Bomb deck for using with Arley, could be fun! But as it is, too much hassle to turn around our current Deck.

We bought one extra chest slot, paying with Paypal. That worked well and really fast. 

Hello Hooligart, it would be nice to have an extra section in the inventory (lets call it “storage” for now, or “bank” or some such) where one can keep a single card of each type, which doesn’t get wiped clear when using the mass recycle options. Would be handy for the collectors among the players, and we read on another forum several mentioning they keep one of every card. So far we gave up on that idea, as it is just too time consuming to sort out all the cards which should stay/go. So easier to go for just releasing all common cards when the inventory cap draws near.

Just an idea, not sure how easy/difficult it would be to implement something like that?

Perhaps they meant EVENT Legendary Card but forgot to add that in the description? Or have you already triple fused one of those Spheedy?

So bad luck for the Silver boxes, but excellent timing on the Journalist haha! Nice! We saw we were 18 days off from the Journalist so that was not going to work, did have to grind out the cash for Silver boxes until finally one gave up a Procto.  :):)

Hmmmm, the task for our Quest 67 is described as: "Possess any LEGENDARY card to 3 fusings (0/1)"

We do have a Level 28 Rider, so that should suffice with these wordings? But nothing happens. Probably they mean one needs to upgrade to 3 fusings? Kinda over the top if they mean that, not eactly something to have up your sleeve, 8 similar Legendary cards?!

We have the same experience, spend over 1 million to get the one Epic card from a Silver Box, never had that poor a run before. (Was lucky it was the Proctologist though, still needed that one!) However, we never had a Legendary from the Gold boxes (also just from free gems), so it seems really RNG.

Hey all!! Any idea what the Tosin mail is referring to? 

"See what we’ve done for you in 2021. Take part in the adventure, after 15 victories you will gain access to new opportunities! This is going to be the best year yet!"
We just had far more than 15 victories, to try n rebuild the cash after attempting to get that 1 Epic Card drained over a million last night! (Never had that barren a run before, games are made to frustrate!) Quest 28 demands to spend 75k, but that should be fine.

BTW, Happy New Year all! ;);)

Couldn't agree more BP!

Ah, apologies Pedro, you are right. For us it seemed easy up to Quest 13 because we are months into the game. Our current amount of Viagra is over 63k, so that's a nice buffer. (Our highest was in the 220k we think, but then we got a few Epic cards to level 24 and also the Legendary Rider was finally up to 8 cards, and we are not as diligent in the adventure battles anymore so we haven't regained it.)

The speedy research was possible for us since we got a few examples of those speedboost items in June and August with mail from the developpers, and we never had a reason to use them until this event.

Thanks all for confirming, we just wondered if we were missing something. Like BitchPudding said, the 17500 task seems a bit silly when all we can use is 5k...

(2 edits)

We currently are on 15000 Milk spend, and only have 2335 left. Are we correct in needing several days of fighting boss battles 1-3 (for a total of 225 Milk per 6 hours) as the only way to get past that without buying Gems? Or are we missing another method to gain Milk? And one can only spend 5k right? Not 2500?

This took us by surprise, all other tasks were so easy up to this points and suddenly we got stuck. Gems apparently being our weakness. And to think we haven't been too lucky spending those for possible Epic cards. (Even got a journalist once, bah!)
Anyway, it has been fun up to this point!


Hmmmm, reading some more posts on this "forum" we realise many others are already over a month into the event? For us it popped up rather out of the blue past night. Puts our question a bit in context.