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A member registered Sep 17, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thats some really good feedback! Noted for next time. Thanks!

Thank you, that was part of the inspo but I also got inspired by Will McDaniel. He makes these crazy YouTube videos of eldritch horror mixing with cooking videos (he makes all his own props)

Hi, I had a few questions about PayPal because I'm a little confused and wanted to make sure I understand the process. So, if I use this option, Collected by I have the following questions:

  1. Does the person who is purchasing my TTRPG see my email address on the receipt? Or is it just (I was a little confused by the wording on this and I want to have a little privacy on an email I use for PayPal but use a separate one for customer service if needed)
  2. How do I know if I need a business PayPal account? The directions said some regions may require is but this something I should reach out to PayPal on?
  3. Regarding taxes, so will handle all the taxes between the buyer and myself, all I have to worry about is collecting the tax forms and reporting it to the IRS. 

Thank you

Oh, thank you so much for the feedback and good idea. I just added a second file with the game in black and white. Enjoy the game :)

Oh shoot, im so sorry i saw the jam was about making a ttrpg for 2 people for a birthday and completely missed the rest as it sounded like a fun challenge to make something up in a few weeks. You can go ahead and remove it, its not based on anything specific. My apologies 

Thank you! I got a total of two I think will be great. The first one is the Mead Crawler. In the game there already is the bard playbook that's a little party focused but I wanted to take it a step further and just have that one-person who's at the renaissance fair whose only there for the pub crawl. I've seen those people plenty of times at fairs. The second is a little bit of a joke and I think would be a fun one, the Tagalong. Literally the person who's there, has no idea at all what to do and is just there because they had to be the ride home or the party was told to bring them on the trip. I think both of those can be pretty fun. 

I wanted to ask what's the max we can submit? I've played games like Fairy Season before (love it) and I got a few playbook ideas.

Would you prefer I put them all together in a packet and upload that so its on submission? 

Just finished! I never wrote a TTRPG before and I've always wanted to just try it. I think it was good practice and I want to try and make more down the line. The biggest issue was coming up with all the prompts for the players to use but I think a few of them are interesting. 

Thank you!

Hey sorry, just want to check that TTRPGs (table top games) are totally allowed?

I had a few questions as I have never been in a game jam before. I wanted to focus on making physical games (ttrpgs). 

Is it one game entry per person or as many as we can think of? 

Does it have to be 100% original including the core mechanic of the game (like I can't use a powered by the apocalypse rule set for example)?

Thanks in advanced! I want to make sure I stay within the rules. 

I have a quick question. I was trying to find a video of a group playing the game to get a feel how the GM put everything together. I was not able to find anything online, do you by chance have any recommendations of videos of people playing the game? 

LOVE this game. A person I know did an RPG night and we played this. This actually inspired me to write a TTRPG too since I love writing stories anyway. Please make more games :)